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ODTÜ Biyoçeşitlilik ve Koruma Laboratuarı (BKL), populasyon ekolojisinden filogenetiğe ve uzamsal ekolojiye kadar uzanan geniş bir yelpazede araştırmalar yapar.  Odaklandığımız türler genellikle tükenme tehlikesi altında, insanla çatışma içinde veya ekonomik önemleri nedeniyle yoğun biçimde yönetilen canlı türleridir.

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Can Bilgin’s page at Researchgate

METU Biodiversity and Conservation Lab (BKL) carries out research on a wide range of topics, from population ecology to phylogenetics and spatial ecology. The species we focus on are usually either under threat, in conflict with humans or intensively managed due to their economic importance.

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Son yayınlar / Recent publications

Tandırcıoğlu et al. (accepted) A Preliminary and Multidisciplinary Study: The Effect of “Sleeping on The Beehives” and Listening to Bees on Human Anxiety Levels . Apis 2(1):46-51

Çakmak et al. (accepted) High nuclear genetic diversity of Birecik semi-wild population of endangered Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita from Turkey. Avian Conservation and Ecology

Özkan et al. (2024) The first complete genome of the extinct European wild ass (Equus hemionus hydruntinus). Molecular Ecology, 00, e17440.

Atağ et al. (2024) Population genomic history of the endangered Anatolian and Cyprian mouflons in relation to worldwide wild, feral and domestic sheep lineages. Genome Biology and Evolution, 16(5), evae090

Tüfekcioğlu, İ., Bilgin, C.C., Güngöroğlu, C., Kavgacı, A., Tavşanoğlu, Ç. (2023) Maquis vegetation in Mediterranean-climate region of Türkiye and recommendations for conservation and forestry practices. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 24(4): 452-462

Lucas et al. (2023) Including biotic interactions in species distribution models improves the understanding of species niche: a case of study with the brown bear in Europe. BioRxiv doi:10.1101/2023.03.10.532098

Yurtman et al. (2021) Archaeogenetic analysis of Neolithic sheep from Anatolia suggests a complex demographic history since domestication. Communications Biology 4: 1279

Yaka, R. et al. (2021) Variable kinship patterns in Neolithic Anatolia revealed by ancient genomes. Current Biology 31(11): 2455-2468.e18

Culina, A. et al. (2021) Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies: the SPI-Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 2147–2160

Kükrer, M. & Bilgin, C.C. (2020) Climate Change Prompts Monitoring and Systematic Utilization of Honey Bee Diversity in Turkey. Bee Studies 12(1): 17-23

Demirbaş Çağlayan, S., Leloğlu, U.M., Ginzler, C., Psomas, A., Zeydanlı, U., Bilgin, C.C., Waser, L.T. (2020) Species-Level Classification of Mediterranean Sparse Forests – Maquis Formations Using Sentinel-2 Imagery. Geocarto International DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2020.1783581

Akçay, Ç., Porsuk, Y.K., Avşar, A., Çabuk, D., Bilgin, C.C. (2020) Song overlapping, noise and territorial aggression in great tits. Behavioral Ecology DOI: 10.1093/beheco/araa030

Çiçek, K., Ayaz, D., Afşar, M., Bayrakçı, Y., Akın Pekşen, Ç., Cumhuriyet, O., İsmail, İ.B., Yenmiş, M., Üstündağ, E., Tok, C.V., Bilgin, C.C., Akçakaya, H.R. (2020) Unsustainable Harvest of Water Frogs in Southern Turkey for the European Market. Oryx 55(3): 364-372

Also related: More people eat frog legs than you think – and humans are harvesting frogs at unsustainable rates

Çakmak, E., Akın Pekşen, Ç., Kirazlı, C., Yamaç, E., Bilgin, C.C. (2019) Extremely Low Mitochondrial DNA diversity in a Near Threatened Species, the Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus) in Turkey. Ardea 107 (1): 85-92

Çakmak, E., Akın Pekşen, Ç., Kirazlı, C., Yamaç, E., Bensch, S., Bilgin, C.C. (2018) Genetic diversity is retained in a bottlenecked Cinereous Vulture population in Turkey . Ibis 161(4): 793-805


Yakın zamanda bitirenler / Recently completed

Mert Kükrer, Ph.D. 2024: From Diversity to Conservation: Insights for A National Genetic Monitoring Program for Honey Bees in The Face of Climate Change

Yankı Tandırcıoğlu, M.Sc. 2023: The Effect of Apihouse Experience on Human Brain Electrical Activity and Anxiety Levels (co-advisor Dr. Tolga E. Özkurt)

Alican Avşar, M.Sc. 2022: Assessment of the signal value of a plumage ornamentation in Great Tits Parus major in territorial males using 3D printed models (co-advisor Dr. Çağlar Akçay)

Dudu Erol, M.Sc. 2021: How Will Climate Change Impact the Protected Area Network in Turkey? (co-advisor Dr. İsmail Yücel)

Ekin Kaplan, M.Sc. 2021: The Effect of Plant Diversity on Seedling Establishment of Diplotaxis tenuifolia In the Central Anatolian Steppe