
Refereed Journal Papers:

  • G.Demirezen, T.Taskaya Temizel, A.M. Brouwer. Reproducible machine learning research in mental workload classification using EEG. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, V:5,
  • O. Rasit Yurum, T. Taskaya-Temizel, & S. Yıldırım. The use of video clickstream data to predict university students’ test performance: A comprehensive educational data mining approach. Education and Information Technologies, 1-32, 2022
  • G.Canbek, T.Taskaya-Temizel, Ş.Sağıroğlu. PToPI: A Comprehensive Review, Analysis, and Knowledge Representation of Binary Classification Performance Measures/Metrics, SN Computer Science (accepted), 2022.
  • A.Elvan Aydemir, T.Taskaya Temizel, A.Temizel. A Machine Learning Ensembling Approach to Predicting Transfer Values. SN Computer Science, 2022, 3(3), pp.1-14.
  • O. Rasit Yürüm, S. Yıldırım, T. Taskaya Temizel. An Intervention Framework for Developing Interactive Video Lectures based on Video Clickstream Behavior: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation. Interactive Learning Environments, 2022.
  • D.Ölçer, T.Taskaya Temizel, Quality assessment of web-based information on type 2 diabetes, Online Information Review,, 2021
  • A. E. Aydemir, T. Taskaya Temizel, A. Temizel, K. Preshlenov and D. Strahinov, “A Dimension Reduction Approach to Player Rankings in European Football,” in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3107585, 2021.
  • G. Canbek, T.Taskaya Temizel, Ş.Sagiroglu. BenchMetrics: A systematic benchmarking method for binary-classification performance metrics. Neural Computing and Applications,, 2021.
  • S.Kucukozer Cavdar, T.Taskaya Temizel, A. Mehrotra, M. Musolesi, P. Tino. Designing Robust Models for Behaviour Prediction using Sparse Data from Mobile Sensing: A Case Study of Office Workers’ Availability for Wellbeing Interventions ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 2021,2 (4), pp.1-33.
  • N.Alkış, T.Taskaya-Temizel. The Impact of Motivation and Personality on Academic Performance in Online and Blended Learning Environments, Journal of Educational Technology & Society,July, 2018.
  • B.Bakır Batu, T.Taskaya-Temizel, H.Şebnem Düzgün. A Non-Parametric Algorithm for Discovering Triggering Patterns of Spatio-Temporal Event Types, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,, 29(12), December 2017,pp.2629-2642.
  • P.Unal, T.Taskaya-Temizel, P.Erhan Eren. What installed mobile applications tell about their owners and how they affect users’ download behavior, Journal of Telematics and Informatics,, (34), 2017, pp. 1153-1165
  • A.E. Gunduz, C. Ongun, T. Taskaya-Temizel, A. Temizel, Density Aware Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes, IET Computer Vision, vol. 10, no. 5, doi: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2015.0345, Aug. 2016.
  • N.Alkış, T.Taskaya-Temizel, The Impact of Individual Differences on Influence Strategies, Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, (August 2015) (SSCI).
  • R.Belen-Saglam, T.Taskaya-Temizel, Automatic Information Timeliness Assessment of Diabetes Web Sites by Evidence Based Medicine, Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 117, no.2, 104-113, doi:, (Nov 2014),
  • S.M.Öztaner, T.Taskaya-Temizel, R.Erdem, M. Özer (September 2015), A Bayesian modelling and estimation framework for pharmacogenomics driven Warfarin dosing, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2014.2336974, 19(5), pp.1724-1733.
  • R.Belen, T.Taskaya-Temizel, A framework for automatic information quality ranking of diabetes websites, Journal of Informatics for Health and Social Care40,1, 45-66, doi:10.3109/17538157.2013.872109 (January 2014).
  • P.Güler, D.Emeksiz, A. Temizel, M.Teke, T.Taskaya-Temizel, Real-time Multi-Camera Video Analytics System on GPU, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (March, 2013).
  • T.Taskaya-Temizel, and M.C.Casey, A Comparative Study of Autoregressive Neural Network Hybrids, Neural Networks, 18, no.5-6, 781-789 (2005).
  • T.Taskaya-Temizel, M.C.Casey, and K.Ahmad, Pre-processing inputs for optimally-configured time-delay neural networks, IEE Electronic Letters, 41, no.4, 198-200, (Feb.2005).
  • F.Murtagh, T. Taskaya, P. Contreras, J. Mothe and K. Englmeier, “Interactive visual user interfaces: a survey”, Artificial Intelligence Review, 19, Issue 4, (June 2003).

Refereed Conference Papers:

  • C.Uluoğlakçı, T.Taşkaya Temizel. HypoTermQA: Hypothetical Terms Dataset for Benchmarking Hallucination Tendency of LLMs, In Proceedings of 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Student Research Workshop (SRW), March 2024.
  • Y.Afşin, T.Taşkaya Temizel. Harnessing Large Language Models for Automatic Evaluation of Mobile Health Applications based on Persuasive System Design Principles and Mobile Application Rating Scale, In Proceedings of Persuasive Technology Conference, April 2024.
  • Kilic, O., & T.Taşkaya Temizel. Analyzing Socioeconomic Status through Culinary Ingredients: A Large-Scale Study of Pita and Pizza Dishes. In 2024 IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW) (pp. 5-12). IEEE, May 2024.
  • O. Temiz, T.Taşkaya Temizel. A Fact Extraction and Verification Framework for Social Media Posts on Covid-19,  In Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Reducing Online Misinformation through Credible Information Retrieval, in ECIR, April 2, 2023
  • O.Temiz, Ö.O.Kılıç, A.O.Kızıldağ, T.Taskaya Temizel, A Fact Checking and Verification System for FEVEROUS Using a Zero-Shot Learning Approach, in Proceedings of Fever Workshop, in EMNLP 2021
  • S. Kucukozer Cavdar, T. Taskaya-Temizel, M. Musolesi, P. Tino. A Multi-perspective Analysis of Social Context and Personal Factors in Office Settings for the Design of an Effective Mobile Notification System. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 4,1, (March 2020).
  • A. Ertugrul, Y. Lin, T. Taskaya-Temizel. CASTNet: Community-Attentive Spatio-Temporal Networks for Opioid Overdose Forecasting. Proceedings of ECML-PKDD (The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases), Würzburg, Germany, 16-20 September 2019.
  • ÖO.Kılıç, MA. Akyol, O. Işık, B.Günel Kılıç, AU.Aydınoğlu, E. Surer, HŞ. Düzgün, S.Kalaycıoğlu, T. Taşkaya Temizel. Data Analytics without Borders: Multi-Layered Insights for Syrian Refugee Crisis, Proceedings of the Data for Refugees Challenge Workshop, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 21 Jan 2019. (Honorable Mention Award on Labor Category)
  • A. Ertugrul, Y. Lin, C. Mair, T. Taskaya-Temizel. Forecasting Heroin Overdose Occurrences from Crime Incidents. 2018 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRIMS), 2018.
  • G. Canbek, S. Sagiroglu, & T. Temizel (2018, December). New Techniques in Profiling Big Datasets for Machine Learning with a Concise Review of Android Mobile Malware Datasets. In 2018 International Congress on Big Data, Deep Learning and Fighting Cyber Terrorism (IBIGDELFT) (pp. 117-121). IEEE.
  • G. Canbek, S. Sagiroglu, T. Taskaya-Temizel, Nazife Baykal. A comprehensive visualized roadmap to gain new insights. International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), 2017.
  • P. Unal, S. Kucukozer Cavdar, T. Taskaya-Temizel, P. Erhan Eren and S.Iyengar. Exploring Behavior Change Features for Mobile Workout Applications, MobiWIS, Prague, Czech Republic, 21-23 August 2017.
  • N. Alkış, T.Taskaya-Temizel, The Impacts of Persuasive Messages on Students’ Motivation and Learning Management System Use, ICERI2016 Conference, Seville, Spain, 14-16 November 2016.
  • P.Unal, T.Taskaya-Temizel, P.Erhan Eren, Impact of Individual Differences on the Use of Mobile Phones and Applications. MobiWIS, Vienna, Austria, 22-24 August 2016.
  • S.Kucukozer-Cavdar, T.Taskaya-Temizel, (2016) Analyzing the effects of the personality traits on the success of online collaborative groups, 2nd International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd´16, 21-23 June 2016, València, Spain.
  • K.Oz, T.Taskaya-Temizel, On Inference of Sense of Place from Geo-Social Networks, Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Workshop: Digital Placemaking: Augmenting Physical Places with Contextual Social Data, May 2015.
  • P. Ünal, T.Taskaya-Temizel, P. Erhan Eren (2015) A Study on User Perception of Mobile Commerce for Android and iOS Device Users. MobiWIS. 63-73
  • A.E.Gunduz, T.Taskaya-Temizel, A.Temizel, Pedestrian Zone Anomaly Detection by Non-Parametric Temporal Modeling, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Seoul, South Korea, August 2014.
  • C.Ongun, A.Temizel, T.Taskaya-Temizel, Local Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent Based Clustering, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Seoul, South Korea, August 2014.
  • S.Peker, O.Gurbuz, T.Taskaya-Temizel, “A SOAP-Based Social Traffic Network System”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), Alberobello, Italy, June 2014.
  • P.Unal, T.Taskaya-Temizel, P.E.Eren, “An Exploratory Study on the Outcomes of Influence Strategies in Mobile Application Recommendations”, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Behaviour Change Support Systems, 9th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, May 2014.
  • N.Alkış, T.Taskaya-Temizel, “How to persuade students for active participation in course activities?: A qualitative study”, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (abstract), May 2014.
  • P.Güler, A.Temizel, T.Taskaya-Temizel, “Real-time global anomaly detection for crowd video surveillance using SIFT”, Proceedings of International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-2013), Dec 2013.
  • B.Bakır-Batu, T.Taskaya-Temizel, H.Ş.Düzgün, “Spatio-temporal self-exciting process modelling with k-function weighted MISD algorithm” (2013), Proceedings of Spatial Statistics Conference (abstract).
  • H.Kocakulak, T.T.Temizel. “A Hadoop solution for ballistic image analysis and recognition”, International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), Istanbul, Turkey, pp.836-842, 2011.
  • R.Belen, T.Taşkaya Temizel, and Ö.Kaygısız. A Data Quality Case Study for Turkish Highway Accident Data Sets, 15th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, 2010.
  • B.Bakır, S.Özkan, R.Köseler, T.Taşkaya Temizel, D.İncebacak, and M.Kaya (2009), The Attitudes of students with diverse backgrounds on computer and information literacy subjects: Evidence from a first year course, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference.
  • R.Köseler, T.Taşkaya Temizel, B.Bakır, D.İncebacak, M.Kaya and S. Özkan (2009), Work in progress: Iterative curriculum development for an interdisciplinary online-taught IT course. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference.
  • O.Bayraktar, T.Taskaya-Temizel, Person Name Extraction from Turkish Financial News Text using Local Grammar-Based Approach, Proceedings of 23rd International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS’08), Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.
  • T.Taskaya-Temizel, M.A.Mizani, T. İnkaya, and S.C. Yücebaş, The Effect of Data Set Characteristics on the Choice of Clustering Validity Index Type, Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS’07), Ankara, Turkey, pp.1-6, 2007.
  • T.Taskaya-Temizel, and K.Ahmad, Are ARIMA Neural Network Hybrids Better than Single Models?, In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2005), Montréal, Canada, 3192-3197 (July 2005).
  • T.Taskaya-Temizel, and M.C.Casey, Configuration of Neural Networks for the Analysis of Seasonal Time Series, In Singh, S., Singh, M., Apte, C. Perner, P. (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3686 (Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition ICAPR 2005), vol.1, 297-304, Heidelberg: © Springer-Verlag (August 2005).
  • K.Ahmad, T.Taskaya-Temizel, D.Cheng, L.Gillam, S.Ahmad, H.Traboulsi, and J.Nankervis, Financial Information Grid – an ESRC e-Social Science Pilot, In Proceedings of the Third UK eScience All hands Meeting (AHM 2004), Nottingham, United Kingdom, © EPRSC Sept. 2004.
  • S. Ahmad, T. Taskaya Temizel, and K. Ahmad, Summarizing Time Series: Learning Patterns in ‘Volatile’ Series, In Yang, Z.R., Everson, R. & Yin, H. (Eds), In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3177, Heidelberg: © Springer-Verlag, 523-532, (2004).
  • T.Taskaya, and K.Ahmad, “Bimodal Visualisation: A Financial Trading Case Study”, IV’03 7th International Conference on Information Visualisation Conference, Los Alamitos, California:IEEE Computer Press, London, UK, 320-326 (July 2003).
  • L. Gillam, K. Ahmad, S. Ahmad, M. Casey, D. Cheng, T.Taskaya, P.C.F. de Oliveira, and P. Manomaisupat, “Economic News and Stock Market Correlation: A Study of the UK Market”, Workshop at the International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, Nancy, France (August 2002).
  • K. Ahmad, P. C. F. de Oliveira, P. Manomaisupat, M. Casey and T. Taskaya, Description of Events: An Analysis of Keywords and Indexical Names, LREC 2002, Las Palmas, Spain, 29-35 (June 2002).
  • T.Taskaya, P.Contreras, T.Feng, and F.Murtagh, Interactive Visual User Interfaces to Databases, In Proceedings of HCI’01 Conference, New Orleans, Volume 1, 913-917 (August 2001).
  • F.Tao, P.Contreras, F.Murtagh, and T.Taskaya, Users Interest Correlation through Web Log Mining, In Proceedings of HCI’01 Conference, New Orleans, Volume 1, 938-942 (August 2001).

Posters (Refereed):

  • H. Kumdakçı, T.Taskaya Temizel, A.Temizel, “How Clickable Are Your Food Photos?”, GPU Technology Conference (Poster), Oct. 2018.
  • A.E. Aydemir, A.Temizel, T.Taskaya Temizel, “JPEG2000 as a Defense Against Attacks using Adversarial Examples”, GPU Technology Conference (Poster), Oct. 2018.

Book Chapters:

  • Ö. O. Kılıç, M.A. Akyol, O. Işık, B.Günel Kılıç, A.U. Aydınoğlu, E.Sürer, H. Ş. Düzgün, S.Kalaycıoğlu, T. Taşkaya-Temizel (2019). The Use of Big Mobile Data to Gain Multi-layered Insights for Syrian Refugee Crisis. Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios, pp 347-379, Springer.
  • A. A. Salah, …et al.,  T. Taşkaya-Temizel, S. Tümen, U.  Uluturk (2019).  Policy Implications of the D4R Challenge. Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios, pp 477-495, Springer.
  • P.Unal, S. Kucukozer-Cavdar, T. Taskaya-Temizel, P. E. Eren, and M. S. Iyengar (2018). User Adoption and Evaluation of Mobile Health Applications: The Case for Physical Activity Monitoring. Current and Emerging mHealth Technologies: Adoption, Implementation, and Use, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-73135-3, ISBN:978-3-319-73134-6, Springer.
  • A.Temizel, T.Halıcı, B.Loğoğlu, T.Taşkaya Temizel, F.Ömrüuzun, and E.Karaman (2011). Experiences on Image and Video Processing with CUDA and OpenCL. GPU Computing Gems 1, NVIDIA (Elsevier).
  • R.Belen, and T.Taşkaya Temizel (2010). A Framework to Detect Disguised Missing Data. (Kumar A., Ed.).Knowledge Discovery Practices and Emerging Applications of Data Mining: Trends and New Domains, IGI Global.
  • K.Ahmad, D.Cheng, T.Taskaya, S.Ahmad, L.Gillam, P.Manomaisupat, H.Traboulsi, and A.Hippisley, The mood of the (financial) markets: In a corpus of words and of pictures In Corpus Linguistics Around the World, Rodopi B.V., UK: UCREL (2006).

Refereed National Conference Papers:

  • G.Canbek, T.Taskaya-Temizel, Ş. Sagiroglu, Accuracy Barrier (ACCBAR): A novel performance indicator for binary classification, In 2022 15th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptography (ISCTURKEY) (pp. 92-97). IEEE, 2022
  • G.Canbek, T.Taskaya-Temizel, Ş. Sagiroglu, TasKar: A Research and Education Tool for Calculation and Representation of Binary Classification Performance Instruments, 2021 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY), 2021
  • S. Kucukozer-Cavdar, T.Taskaya-Temizel, Bilgi İşçilerinin İş Saatlerinde Basit Dinlenme Molaları Vermesini Etkileyen Faktörleri İncelemek için Bir Çerçeve, 8th International Conference on Occupational Safety & Health, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-11 May 2016.
  • S. Kucukozer-Cavdar, E. Akkurt, D. Cavdar, A.Temizel, T.Taskaya-Temizel,  UBDroid: Kullanıcı Davranış Analizi için Akıllı Telefon Uygulamaları Kullanım İzleme Aracı, 10.Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (UYMS), Canakkale, Turkey, 24-26 October 2016.
  • A.E.Gunduz, T.Taskaya-Temizel, A.Temizel, Kalabalık Dinamiklerinin Çıkartılması İçin Özniteliklerin Tespit ve Takibi Feature Detection and Tracking for Extraction of Crowd Dynamics, Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), April, 2014.
  • C.Ongun, A.Temizel, T.Taskaya-Temizel, Kalabalık Videolarında Bölgesel Davranışların Kümelenmesi, Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), April, 2014.
  • A.E. Gunduz, A.Temizel, T.Taskaya Temizel (2013), “Kalabalık Dinamiklerinin Çıkartılması İçin Özniteliklerin Tespit ve Takibi ”, IEEE 21st Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, April 2013.
  • P.Güler, A.Temizel, T.Taşkaya-Temizel. Gözetleme Videoları için Öğreticisiz Kalabalıktaki Aykırılık Tespiti 21.Sinyal İşleme ve İletişimi Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU 2013), Girne Kıbrıs. April 2013.
  • M.Özay and T. Taşkaya Temizel. ODTÜ Kampüs Izgara Hesaplama Uygulaması. BAŞARIM: 1.Ulusal Yüksek Başarım ve Grid Konferansı, ODTÜ, Ankara,2009.

Other Papers:

  • M.A. Akyol, Ö. O. Kılıç, T. Taşkaya Temizel, A.U. Aydınoğlu,  and E.Sürer.  Sosyal Fayda için Büyük Veri Analizi: Suriyeli Mülteciler için Bir Durum Çalışması, Standard, 679,Haziran 2019, ISSN:1300-8366
  • K. Ahmad, T. Taskaya Temizel, D. Cheng, P. Manomaisupat, S. Ahmad, L. Gillam, H. Trablousi, and M. Casey, Fundamental Data to SATISFI The Chartist, The Technical Analyst, April 2004.