Ongoing Thesis Studies Supervised by Dr. Zafer Bozkuş
T5. “2D Numerical Dam-Break Analyses of Çamdağı Dam with Various Breach Parameters” MSc Study by Hüseyin Ankara in the Civil Engineering Department.
T4. “Investigation of Effective Protection Devices against Column Separation Problem in Pumped Discharge Lines” MSc. study by İsmail DURGUT in the Civil Engineering Department.
T3. “Software Development for the Solution of Fluid Transient Problems.” MSc. study by Ata Emir BEKİRCAN in the Civil Engineering Department.
T2. “Investigation of Sediment Transport of Çoruh River by Field Observation, RUSLE and SWAT Methods” Ph.D. study by Saber Habibi TOPRAGHGHALEH in the Civil Engineering Department. (Co-Supervised by Prof.Dr. Yakup DARAMA)
T1. “Code Development for Feasibility Studies of HydroPower Plants” Ph.D. study by Onur KEMALLİ in the Civil Engineering Department. (Co-Supervised by Doç. Dr. Kutay ÇELEBİOĞLU)
Completed Theses Supervised by Dr.Zafer Bozkuş
T35. “A Flood Risk Assessment Based on Dam-Break Failure: Case Study on 19 MAYIS Dam” Ph.D. study by Nazlı PALAMUT, completed in January 2025.
T34. “Calibration of a Plunger Valve Performance using Numerical and Experimental Methods: A Case Study on Kepez Hydropower Plant.” MSc. study by Abdul Rahman Sabra KAAK, completed in August 2024.
T33.“Numerical Investigation of Effective Air Chamber Volumes against Water Hammer Problem in Pumped Discharge Lines” MSc. study by Seyfi Berkay BARAN, completed in January 2024. (Co-Supervised by Doç. Dr. A. Ersin DİNÇER)
T32. “Optimization of Cost and Energy Production at Hydroelectric Power Plants” Ph.D. study by Vedat ASLANKARA, completed in December 2023. (Co-Supervised by Doç. Dr. Kutay ÇELEBİOĞLU)
T31. ” A New Computer Code Development for Solving Fluid Transient Problems in Pressurized Pipe Lines” MSc. study by M. Cenk UYANIK, completed in January 2023.
T30. “Investigation of Interaction between PRV and Turbines during a Transient Flow in a Hydropower Plant” MSc. study by Mehmet Ali ÇETİNTAŞ, completed in February 2022. (Co-Supervised by Doç. Dr. Kutay ÇELEBİOĞLU)
T29. ” Numerical Investigation of 2-D Dam-Break Failures by using GIS Applications” Ph.D. study by Ammar ASHRAF, completed in July 2021.
T28. “Software Development for Analyzing Fluid Transients in Pipe Lines” MSc. study by Saber Habibi TOPRAGHGHALEH, completed in August 2020.
T27. “Investigation of Water Hammer Problems and Potential Solutions in Pump Discharge Lines ” MSc. study by Recep Çağrı ERDEM, completed in December 2019.
T26. ” Two-Dimensional Flood Control Simulations for Wami and Düden Rivers” MSc. study by Uğur Can KARAKUŞ, completed in September 2019.
T25. ” Two-Dimensional Dam-Break Analyses of Berdan Dam” MSc. study by Çağla Irmak ÜNAL, completed in September 2019.
T24. ” Simulation of Free-Surface and Pipe Flow Problems with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method” Ph.D. study by Ali Ersin DİNÇER, completed in August 2017.
T23. ” Development of a Computer Code to Analyse Fluid Transients in Pressurized Pipe Systems ” MSc. study by Hasan DALGIÇ, completed in June 2017.
T22. ” Development of a Computer-Aided Engineering Tool for Pipe Lines” MSc. study by Kemal Yüce AYDINOĞLU, completed in September 2016. (Co-Supervised by Dr. Erdal OKTAY)
T21. ” Comparison of Linear, Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs to Increase the Discharge Capacity of Existing Spillways for a Given Head ” MSc. study by Deniz KARAEREN, completed in August 2014.
T20. ” Numerical Investigation of Protective Measures against Waterhammer in the Yesilvadi Hydropower Plant ” MSc. study by Samet DURSUN, completed in December 2013.
T19. ” Numerical Investigation of Effective Surge Tank Dimensions in Hydropower Plants under Various Hydraulic Conditions ” MSc. study by Pınar BERBEROĞLU, completed in January 2013.
T18. ” Experimental Investigation of Local Scours around Bridge Pier Groups ” MSc. study by Murat Can ÖZALP, completed in January 2013.
T17. ” Investigation Of Waterhammer Problems in the Penstocks of Pumped-Storage Power Plants” MSc. study by Ali Ersin DİNÇER, completed in January 2013.
T16. ” Development of a Computer Software for Hydraulic Design of Small Hydropower Facility ” MSc. study by Emir ALİMOĞLU, completed in September 2012. (Supervised by Dr. Melih Yanmaz and Cosupervised by Dr. Zafer Bozkuş)
T15. ” Investigation of Waterhammer Problems in Çamlıdere Dam-İvedik Water Treatment Pipeline at Various Hydraulic Conditions ” MSc. study by Emre SAKABAŞ, completed in February, 2012.
T14. ” Investigation of Waterhammer Problems in the Penstocks of Small Hydropower Plants” MSc. study by Melih ÇALAMAK, completed in September 2010.
T13. ” Prediction of the Forcing Function of a Transient Liquid Mass Subsequent to Impact on an Elbow of an Initially Voided Line” Ph.D. study by Bülent Abbas KAYHAN, completed in February, 2009.
T12. ” Experimental Investigation of Tailwater Effect on Energy Dissipation by Screens” MSc. study by Vedat ASLANKARA, completed in September 2007. (Co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Metin GER)
T11. ” Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flow in an Oil Pipeline Under Various Hydraulic Conditions” MSc. study by Emrah TURAN, completed in April 2006.
T10. ” Experimental Investigation of Local Scours Around Vertically Inclined Dual Bridge Piers” MSc. study by Murat ÇEŞME, completed in September 2005.
T9. ” Experimental Investigation of Energy Dissipation Through Triangular Screens” MSc. study by Endam GÜNGÖR, completed in May 2005. (Co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Metin GER)
T8. ” Numerical Simulation of the Kirazlıköprü Dam Failure on the Gökırmak River ” MSc. study by Koray KARAKAYA, completed in April 2005.
T7. ” Numerical Simulation of the Çınarcık Dam Failure on the Orhaneli River” MSc. study by Fırat BAĞ, completed in January 2005.
T6. ” Experimental Investigation of Energy Dissipation Through Inclined Screens” MSc. study by Görkem BALKIŞ, completed in Sep. 2004. (Co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Metin GER)
T5. ” Experimental Investigation of Energy Dissipation Through Screens” MSc. study by Pınar ÇAKIR, completed in August 2003. (Co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Metin GER)
T4. ” Experimental Investigation of Scouring Around Inclined Bridge Piers” MSc. study by Osman YILDIZ, completed in Jan. 2001.
T3. ” Computational and Experimental Analysis of Liquid Slug Motion in a Voided Line” MSc. study by Özgür Uğraş BARAN, completed in Dec. 1999. (Co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Metin GER)
T2. ” Pre-event Dam Failure Analyses for Emergency Management” MSc. study by Ali İhsan GÜNER, completed in Dec. 1998. (Co-supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nuray Denli Tokyay)
T1. ” Comparison of Physical and Numerical Dam-break Simulations: A case study.” MSc. study by Ali KASAP, completed in January 1996. (Co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Doğan ALTINBİLEK).