Grad Students


  1. Pelin Dayan Akman (MSc, September 2024), “Analysis of Technical Debt in ML-Based Software Development Projects” (main supervisor: Asst. Prof.Dr. Özden Özcan Top).
  2. Anıl Erkul (MSc, April 2024), “Automated Analysis of Crossing Actions in Football Commentary Using Large Language Models”.
  3. Arif Ozan Kızıldağ (MSc, September 2023), “Semi-automatic Prompting Approach with Question Decomposition for Multi-hop Question Answering”.
  4. Mutakabbir Ahmed Tayib (MSc, July 2023), “A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Techniques for Time Series Forecasting in Energy Consumption Prediction” (co supervisor: Prof.Dr.Ceylan Yozgatlıgil)
  5. Yasin Afşin (MSc, June 2023), “Automatic Evaluation of Mobile Health Applications According to Persuasive System Design Principles and Mobile Application Rating Scale”
  6. Begüm Teköz (MSc, August 2022), “Forecasting Warranty Claims for Month in Services Groups in Automative Sector” (main supervisor: Prof.Dr.Ceylan Yozgatlıgil)
  7. Orkun Temiz (MSc, June 2022), “Fact Extraction and Verification Pipeline for Covid-19 Related User Posts in Social Media”.
  8. Ayşe Elvan Aydemir (PhD, September 2021), “A Data Driven Performance Evaluation Framework for Sports Analytics” (co-supervisor: Prof.Dr.Alptekin Temizel)
  9. Ozan Raşit Yürüm (PhD, September 2021), “An Intervention Framework for Design and Development of Interactive Video Lectures Based on Video Viewing Behaviors: A Learning Analytics Approach” (main supervisor: Prof.Dr.Soner Yıldırım)
  10. Hüseyin Buğra Yıldırım (MSc, September 2021), “A Novel Pre-Processing Workflow for Popularity Prediction in Social Media”
  11. Didem Ölçer (PhD, September 2020)-“A framework for information quality and coverage assessment for Type-2 diabetes websites”.
  12. Özgün Ozan Kılıç (MSc, September 2020)- “You are where you eat from: Predicting socioeconomic status from restaurant menus and user reviews”.
  13. Ali Mert Ertuğrul (PhD, December 2019)-“Interpretable Spatio-Temporal Networks for Modeling and Forecasting Societal Event”. (co-advisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Yu-Ru Lin) METU Best Thesis of the Year 2020.
  14. Gürol Canbek (PhD, September 2019)- “Multi-Perspective Analysis and Systematic Benchmarking for Binary-Classification Performance Evaluation Instruments”. (co-advisor: Prof.Dr. Şeref Sağıroğlu)
  15. Şeyma Çavdar (PhD, August 2019)- “Mobile User Data Mining to Infer Knowledge Workers’ Differences in Office Environments for Effective Health Intervention Delivery”. (co-advisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. P Erhan Eren)
  16. Güliz Bulut (MSc,  September 2018)- “Automatic Information Coverage Assessment of Diabetes Websites”
  17. Oguz Ozan Kartal (MSc, September 2015)-“Using Survival Analysis to Investigate the Persistence of Students in an Introductory Information Technology Course at METU”. (main supervisor: Prof.Dr.Yasemin Yardımcı Çetin).
  18. Nurcan Alkış (PhD, August 2015)-“ The Influence of Personality Traits, Motivation and Persuasion Principles on Academic Performance” METU Best Thesis of the Year 2016.
  19. Perin Ünal (PhD, August 2015)-“An analysis on user profiles and usage preferences for mobile application recommendations” (co-advisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr. P.Erhan Eren)
  20. Erkam Akkurt (MSc, 2015)- “Ubdroid: A Tool for Monitoring Smartphone Application Usage for User Behaviour Analysis” (main supervisor: Prof.Dr.Alptekin Temizel).
  21. Aysu Yanar (MSc,2015) – “Combining Topology-Based & Content-Based Analysis for Followee Recommendation on Twitter” (main supervisor: Prof.Dr. Pınar Karagöz)
  22. Kürşad Öz (MSc, 2014) – “Examining Place Attachment from a Foursquare Perspective”.
  23. Berna Bakır (PhD, 2014) – “Nonparametric Approaches for Discovering Triggering Events from Spatio-Temporal Patterns” (co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Hafize Şebnem Düzgün)
  24. Yılmaz Ar (PhD, 2014) – “Improved Probabilistic Matrix Factorization Model for Sparse Datasets”
  25. Ahmet Emre Kılınç (MSc, 2014) -“A Temporal Expert Finding Methodology based on United-Author-Document Topic Graphs”.
  26. Ayşe Elvan Gündüz (MSc, 2014) -“ Anomaly Detection using Sparse Features and Spatio-Temporal Hidden Markov Model for Pedestrian Zone Video Surveillance” (co-advisor:Prof. Dr. Alptekin Temizel) (won the “ISRA VISION AG – Computer Vision Award” (2nd place) thesis award)
  27. Rahime Belen Sağlam (PhD, 2014) -“ Quality Oriented Information Retrieval and Timeliness Analysis on Diabetes Websites”
  28. Serdar Murat Öztaner (PhD, 2014) -“A Bayesian Modelling and Estimation Framework for Pharmacogenomics Driven Warfarin Dosing” (co-advisor: Prof.Dr. Remzi Erdem) (won the METU Best Thesis of the Year 2015)
  29. Ümit Ateş (MSc, 2014) – “Inference of Personality Using Social Media Profiles”.
  30. Şeyma Küçüközer (MSc, 2013)-“Analysing the Effects of Personality Traits on the Success of Online Study Groups”.
  31. Püren Güler (MSc, 2012) – “Automated Crowd Behaviour Analysis for Video Surveillance applications (main-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Alptekin Temizel)
  32. Gonca Hülya Doğan (MSc, 2012)-“Expert Finding in Domains with Unclear Topics” (co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Adnan Yazıcı)
  33. Burcu Baştabak (MSc, 2012)- “A Data Mining Framework to Detect Tariff Code Circumvention in Turkish Customs Database”
  34. Mustafa Dalcı (MSc, 2011) – “Using Google Analytics, Card Sorting and Search Statistics for Getting Insight about METU Website’s New Design: A Case Study”
  35. Eda Ercan (MSc, 2010) – “Probabilistic Matrix Factorization based Collaborative Filtering with Implicit Trust Derived from Review Ratings Information”.
  36. Seher Demirel Kütükçü (MSc, 2010) – “Using Google Analytics and think-aloud study for improving METU Informatics Institute web site: A case study”
  37. Rahime Belen (MSc, 2009) – “Detecting Disguised Missing Data”.
  38. Cem Aldaş (MSc, 2008) – “An analysis of peculiarity oriented interestingness measures on medical data”
  39. Özkan Bayraktar (MSc, 2007) – “Person name recognition in Turkish financial texts by using local grammar approach” (co-supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nazife Baykal)