- Pelin Dayan Akman (MSc, September 2024), “Analysis of Technical Debt in ML-Based Software Development Projects” (main supervisor: Asst. Prof.Dr. Özden Özcan Top).
- Anıl Erkul (MSc, April 2024), “Automated Analysis of Crossing Actions in Football Commentary Using Large Language Models”.
- Arif Ozan Kızıldağ (MSc, September 2023), “Semi-automatic Prompting Approach with Question Decomposition for Multi-hop Question Answering”.
- Mutakabbir Ahmed Tayib (MSc, July 2023), “A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Techniques for Time Series Forecasting in Energy Consumption Prediction” (co supervisor: Prof.Dr.Ceylan Yozgatlıgil)
- Yasin Afşin (MSc, June 2023), “Automatic Evaluation of Mobile Health Applications According to Persuasive System Design Principles and Mobile Application Rating Scale”
- Begüm Teköz (MSc, August 2022), “Forecasting Warranty Claims for Month in Services Groups in Automative Sector” (main supervisor: Prof.Dr.Ceylan Yozgatlıgil)
- Orkun Temiz (MSc, June 2022), “Fact Extraction and Verification Pipeline for Covid-19 Related User Posts in Social Media”.
- Ayşe Elvan Aydemir (PhD, September 2021), “A Data Driven Performance Evaluation Framework for Sports Analytics” (co-supervisor: Prof.Dr.Alptekin Temizel)
- Ozan Raşit Yürüm (PhD, September 2021), “An Intervention Framework for Design and Development of Interactive Video Lectures Based on Video Viewing Behaviors: A Learning Analytics Approach” (main supervisor: Prof.Dr.Soner Yıldırım)
- Hüseyin Buğra Yıldırım (MSc, September 2021), “A Novel Pre-Processing Workflow for Popularity Prediction in Social Media”
- Didem Ölçer (PhD, September 2020)-“A framework for information quality and coverage assessment for Type-2 diabetes websites”.
- Özgün Ozan Kılıç (MSc, September 2020)- “You are where you eat from: Predicting socioeconomic status from restaurant menus and user reviews”.
- Ali Mert Ertuğrul (PhD, December 2019)-“Interpretable Spatio-Temporal Networks for Modeling and Forecasting Societal Event”. (co-advisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Yu-Ru Lin) METU Best Thesis of the Year 2020.
- Gürol Canbek (PhD, September 2019)- “Multi-Perspective Analysis and Systematic Benchmarking for Binary-Classification Performance Evaluation Instruments”. (co-advisor: Prof.Dr. Şeref Sağıroğlu)
- Şeyma Çavdar (PhD, August 2019)- “Mobile User Data Mining to Infer Knowledge Workers’ Differences in Office Environments for Effective Health Intervention Delivery”. (co-advisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. P Erhan Eren)
- Güliz Bulut (MSc, September 2018)- “Automatic Information Coverage Assessment of Diabetes Websites”
- Oguz Ozan Kartal (MSc, September 2015)-“Using Survival Analysis to Investigate the Persistence of Students in an Introductory Information Technology Course at METU”. (main supervisor: Prof.Dr.Yasemin Yardımcı Çetin).
- Nurcan Alkış (PhD, August 2015)-“ The Influence of Personality Traits, Motivation and Persuasion Principles on Academic Performance” METU Best Thesis of the Year 2016.
- Perin Ünal (PhD, August 2015)-“An analysis on user profiles and usage preferences for mobile application recommendations” (co-advisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr. P.Erhan Eren)
- Erkam Akkurt (MSc, 2015)- “Ubdroid: A Tool for Monitoring Smartphone Application Usage for User Behaviour Analysis” (main supervisor: Prof.Dr.Alptekin Temizel).
- Aysu Yanar (MSc,2015) – “Combining Topology-Based & Content-Based Analysis for Followee Recommendation on Twitter” (main supervisor: Prof.Dr. Pınar Karagöz)
- Kürşad Öz (MSc, 2014) – “Examining Place Attachment from a Foursquare Perspective”.
- Berna Bakır (PhD, 2014) – “Nonparametric Approaches for Discovering Triggering Events from Spatio-Temporal Patterns” (co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Hafize Şebnem Düzgün)
- Yılmaz Ar (PhD, 2014) – “Improved Probabilistic Matrix Factorization Model for Sparse Datasets”
- Ahmet Emre Kılınç (MSc, 2014) -“A Temporal Expert Finding Methodology based on United-Author-Document Topic Graphs”.
- Ayşe Elvan Gündüz (MSc, 2014) -“ Anomaly Detection using Sparse Features and Spatio-Temporal Hidden Markov Model for Pedestrian Zone Video Surveillance” (co-advisor:Prof. Dr. Alptekin Temizel) (won the “ISRA VISION AG – Computer Vision Award” (2nd place) thesis award)
- Rahime Belen Sağlam (PhD, 2014) -“ Quality Oriented Information Retrieval and Timeliness Analysis on Diabetes Websites”
- Serdar Murat Öztaner (PhD, 2014) -“A Bayesian Modelling and Estimation Framework for Pharmacogenomics Driven Warfarin Dosing” (co-advisor: Prof.Dr. Remzi Erdem) (won the METU Best Thesis of the Year 2015)
- Ümit Ateş (MSc, 2014) – “Inference of Personality Using Social Media Profiles”.
- Şeyma Küçüközer (MSc, 2013)-“Analysing the Effects of Personality Traits on the Success of Online Study Groups”.
- Püren Güler (MSc, 2012) – “Automated Crowd Behaviour Analysis for Video Surveillance applications (main-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Alptekin Temizel)
- Gonca Hülya Doğan (MSc, 2012)-“Expert Finding in Domains with Unclear Topics” (co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Adnan Yazıcı)
- Burcu Baştabak (MSc, 2012)- “A Data Mining Framework to Detect Tariff Code Circumvention in Turkish Customs Database”
- Mustafa Dalcı (MSc, 2011) – “Using Google Analytics, Card Sorting and Search Statistics for Getting Insight about METU Website’s New Design: A Case Study”
- Eda Ercan (MSc, 2010) – “Probabilistic Matrix Factorization based Collaborative Filtering with Implicit Trust Derived from Review Ratings Information”.
- Seher Demirel Kütükçü (MSc, 2010) – “Using Google Analytics and think-aloud study for improving METU Informatics Institute web site: A case study”
- Rahime Belen (MSc, 2009) – “Detecting Disguised Missing Data”.
- Cem Aldaş (MSc, 2008) – “An analysis of peculiarity oriented interestingness measures on medical data”
- Özkan Bayraktar (MSc, 2007) – “Person name recognition in Turkish financial texts by using local grammar approach” (co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nazife Baykal)