Dr. Tuğba Taşkaya Temizel is a full Professor at the Graduate School of Informatics, Middle East Technical University
Ph.D.: Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey, UK, 2006.
B.Sc.: Computer Engineering Department, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey, 1999.
Graduated from 60.Yıl Anadolu High School, 1995
Principal investigator of the Data Mining Research Group.
NVIDIA DLI Certified Instructor and DLI University Ambassador (since 27/10/2018: Certified to teach “Fundamentals of Computer Vision (CV) 2.0” , “Fundamentals of Multiple Data Types (MDT)” and “Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing (NLP)”; and certified on 2/10/2020 for “Building Transformer-Based Natural Language Processing Applications” course)
Research Interests: data mining, text mining, information extraction, big data, deep learning, machine learning, mobile computing, grid computing, cloud computing, persuasive technologies, social media analytics, user behaviour analysis and temporal data mining
Developed courses: Transformers and Attention-Based Deep Networks, Deep Learning for Text Analytics, Introduction to Data Informatics, Social Media Analytics, Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture, Introduction to Grid Computing, Regulatory and Legal Aspects of Information Systems.
Taught courses: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Database Concepts and Applications.