Instruments adapted

  • Turkish version of Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy (TTSES)
    downDevelopers: Megan Tschannen-Moran & Anita Woolfolk Hoy (Source: Tschannen-Moran, M., & Woolfolk Hoy, A. (2001). Teacher efficacy: Capturing and elusive construct. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 783-805.)
    Adapted by: Yeşim Çapa Aydın, Jale Çakıroğlu & Hilal Sarıkaya
    For further information: Capa, Y., Cakiroglu, J., & Sarikaya, H. (2005). The development and validation of a Turkish version of teachers’ sense of efficacy scale. Egitim ve Bilim (Education and Science), 30 (137), 74-81.
  • Turkish adaptation of the Basic Empathy Scale (BES)
    yellow-document-download-icon-1Developers: Jolliffe & Farrington, 2006 (Source: Jolliffe, D. ve Farrington, D. P. (2006). Development and validation of the Basic Empathy Scale. Journal of Adolescence, 29, 589-611.)
    Adapted by: Çiğdem Topçu, Özgür Erdur-Baker & Yeşim Çapa Aydın
    For further information: Topcu, Ç., Erdur Baker, Ö., & Çapa Aydın, Y. (2010). Temel Empati Ölçeği Türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması [Turkish adaptation of Basic Empathy Scale: validity and reliability study]. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi [Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal], 976, 174-182.
  • Sources of Self-Efficacy Inventory (SOSI-TR)
    downDevelopers: Kevin Kieffer & Robin Henson
    Adapted by: Yeşim Çapa Aydın, Esen Uzuntiryaki, Yeliz Temli & Ayşegül Tarkın
    For further information: Çapa-Aydın, Y., Uzuntiryaki, E., Temli, Y., & Tarkın, A. (2013). Özyeterlik Kaynakları Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye Uyarlanması [Adaptation of Sources of Self-Efficacy Inventory into Turkish]. İlköğretim Online, 12(3), 749-758.
  • Teacher Emotions Scale
    Developers:  Frenzel et al. (Source: Frenzel A. C., Pekrun R., Goetz T., Daniels L. M., Durksen T. L., Becker-Kurz B., Klassen R. M. (2016). Measuring teachers’ enjoyment, anger, and anxiety: The teacher emotions scale (TES). Contemporary Educational Psychology, 46, 148–163.)
    Adapted by : Başak Çalık & Yeşim Çapa Aydın
    For further information: Calik, B., & Capa‐Aydin, Y. (2022). Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Adaptation of Teacher Emotions Scale. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 40(8), 1017–1032. .
  • Questionnaire of English Self-Efficacy
    Developers:  Chuang Wang (Source: Wang, C. (2004). Self-regulated learning strategies and self-efficacy beliefs of children learning English as a second language. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University.)
    Adapted by : Merih Açıkel & Yeşim Çapa Aydın
    For further information: Açıkel, Merih (2011). Language learning strategies and self-efficacy beliefs as predictors of English proficiency in a language preparatory school. Unpublished master thesis. Ankara: Middle East Technical University.
  • Achievement Emotion Questionnaire
    Developers: Reinhard Pekrun, Thomas Goetz, & Raymond P. Perry (Source: Pekrun, R., Goetz, T. & Perry, R. P. (2005). Academic emotions questionnaire. User’s manual. Department of Psychology, University of Munich.)
    Adapted by: Başak Çalık & Yeşim Çapa Aydın
    For further information: Calik, B., & Capa Aydin, Y. (2014, September). The role of mathematics achievement emotions on the metacognitive strategy use of eighth grade students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 16 Metacognition, İstanbul.
  • Emotional Regulation during Test Taking Scale
    Developers:   Paul A. Schutz , Christine Distefano , Jeri Benson & Heather A. Davis (Source: Schutz, P.A., Distefano, C., Benson, J., & Davis, H.A. (2004) The emotional regulation during test-taking scale. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 17(3), 253-269.)
    Adapted by : Yeşim Çapa Aydın & Esma Emmioğlu
    For further information: Capa Aydin, Y., & Emmioglu, E. (2008, September). High school students’ emotions and emotion regulation during test taking. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Göteborg, Sweden.
  • Survey of Attitudes toward Statistics (SATS-36)
    Developers:  Candace Schau, Joseph Stevens, Thomas L. Dauphinee, Ann Del Vecchio
    (Source: Schau, C., Stevens, J., Dauphinee, T., & Del Vecchio, A. (1995). The Development and Validation of the Survey of Attitudes toward Statistics. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 55, 868-875)
    Adapted by : Esma Emmioğlu, Ahmet Ok, Yeşim Çapa Aydın, & Candace Schau