Manuscripts under review/in prep for publication

Bozbıyık, M. & Efeoğlu-Özcan, E. & Işık-Güler, H. (2024) Verbal Aggression and Dispreference in Inbound Call Center Interaction: Juggling personal and professional faces

Efeoğlu-Özcan, E. & Işık-Güler, H. (2024). Compiling the first spoken corpus for Turkish youth talk: Overview of the corpus and methodological issues

Efeoğlu-Özcan, E. & Işık-Güler, H. (2024). Türkçe Gençlik Dili.

(in order of publication or presentation)


Oğuz, E & Işık-Güler, H. (in press, 2024) Rap God versus Rap Devil: Impoliteness in a Rap-Battle. Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture (JPLR)

Bozbıyık, M., Balaman, U. & Işık-Güler, H. (2024). Displays of Co-Constructed Content Knowledge using Translanguaging in Breakout and Main Sessions of online EMI classrooms, Linguistics and Education,

Mısır, H. & Işık-Güler, H. (2024). Translanguaging dynamics in the digital landscape: insights from a social media corpus. Language Awareness, 09658416.2023.2285401

Işık-Güler, H., Sarısoy, D., & Turan, P. (2024). Dilbilimde Güncel Tartışmalar-4. Dilbilim Derneği Yayınları.


Erdoğan-Öztürk, Y., Efeoğlu-Özcan, E. & Işık-Güler, H. (2023).  From “the National Pride” to “the Daughters”: Media representations of Olympic sportswomen in Turkey. In S. Schnurr & K. File (Ed.), The Language of Inclusion and Exclusion in Sports (pp. 171-192). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Aytaç-Demirçivi, K. & Işık-Güler, H. (2023). ‘Tiny but Mighty’ Conversational Elements: Explicating Non-lexical Backchannels in Spoken Turkish. Dilbilim Araştırmaları [Journal of Linguistics Research],

Stadler, S., Işık-Güler, H. & Spencer-Oatey, H. (2023). Intercultural Discourse: Identity Perspectives on Business Interaction. In Handford, M. &  Gee, J.P (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis (Second edition) (pp. 623-638).Routledge.

Özbakış, Ö. & Işık-Güler, H. (2023). Unveiling the Dynamics of Leadership in Online Meetings: Insights from Türkiye. Paper presented at the 25th WICAL (Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics), University of Warwick,  27-29 June, 2023.

Efeoğlu-Özcan, E. & Işık-Güler, H. (2023). Developing a youth talk corpus for Turkish: the Corpus of Turkish Youth Language (CoTY) and the use of vocatives as interactional markers. Paper presented at the 12th International Corpus Linguistics Conference (CL2023), Lancaster University, UK, 03-06 July 2023.

Topal, P. & Işık-Güler, H. (2023). When Your Conference Presentation Takes An Atypical Turn: Audience’s Question(ing) Design in Question & Answer Sessions. Paper presented at the 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels, 09-14 July 2023.

Tanriverdi, S., Yazarken, B., Ruhi-Sipahioglu, I., Acar, A., and Işık-Güler, H. (2023). What Lies Beneath Our Words? Assessing the Teamwork Communication Competence. Paper presented at LIVABLE ENVIRONMENTS & ARCHITECTURE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS, LivenARCH 2023: RE/DE/GENERATION(S) IN ARCHITECTURE, 27-29 September, KTU, Türkiye.

Çiçek Tümer, C. and Işık-Güler, H. (2023). Nature Has Everything’: A Multimodal Analysis of Ethical Consumerism Discourse on Instagram Advertising – The Case Of Krijen.  2nd International Language-for-All Conference Abstracts book (pp.18). 19-20 October, Çukurova University, Adana, Türkiye.

Erdoğan-Öztürk, Y. and Işık-Güler, H. (article, under review). Re-Constructing Women’s Identity through Political Discourses in Turkey: Discursive Representation of Women as Gendered Citizens.


Işık-Güler, H. and Erdoğan-Öztürk, Y. (2022). ‘Gender equality discourse is the glass ceiling we hit here’: Women’s academic leadership narratives in a gender-sensitive university context in Turkey. In Mullany, L. and Schnurr, S. (Eds.) Globalisation, Geopolitics and Gender: Professional Communication at Work. Routledge.

Topal, P. & Işık-Güler, H. (2022). “Hah” as a preface for indexing epistemic access in Turkish [Conference presentation] Digital Meeting for Conversation Analysis (DMCA), Online, 31 October – 04 November 2022.

Mısır, H. and Işık-Güler, H. (2022).  “Be a Better Version of You”: A corpus-aided critical discourse analysis of MOOC platforms’ marketing communication. Linguistics and Education, 69,


Efeoglu-Ozcan, Ozturk-Erdogan and Isik-Guler, H. (2021). Why Do Adults Use Baby Talk in the Online Space? Baby Talk as a Pragmatic Face Device in Adult Communication. Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15 (2), 311-329.

Mısır, H and Işık-Güler, H. (2021). “Be a Better Version of You!”: A corpus-driven critical discourse analysis of MOOC platforms’ marketing communication. Paper presented at CL2021 Virtual Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland (July 13-16, 2021).

Erdoğan-Öztürk, Y. and Işık-Güler, H. (2021). Online Hostility at the Nexus of Migration and Gender: Exploring the Gendered Hate Discourse Towards Syrian Refugee Women in Turkey. Paper Presented at IPRA 2021, Winterthur, Switzerland (June 27-July 2, 2021).

Kaçar, I. G. and Işık-Güler, H. (2021). Internet-based Text-matching Software and EFL Preservice Teachers’ Awareness of Academic Integrity: A Case Study in the Turkish Context (pp. 243-305). In Ai-Ling Wang (Ed.) Redefining the Role of Language in a Globalized World. IGI Global. (ISBN10 179982831X/ ISBN13 9781799828310)


Erdoğan-Öztürk, Y. and Işık-Güler, H. (2020). Discourses of Exclusion and Hate in the Online Space: #ülkemdesuriyeliistemiyorum (#idontwantsyriansinmycountry), Discourse, Context & Media, 36, 1-10.  (


Wrzesińska, J., Ferencz, I. and Isik-Guler, H. (2019) English Taught Programmes: benefits and challenges, EAIE (European Association for International Education) Annual Conference, 24-27 September, Helsinki.

Dortkulak, F. ve Işık-Güler, H. (2019).“Ben bu güzelliği yiyeyim mi?”: Sosyal Medya’da Türkçe İltifatlar (ss. 264-273). Ed. K. İşeri, Dilbilimde Güncel Tartışmalar, Dilbilim Derneği Yayınları. Ankara: Tarcan Matbaacılık.

Isik-Guler, H. (2019) Governance of Campus Internationalization: Issues and Prospects into Integration, LEAD2 Advanced Seminar (EU-China University Governance and Academic Leadership Innovation). 23-29 June, National Academy of Education Administration (NAEA) Beijing, China.

Isik-Guler, H. (2019) The Impact of Internationalization on Campus Life.  4th International Staff Training Week, 17-21 June, METU, Ankara.

Işık Güler, H., (2019). Türkçe’de Konuşmada Uyumun İnşası: İlişki ve Uzlaşımın Sürdürülmesi (Conversational harmony building in Turkish: maintaining rapport and agreement). 33. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, 09-10 Mayıs, Mersin Universitesi. (Yuvarlak Masa katılımcıları: Merve Bozbıyık, Esranur Efeoğlu, Neşe Güzelşemme, Özlem Özbakış)

Erdoğan, Y. & Işık Güler, H.,  (2019). Çevrimiçi Sosyal Ağ Sitesi Twitter’da Dışlama Söylemlerinin İnşası: #ülkemdesuriyeliistemiyorum. 33. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, 09-10 Mayıs, Mersin Universitesi.

Işık Güler, H., Bozbıyık, M. & Efeoğlu, E. (2019). Çağrı Merkezi Etkileşiminde Operatörlerin Faydalandığı Desenlere Konuşma Çözümlemesi Çerçevesinden Bir Bakış. 33. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, 09-10 Mayıs, Mersin Universitesi.


Dortkulak, F. and Işık-Güler, H. (2018). Unpacking and Re-defining Compliments and Compliments Responses in a Cross-cultural Facebook Corpus. 11th International Conference on Im/Politeness (Sympol 11, Valencia), Book of Abstracts,  p. 24-25.

Dortkulak, F. ve Işık-Güler, H. (2018). “Ben bu güzelliği yiyeyim mi?”: Sosyal Medya’da Türkçe İltifatlar. 32. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, 03-04 Mayıs, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi.

Işık-Güler, H. (2018). Academic Leadership and Decision-Making for Internationalization: Basic Building blocks. In Panel: University Strategic Planning for Internationalization, EURIE-Eurasian Higher Education Summit, 14-16 February, İstanbul.

Sarsilmaz, B., Isik-Guler, H. and Sekercisoy, O (2018). Managing International Education Programs under the Threat of Global Terrorism, APAEI: Asia-Pacific Association for International Education, 24-29, Singapore.


Bal-Gezegin, B. & Işık Güler, H. (2017) Appraisal Resources in Book Reviews. In: Hatipoğlu, Ç., Akbaş, E. & Y. Bayyurt (Eds.) Metadiscourse in Written genres: Undercovering Textual and Interactional Aspects of Texts (pp. 175-200). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (ISBN: 9783631720608)

Işık Güler, H. & Eröz-Tuğa, B. (2017). Sözlü Türkçe Derlemi ve Türkçe Ulusal Derleminde (U)lan’ın Edimbilimsel Bir İncelemesi (A Pragmatic Analysis of (U)lan in Spoken Turkish Corpus and Turkish National Corpus). Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 14 (2), 37-60.

Efeoğlu, E. & Işık-Güler, H. (2017). Turkey as BODY POLITIC: A Comparative Perspective on Body-related Metaphors from Turkish, British, and American Political News Discourse. (Siyasal Bir Varlık Olarak Türkiye: Türk, İngiliz ve Amerikan Siyasi Gazete Haberleri Söylemlerindeki Vücut Metaforlarına Karşılaştırmalı Bir Bakış). Dilbilim Araştırmaları, 28 (1), 57-77.

Efeoğlu, E. and Işık-Güler, H.  (2017).  Siyasi Söylemlerde Canlı Bir Varlık Olarak Türkiye: Türkçe ve İngilizce Gazetelerde Metaforik Kavramsallaştırmalar. 30. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildileri Kitabı (p.103-109). Ankara:  Dilbilim Derneği Yayınları.

Baştürk-Karatepe, Ç. &  Işık-Güler, H. (2017). Impoliteness, humour, and multimodality. Proceedings of the 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, p.723.

Bal-Gezegin, B. & Işık-Güler, H. (2017) Appraisal in Academic Book Reviews. Metadiscourse across Genres Conference (MAG2017) Book of Abstracts, Northern Cyprus, p.36.

Işık-Güler, H. and Eröz-Tuğa, B. (2017). “Sana kaç defa diyeceğim ulan!”: Türkçe Derlemlerde “(U)lAn”ın Edimbilimsel Bir İncelemesi,31. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Anadolu Üniversitesi Bildiri Özetleri Kitapçığı, p.132.

Özbakış & Işık-Güler, H. (2017). Empowering Learners via Interactional Identities. Paper presented at 2017 TESOL International Conference. Seattle, Washington, USA. 21-24 March.

Özbakış & Işık-Güler, H. (2017). A micro-Analytic Study of EFL Learners’ Co-Construction of Identities in Classroom Interaction. Paper presented at Interactional Competences and Second Language Practices in a Second Language. ICOLP-L2, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. 18-20 January.


Işık-Güler, H. and Eröz-Tuğa, B. (2016). Sözlü Türkçe Derlemi ve Türkçe Ulusal Derleminde “(U)lAn”ın Görünümleri: Edimbilimsel bir İnceleme, Derlem Dilbilim ve Edimbilim Çalıştayı (Prof. Dr. Şükriye Ruhi’nin Anısına), 6 Mayıs, Derlem Arastirmalari Merkezi,  Mersin Universitesi.

Erdoğan, Y. and Işık-Güler, H.  (2016). Politik Söylemlerde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitsizliğinin İzini Sürmek: Eleştirel Bir Söylem Çözümlemesi, 30. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildiri Özetleri Kitapçığı, Ankara Üniversitesi, p. 59.

Bal-Gezegin, B. & Işık Güler, H.(2016)  Akademik Kitap İncelemelerinin Türkçe ve İngilizcede Yapısal ve Eleştirel Dil Açısından Derlem Tabanlı İncelemesi. 30. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildiri Özetleri Kitapçığı, Ankara Üniversitesi, p. 26-27.

Özbakış, Ö. And Işık Güler, H. (2016). A Case Study on EFL Learners’ Multiple Identities: A Positioning Perspective. The 9th International ELT Research Conference Book of Abstracts, Çanakkale University, p. 58.


Aytaç, K. & Işık-Güler, H.  (2015). Kurgu Metinlerinde İngilizcedeki Anyway ve Türkçedeki Her/neyse Üzerine Derlem Temelli Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çalışma. 28. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabı (p. 114-131). Sakarya: Ayrıntı Yayınevi.


Işık-Güler, H. (2014). Corpus Linguistics and its implications for L2 classrooms. In Sarıban, A. (Ed.) Linguistics for English Language Teaching Studies. (pp. 311-328) Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.

Işık-Güler, H. & Erdoğan, Y. (2014). The representation of gender in political discourses: a critical discourse analysis of government public addresses in Turkey. World Congress for Middle East Studies (WOCMES 2014).

Aytaç, K. & Işık-Güler, H. (2014). Kurgu Metinlerinde İngilizcedeki Anyway ve Türkçedeki Her/neyse Üzerine Derlem Temelli Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çalışma. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Özetleri, Pegem Yayınevi, p. 44.


Işık-Güler, H.  (2013) Dil algısı ve asimetrik güç ilişkisi: Yabancı dil sınıfında anadilde ve ikinci dilde söylenen Uyarı sözcelerinin eşdeğer(siz)liği.  27. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, 2-4 Mayıs, Antalya.


Spencer-Oatey, H, Işık-Güler, H. and Stadler, S. (2012) Intercultural Communication. In Gee, P., and M, Handford (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis. (pp. 572-586) New York:  Routledge.

Işık-Güler, H.  and Acı, Ü. (2012).Teacher’s Use of “Silencers” in the EFL Classroom: How L1/L2 Use and Targeting a Group versus the Individual Influence Child and Adult Impoliteness Perceptions. Linguistic Impoliteness and Rudeness III (LIAR III): Experimental and empirical approaches to politeness and impoliteness, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, p. 44.


Işık-Güler, H. and Ruhi, Ş. (2010) Face and Impoliteness at the Intersection with Emotions: A Corpus-Based Study in Turkish. Intercultural Pragmatics, 7 (4), 625-660.

Ruhi, Ş., Hatipoğlu, Ç., Işık-Güler, H. & Eröz-Tuğa, B. (2010). A Guideline for Transcribing Conversations for the Construction of Spoken Turkish Corpora Using EXMARaLDA and HIAT (1st Edition). Setmer Publishing: Ankara. (ISBN: 978-975-97289-1-5)

Ruhi, Ş., Işık-Güler, H., Hatipoğlu, Ç., Eröz-Tuğa, B., and Çokal-Karadaş, D. (2010) Achieving Representativeness Through the Parameters of Spoken Language and Discursive Features: The Case of the Spoken Turkish Corpus. In Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño et al. (ed.), Language Windowing through Corpora. Visualización del lenguaje a través de corpus (Part II),  p.789-799.

Ruhi, Ş., Hatipoğlu, Ç., Eröz-Tuğa, B., Işık-Güler, H., Acar, G., Eryılmaz, K., Can, H., Karakaş, Ö. and Çokal-Karadaş, D. (2010) Sustaining a Corpus for Spoken Turkish Discourse: Accessibility and Corpus Management Issues. Language Resources: From Storyboard to Sustainability and LR Lifecycle Management (LREC), p.44-48.

Işık-Güler, H. and Eröz-Tuğa, B. (2010) Çeviriyazıda Geribildirim, Durak, Duraksama ve Ünlemlerin Ölçünleştirilmesi. XXIV. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri Kitabı (p. 455-46). Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık.


Işık-Güler, H. (2009). Explicit evaluative comments on Turkish impoliteness: Building a model of impoliteness2 on impoliteness1, Linguistic Impoliteness and Rudeness II (LIAR II), Lancaster University, United Kingdom, p. 36-37.

Işık-Güler, H. (2009). Using bases of (im)politeness evaluations to reach an understanding of (im)politeness1: The cultural keyword method,  11th International Pragmatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, p. 257.


Işık-Güler, H.,and  Kacar,  I. G. (2008) The impact of internet-based plagiarism detection services on learner awareness of academic integrity. Paper presented at the 3rd International Santa Barbara Conference on Writing Research:  Writing Research Across Borders, February 22-24, University of California,  Santa Barbara, USA.

Işık-Güler, H. (2008). Metapragmatics of (Im)Politeness in Turkish: An Exploratory Emic Investigation . Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Middle East Technical University.


Ruhi, S. and Işık-Güler, H. (2007) Conceptualizing face and relationalwork in (im)politeness: Revelations from politeness lexemes and idioms in Turkish. Journal of Pragmatics, 39 (4), pp. 681-711.

Işık-Güler, H., and Kacar, I. G. (2007) Plagiarism in EFL writing: Can detection software really help? Paper presented at the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG Conference: New and Emerging Technologies in ELT, August, 3-5, Chennia, India, p.25.

Işık-Güler, H. (2007) The learners, the teacher and the observer: contradictory voices from the classroom on perceived participation . Paper presented at the 52nd Annual International Linguistic Conference, Hunter College, City University of New York,p. 37.


Işık, H.(2005) Incelik Kuramlarina Yeni Bir Bakis: Hizmet Karsilasimlarinda Kullanilan Sosyo-Edimbilimsel Etkilesim İlkeleri, 19. Dilbilim Kurultayı: Harran Bildirileri Kitabı. Harran Universitesi, Urfa: Elif Matbaası, p. 196-209.

Işık, H. (2005). Concerns for the teaching of pragmatic competence in L2: How sure are we that learners can interpret implied meaning in their L1? Paper presented at the 4th International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Abstracts book, p.34

Işık, H. (2004). Customer interactional principles and face-threatening speech act performance in service encounters in Turkish and English. 2nd International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, METU, Ankara.

Işık, H. (2003). A Comparison of Speech Act Measures: Multiple Choice and Production Questionnaires. 1st International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, METU, Ankara.

Işık, H. (2003). An investigation on customer interactional principles and face-threatening speech act performance in service encounters: the case of Turkish and English . Unpublished M.A Thesis, Middle East Technical University.       (Receiver of Parlar Foundation, METU Thesis of the Year Award)