Category Archives: Uncategorized

My China Trip: April 04 -14, 2024. Beijing and Tianjin

I attended two workshops at Beihang University in Beijing and Tianjin University in Tianjin with my dear colleague Dr. Arris Tijsseling of Eindhoven University upon the invitation of our beloved colleague Dr. Qingzhi Hou (Darcy), who is an Assoc.Prof. at … Continue reading

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Yusufeli Dam Construction Site and Deriner Dam were visited with a group of students on April 27-28, 2019

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New Slug Tests Performed at METU Hydraulics Laboratory, Ankara-TÜRKİYE.

Dr. Arris S. Tijsseling from Eindhoven University of Technology and Ronnie van Ginkel of MARIN attended the experiments, November 20-24, 2017.

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I attended the Pressure Surges 2015 Conference in Dublin, Nov 17-21, 2015.

With Dr. Qingzhi Hou (Darcy) and Prof.Dr. Samuel Martin, Prof.Dr.Hanif Chaudhry and Prof.Dr.David C. Wiggert at the conference….

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