Principal Investigator,Çocuk Gözünden Dış Mekan Oyun Alanları” (Outdoor Play Areas Through the Eyes of Children), BAP-20180051, METU              Research Fund (2018-2019).

Principal Investigator, “Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Aktif Öğrenme Ortamlarının Yaratılması”  (Creating Active Learning Environments in the Early Years), BAP-08-11-2017, METU Research Fund (2017-2019).

PhD Advisor, “Okul Öncesi Dönem Çocuklarının Rehberli Oyun Sırasındaki Deneyimleri ve Söylemleri” (Experiences and Discourses of Preschool Children during Guided Play), 752988, TUBITAK 1002 Research Fund (2023-2024). 

Awards & Grants
Graduate Study Award
Penn State Graduate Student Full Scholarship (2009-2014, Penn State University).

Teaching Grant
ERASMUS Teaching Mobility Grant to University of Turku, Finland (2019).
ERASMUS Teaching Mobility Grant to Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain (2023).

Scholar Award
Article Award for “Teacher preparation for movement education: Increasing pre-service teachers’ competence for working with young children” (2016, METU).
Book Award for “Active Designs for Movement in Early Childhood Environments” (2018, METU).

Travel Grants
Play Scholar Travel Grant to TASP Conference in Florida, USA (2018, The Association of Study of Play).
Travel Award to EARLI Conference in Aachen, Germany (2019, Jacob Foundation). 

Children’s Yoga Teacher Training (3-8-years old), Yogalin, Certified by International Yoga Federation