Doçentlik Değerlendirme Kriterlerim

Profesörlük pozisyonuna ulaşıldığında önünüze gelen görevlerden birisi de Doçentlik pozisyonuna başvuran adayların dosyalarının değerlendirilmesidir. Bu değerlendirme sürecinin Türkiye’deki tek tipçi üniversite sistemi nedeni ile bol miktarda sorunlarının olduğu biliniyor. Ayrıca, Doçentlik jurilerinin oluşturulması ve jurilerin çalışması da kişiler arasındaki farklılıklar nedeni ile farklı sonuçların ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Az sayıda/yetersiz akademik etkinliği olan bir aday Doçentlik sürecinde başarılı bulunabilirken, farklı bir juride öbür adaydan daha kuvvetli bir dosyaya sahip aday başarısız bulunabilmektedir. Ayrıca, juri üyelerinin dosya değerlendirme kriterleri belli olmadığı için juri üyesinin objektifliği yani farklı adaylara farklı değerlendirmeler yapıp yapmadığı da bilinmemektedir. Daha da vahim bazı durumlarda, bağımsız değerlendirme yapılması gereken dosyaların değerlendirmesi sürecinde juri üyelerinin birbirlerine kulis yapması, hatta bir üyenin yazdığı raporu diğer üyeye göndermesi ve benzer rapor yazmasını istemesi şeklinde olayların olduğu da bilinmektedir. Dosyaların değerlendirme işlemi zaman aldığı için bu değerlendirme işleminin çoğu ya da bir kısmının asistanlara yaptırıldığı da akademik dünyada zaman zaman dile getirilmektedir.

Doçentlik değerlendirme sürecinin etik değerlere bağlı kalarak, adayın kişisel özelliklerine ya da onu tanıyan kişilerin yönlendirmelerine bağlı kalmadan sadece akademik kıstaslarla değerlendirmesinin önemine inandığım için, bir kaç Doçentlik dosyası değerlendirmesi sonrasında kendi kişisel kriterlerimi herkesle paylaşmak ihtiyacı duydum.

Doçentlik (ya da yurt dışında kullanılan tabirle Tenure) akademik hayatın önemli bir basamağıdır. Normalde bu aşama bir akademisyenin kendisini pek çok yönden geliştirdiğini,  bağımsız çalışmayı, araştırma yönlendirmeyi başardığını ve çalışmalarının bir etki yaptığını/yapacağını gösterdiği noktadır. Gelişmiş ülkelerde araştırma ve eğitim ağırlıklı üniversite farkı bulunmakta ve doçentlik değerlendirmeleri  Türkiye’deki gibi tek tipçi değil,  adayın bulunduğu duruma (araştırma ya da öğretim ağırlıklı olmak) ve kuruma göre yapılmaktadır. Ağırlıklı olarak araştırma yapan bir akademisyen ve ağırlıklı olarak öğretim yapan bir akademisyen arasında değerlendirme kriterlerinde farklılık olmaktadır. Ancak, ülkemiz için bu tür bir ayrım bulunmaması nedeni ile doçentlik payeleri herkes için aynı tür pozisyon durumuna indirgenmiştir. Bu nedenle, ne yazık ki her Doçentlik adayı aynı kriterler ile değerlendirilmektedir. İleride bu konuda gerekli değişikliklerin yapılması gerekmektedir.

Yukarıda belirtilen mevcut şartlar altında benim kriterlerime göre adayın özelikle göstermesi gereken performanslar şunlardır:

1. Güçlü bir araştırma yayın kayıdının bulunması,

2. Akademik etkiye sahip olması,

3. Araştırma projeleri (grant funding) yürütebilmesi,

4. Öğretim faaliyetlerinde bulunması,

5. Araştırmacı/çırak yetiştirebilmesi,

6. Topluma hizmet edebilmesi gerekmektedir.

Bazı özel koşullarda, adayın bir alanda zayıf olması durumunda bu açığını diğer alandaki ekstra çıktılar ile  kapatması beklenmektedir. Bu bağlamda, tarafıma değerlendirmek için yollanan Doçentlik dosyalarını değerlendirirken aşağıda bulunan kriterlerden yararlanacağım unutulmamalıdır.

1. Güçlü bir araştırma yayın kayıdı

1.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergi makaleleri:

Bu madde en önemli değerlendirme kriterlerindendir. Doçentlik payesine başvuran adayın bireysel ya da ekip ile etkili akademik çalışma yaptığının en temel delili bu başlık altında sunulan makalelerdir. Uluslararası hakemli dergi makaleleri adayı tanıma şansı hemen hiç olmayan, yurtdışındaki hakemlerin değerlendirmesi sonucunda kabul edildikleri için ayrı bir öneme sahiptir.  Ancak, burada önemli bir nüans bulunmaktadır. Ülke içinde yayınlanan dergilerimiz uluslararası indekslere girmiş ulusal dergilerdir. Dolayısı ile adayların SSCI, SCI ve diğer indekslerinde taranan Türkiye kaynaklı dergi makaleleri Ulusal dergi yayını grubunda değerlendirilmektedir (Diğer bilim alanlarında istisnai durumlar belki söz konusu olabilir, ancak eğitim alanında halen bu durum geçerlidir).

Bu konu ile ilgili diğer önemli husus, her indeksli derginin de etkili dergi olarak kabul edilmemesidir. Buradaki en önemli kriterlerden birisi ücret karşılığı yayın yapılan dergilerden kaçınılması ve etki faktörü yüksek dergilerin tercih edilmesidir. Dosya incelemesi esnasında her dergi tek tek değerlendirilmekte, yayın ve hakem kurulları incelenmekte ve dergide yapılan diğer yayınlar da dergi yayın kalitesinin anlaşılması için değerlendirmeye alınmaktadır.

1.2. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Prooceedings) basılan   bildiriler

Akademik hayatın ve dolayısı ile Doçentlik pozisyonunun olmazsa olmazlarından birisi, yapılan çalışmaların uluslararası platformda alanın önde gelen ve bilinen toplantılarında sunulmasıdır. Adayın Doçentlik başvurusu öncesi yeteri sayıda bu tür konferanslara katılmış ve çalışmalarını paylaşmış olması beklenmektedir. Bu başlık için önemli hususlardan birisi yurtiçinde yapılan ama isminde uluslararası ibaresi olduğu için bu başlık altına konulan bildirilerin bu başlık altında kabul edilmeyeceğidir. Bunlar, uluslararası katılımlı ulusal toplantılardır. Dolayısı ile uluslararası bilimsel toplantı başlığı altında değerlendirilemezler. Keza, yurt içi gruplar tarafından yurtdışında gerçekleştirilen toplantılar da benzer şekilde değerlendirilecektir.

Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılara katılım konusunda akademisyenlerin ciddi bir ön inceleme yapması önerilmektedir. Son yıllarda bazı akademik toplantıların amacı dışında düzenlendiği bilinmektedir. Bu tür toplantılardan özellikle kaçınılmalı, başvurulan alanın önde gelen araştırmacılarının katıldığı toplantılar tercih edilmelidir.

1.3.Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar, kitaplardaki bölümler

Doçentlik başvuru koşulları puan listesinde yer alan uluslararası kitap tanımında “Tanınmış uluslararası yayınevleri tarafından yayınlanmış” ibaresi yer almaktadır. Yurtdışında yüzbinlerce yayınevi bulunması nedeni ile sadece belli bir akademik saygınlığa sahip yayınevleri tarafından yayınlanan kitaplar ya da kitap bölümleri değerlendirmeye alınmaktadır. Yüksek lisans ve doktora tezlerini ciltleyip kitap olarak pazarlayan bazı yayınevleri son yıllarda ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu tür girişimlerden de uzak durulması gerekmektedir.

1.4.Yazılan ulusal kitaplar, kitaplardaki bölümler

Türkçe kitap/kitap bölümü yazmak ve bu yolla alana önemli katkı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Dolayısı ile adayın bu tür yayınlarının bulunması olumlu olarak değerlendirilmektedir.

1.5.Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler

Yukarıda da belirtildiği gibi uluslararası indekslere (SSCI de dahil) girmiş ulusal dergiler bu başlık altında değerlendirilmektedir. Ulusal dergilerde yapılan yayınlar sadece nicelik olarak değil nitelik olarak da irdelenmektedir. Hakem değerlendirme sürecinin sağlıklı işlediğine dair bilgilerin dergide bulunmasına değerlendirme esnasında dikkat edilmektedir.

1.6.Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler

Yurtiçinde ya da yurtiçindeki grupların yurtdışında gerçekleştirdiği toplantılar bu kapsamda değerlendirilmektedir. Yukarıda belirtildiği gibi toplantının adında uluslararası ibaresi olması konferansı uluslararası bir etkinlik yapmamaktadır. Ulusal toplantılarda da bildiri değerlendirme sürecinin sağlıklı işleyip işlemediği değerlendirme esnasında dikkate alınmaktadır.

2. Akademik Etki

Adayın yaptığı çalışmaların sayısı kadar yarattığı etki de önemlidir. Bu nedenle yapılan yayınların ve diğer akademik çalışmaların yarattığı etki de değerlendirme faktörü olarak ele alınacaktır. Diğer araştırmacılarca çalışmalara yapılan atıflar ve adayın ilgili akademik veri tabanlarındaki görünürlüğü de değerlendirme kapsamında dikkate alınmaktadır.

3. Araştırma Projeleri

Bir akademisyenin gerçekleştirmesi gereken önemli etkinliklerden birisi de fonlu ulusal ve uluslararası araştırma projeleridir. Özellikle son yıllarda TÜBİTAK tarafından sağlanan desteklerin çeşidinin ve miktarının çok artması geçmişte yaşanan sorunları ortadan kaldırmıştır. Diğer yandan Avrupa Birliği tarafından sağlanan fonlar da (Leonardo, FP7, vb.) araştırmacılar için önemli imkanlardır. Yayın etkinliği ile doğrudan bağlantılı olan bu başlık yine adayların dosyasında değerlendirme için aranan bir maddedir.  Projeler sonunda ortaya çıkan çıktılar da (patent vb.) değerlendirilecktir.

Kurum içi araştırma imkanı olarak sunulan Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri türü kaynakların araştırma bağlantısının ne kadar güçlü olduğuna yönelik veri aranacaktır. BAP projesi çıktılarının yayına dönüşüp dönüşmediği değerlendirme kapsamında irdelenmektedir.

4. Öğretim Faaliyetleri

Akademik çalışmanın olmazsa olmazlarından olan ders verme etkinliği de önemli değerlendirme kriterleri arasındadır. Adayın öğretim geçmişi ve özellikle alanla ilgili verdiği lisans ve lisansüstü dersler irdelenmektedir.

5. Araştırmacı Yetiştirmesi

Doçentlik süreci hem bağımsız araştırma yapma hem de araştırma yaptırma etkinliklerini kapsamalıdır. Araştırma yapmak kadar, bilgi ve becerilerin alttan gelen nesle aktarılması da önemlidir. Tez yönetmek, eş danışman olmak ya da tez jürilerinde yer almak Doçentlik değerlendirmeleri kriterleri arasında önemli bir yere sahiptir. Ancak, bazı kurumların lisansüstü programlarının bulunmaması sebebi ile adayın tez yönetme imkanı olmayabilir. Bu tür durumlarda diğer kurumlarda yürütülen tezlerde eş danışmanlık ya da tez jüri üyeliği deneyimi aranacaktır. Bunlarında da olmaması durumunda adayın bu açığını diğer alandaki ekstra çıktılar ile  kapatması beklenmektedir.

6. Topluma Hizmet/Servis

Bilimsel ve öğretim etkinliklerin yanı sıra bir akademisyenin servis etkinliği yani kurumun çalışmalarına verdiği destek de olumlu değerlendirilmektedir. İdari görev yapmamış olan adayların buna alternatif, topluma hizmet türü uygulamalarda yer almış olması da servis kapsamında değerlendirilmektedir.

Etik Hususlar

Akademik performans ve üretkenliğin yanı sıra temel etik kurallara uygunluk yukarıdaki tüm maddeleri kapsayan bir husustur. Adayın sunduğu dosyada etik kurallara aykırı durumların olmaması gerekmektedir. Örneğin, aday bir akademik dergi ya da konferans kurulları içinde yer alıyorsa buradaki yayınlarını etik olarak doçentlik değerlendirmesinde sunmaması gerekir. Ya da tezinde/yayınlarında diğer araştırmacıların yayınlarına eksik referansta bulunmak, daha da kötüsü bulunmamak  ciddi etik sorunlar arasında yer alır.

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3,353 Responses to Doçentlik Değerlendirme Kriterlerim

  1. Armağan Ateşkan says:

    Kursat Hocam merhaba,

    Aciklayici ve ayni zamanda akademisyen olma yolunda yuruyenler icin yonlendirici bir yazi olmus. Tesekkurler:-)

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    Hocam paylaşımlarınızın devamını bekliyorum dört gözle 🙂

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    Uluslararası Yayınların Tanımı ve Sınıflandırılması
    Madde 2. Uluslar arası düzeyde yayın olarak “ISI Citation Index Veri
    Tabanlarınca taranan hakemli ve sürekli dergilerde yayımlanmış” yayınlar tanımlanmıştır.
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  763. It is a wallet used to store cryptocurrency which provides full-fledged security with an interface that is easy to use for beginners too. Its main role is that it provides its users, with a connection between a browser extension and Ethereum blockchain. It also becomes a host network for more than one dApps. In this blog, we are going to give some basic information associated with MetaMask wallet.

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  765. This is where digital wallets came into the scenario to protect the purchased funds from any kind of security breaches. MetaMask Wallet is also one of them which rolled out into the market to serve the best-in-class security features to protect all the ETH network-based coins. But, now this wallet is not only serving as a platform to store the digital keys safely but also offering numerous other amenities to help traders. We will discuss all the major offerings served by MetaMask in the very next section, head over with read.

  766. Trezor Wallets are widely used crypto wallet that keeps digital assets secured through an offline mode. And if you are a beginner, you must be familiar with the basic concepts of wallets. But if not, then don’t worry, because sooner or later you will know it. So, with this blog, we are here to guide you about the Trezor Bridge that is a part of Trezor Wallet.

  767. A cryptocurrency wallet that is built on the Ethereum ERC-20 protocol is called MetaMask. Because of this, some individuals think that MetaMask is exclusive to Ethereum as only ERC-20 tokens are supposed to be held in MetaMask.

  768. MetaMask Chrome extension is one of the most successful, highly-recognized, and secure browser extensions that support MetaMask operations on the web plugin. Not only it aids in running the extension on your device, but it also adds/improves the core functionalities of the existing web browser that you are running.

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  774. If you are having a non-resolvable issue with the MetaMask extension for Chrome, then there are a few things you can do. First of all, you need to make sure that you download MetaMask once again after uninstalling its extension from your web browser. Apart from that, you need to ensure that the Chrome browser on your device is running on its latest version.

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  778. A cryptocurrency wallet that is built on the Ethereum ERC-20 protocol is called MetaMask. Because of this, some individuals think that MetaMask is exclusive to Ethereum as only ERC-20 tokens are supposed to be held in MetaMask.

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    Wallet Management: Trezor Suite allows you to manage multiple cryptocurrency wallets, view your balance, and initiate transactions securely. Secure Storage: The private keys associated with your cryptocurrency holdings are stored on the Trezor hardware wallet, ensuring that they are kept offline and away from potential hacking attempts. Transaction Verification: Before confirming any transactions, Trezor Suite typically prompts users to verify and confirm the details on the physical device, providing an additional layer of security. Compatibility: Trezor hardware wallets are compatible with various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many others. Device Setup and Recovery: Trezor Suite assists users in setting up their Trezor hardware wallet for the first time and provides recovery options in case the device is lost or damaged.

  1658. PayPal login allows users to access their accounts, facilitating online payments and transactions. Users enter their registered email and password, gaining secure access to manage funds, send money, or shop online. Security measures like two-factor authentication ensure account protection during login.

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    Biden Cash has previously released large compromised card dumps to gauge interest in its card shop,, For example, on June 16, 2022, BidenCash card ,,,,,,

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    Fast forward to 2023, in February, BidenCash leaked approximately 2,,1 million credit card details on a Russian hacker forum,, The timeline ,,,,,,

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    Given the amount of data contained in the BidenCash dump, victims around the world are at a high risk of identity theft and other financial scams,, How ,,,,,,
    BidenCash Market Leaks 1,,6 Million Credit Card Details

    BidenCash, a notorious dark web carding marketplace, has leaked over 1,,6 million valid payment card data including debit and credit card details ,,,,,,

    1,,9M credit cards compromised in recent BidenCash leak

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    Jan 3, 2024 — BidenCash dark web marketplace leaks over 1,,9 million stolen credit cards for free, posing risks to the holders of valid cards,,

    BidenCash card shop leaks 2 million payment card records

    SC Media
    ,,,,,,://,,,,,,,,scmagazine,,com › Threat Management

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    A carding marketplace known as BidenCash leaked over 2 million payment card records on a top tier dark net for free in celebration of its ,,,,,,

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    May 16, 2023 — BidenCash, a carding marketplace infamous for selling leaked credit card information, has gained significant traction since its launch in April ,,,,,,
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    Dec 22, 2023 — BidenCash, a dark web carding marketplace, has leaked over 1,,6 million sets of payment card data, including both debit and credit cards, ,,,,,,

    BidenCash criminal market leaks over 2M stolen credit, debit ,,,,,,

    YouTube · KurttheCyberGuy

    There’s a serious data breach that just occurred, and it’s affecting millions of people,, BidenCash, a criminal site that specializes in ,,,,,,

    3 key moments
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    Over 2 Million Cards Leaked By BidenCash

    ,,,,,,://cyble,,com › Blog

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    The data within the leak included Personally Identifiable Information such as names, emails, phone numbers, home addresses, and the main ,,,,,,

    BidenCash criminal market releases over 2M credit card ,,,,,,

    Fox News
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    bidencash from ,,,,,,,,foxnews,,com
    BidenCash, a site using President Biden’s name and image in the theft of personal data, announced it had leaked over 2 million credit and ,,,,,,

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    X · DailyDarkWeb

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    BidenCash allegedly shared 1900000 credit card details BidenCash is a marketplace for selling credit cards from hackers for hackers,,

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    BidenCash Dark Web Marketplace Leaks 1,,6 Million Credit ,,,,,,

    Cyware Labs
    ,,,,,,://cyware,,com › news › bidencash-dark-web-market,,,,,,

    BidenCash, a dark web carding marketplace, has leaked over 1,,6 million valid payment card details on a Russian hacking forum,,

    BidenCash market leaks 1,,9M stolen credit cards

    ,,,,,,://cybernews,,com › News

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    BidenCash market leaks 1,,9M stolen credit cards ,,,,,, Image by Cybernews,, Criminal marketplace BidenCash released an online database containing ,,,,,,

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    Cybercrime site shows off with a free leak of 2 million ,,,,,,

    The Record by Recorded Future
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    A Russian-language dark web shop known as BidenCash recently attracted attention from cybersecurity researchers by posting a leak — for free ,,,,,,


    Searchlight Cyber
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    7 days ago — BidenCash,, Dashboard,, Dashboard; BidenCash; BidenCash,, Autoshop Marketplaces,, RussianMarket · Genesis · BlackPass · BidenCash · 2easy,, BidenCash,,

    BidenCash: how carding sites gain notoriety

    ,,,,,,://nethone,,com › podcasts › bidencash-how-cardin,,,,,,

    Learn about the BidenCash — a new carding site offering millions of people’s stolen credit card numbers and personally identifiable information (PII),,

    BidenCash Leaked 2,,1 Million Credit Card Information

    SOCRadar® Cyber Intelligence Inc,,
    ,,,,,,://socradar,,io › Dark Web

    2,,1 Million Credit Card Details Leaked by BidenCash Underground Marketplace,, On February 28, SOCRadar found a post on a hacker forum dominated ,,,,,,

    BidenCash Market Leaks 1,,6 Million Credit Card Details

    BidenCash Market Leaks 1,,6 Million Credit Card Details ,,,,,,://t,,co/ILLqDKKCjE,,

    BidenCash Leaks Over 1,,2 Million Payment Cards Data

    The Cyber Express
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    The release of the data by BidenCash was regarded as one of the biggest leaks of its kind on a cybercrime forum in recent years,, Due to the availability of this ,,,,,,

    Dark web market BidenCash leaks info on two million ,,,,,,

    ,,,,,,://cybernews,,com › News

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    Mar 1, 2023 — BidenCash has leaked two million valid cards, many of them issued in the US — as a birthday anniversary promotion,,

    Latest BidenCash news

    ,,,,,,://,,,,,,,,bleepingcomputer,,com › tag › bidencash

    BidenCash darkweb market gives 1,,9 million credit cards for free · BidenCash market leaks over 2 million stolen credit cards for free · Darkweb market BidenCash ,,,,,,

    Dark Web Market BidenCash: 30% Are Old Credit Cards

    ,,,,,,://spycloud,,com › blog › dark-web-market-bidenc,,,,,,

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    Dark Web Market BidenCash: 30%+ of Credit Cards are Old News ,,,,,, On Sunday, underground carding marketplace BidenCash made available for free ,,,,,,

    ‘BidenCash’ Hands Out 1,,2 Million Stolen Credit Cards

    ,,,,,,://gizmodo,,com › bidencash-dark-web-hackers-18,,,,,,

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    The dark web marketplace wrote over the weekend they were giving away 1,,2 million credit card details, mostly from American Express users ,,,,,,

    BidenCash Criminal Market Posts 2M+ Credit Card ,,,,,,

    Enterprise Security Tech
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    BidenCash Criminal Market Posts 2M+ Credit Card Numbers Online for Nefarious Use ,,,,,, A web site that goes by the name of BidenCash Market has ,,,,,,

    Sherri Davidoff’s Post

    LinkedIn · Sherri Davidoff

    Massive database of credit and debit cards, plus the #PII that goes with them, leaked on an underground #cybercrime forum — the threat ,,,,,,

    BidenCash Market Leaks 2M Credit Cards in Birthday Blitz

    ,,,,,,://,,,,,,,,hackread,,com › Cyber Crime

    bidencash from ,,,,,,,,hackread,,com
    As analyzed by Hackread,,com, the leaked details contain over 500000 email addresses along with credit card numbers and CVV codes in plain ,,,,,,

    BidenCash breach accounted for 10% of US ,,,,,,

    Security Magazine
    ,,,,,,://,,,,,,,,securitymagazine,,com › articles › 98835-bi,,,,,,

    bidencash from ,,,,,,,,securitymagazine,,com
    As many as 2,,3 million of American accounts were lost during the BidenCash breach, accounting for around 10% of total U,,S,, breaches in 2022,, The ,,,,,,

    BidenCash criminal market leaks over 2M stolen credit, debit ,,,,,,

    Fox News
    ,,,,,,://,,,,,,,,foxnews,,com › video


    Kurt ‘CyberGuy’ Knutsson breaks down what you need to know about the dark web leak,,
    Fox News ·

    Underground Carding Marketplace BidenCash Leaked 2 ,,,,,,

    GBHackers on Security
    ,,,,,,://gbhackers,,com › cyber security

    bidencash from gbhackers,,com
    Underground Carding Marketplace BidenCash Leaked 2 Million Credit Cards ,,,,,, BidenCash, a new entrant in the underground carding business, has ,,,,,,

    BidenCash leaks 2,,1M stolen credit/debit cards

    Security Affairs
    ,,,,,,://securityaffairs,,com › cyber-crime › bidencash-lea,,,,,,

    bidencash from securityaffairs,,com
    The dark web carding site BidenCash recently leaked for free a collection of approximately 2 million stolen payment card numbers,,

    BidenCash Credit Card Leak Strikes Again

    ,,,,,,://,,,,,,,,paymentsjournal,,com › bidencash-credit-ca,,,,,,

    bidencash from ,,,,,,,,paymentsjournal,,com
    BidenCash, a dark web marketplace leaked information on two million credit cards, most of them issued in the U,,S,,,,

    BidenCash — Biggest CC store


    bidencash from ,,,,,,-bidencash,,com
    BidenCash is biggest CC (credit card) store! Register and buy credit card!

    Credit card dumps entice fraudsters to BidenCash — darknet

    YouTube · Nethone

    Credit card dumps raise fraudster eyebrows! In the latest #DarknetSummary, we again revisit the BidenCash carding market,, In July of 2022, ,,,,,,

    BidenCash Archives

    ,,,,,,://cyble,,com › blog › tag › bidencash

    bidencash from cyble,,com
    ‘BidenCash’ Strikes Again: Over 1,,2 Million Compromised Payment Cards Data Leaked ,,,,,, Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs investigates 1,,2 ,,,,,,

    Carding market “BidenCash” disclosed 7,,9 million cards

    bidencash from medium,,com
    On June 15th, 2022, a user who is operating the carding market “BidenCash” uploaded an advertisement with a link for downloading free carding ,,,,,,

    BidenCash Gives Away 1,,2 Million Credit Cards For Free

    Frank on Fraud
    ,,,,,,://frankonfraud,,com › fraud-trends › bidencash-gi,,,,,,

    bidencash from frankonfraud,,com
    BidenCash Gives Away 1,,2 Million Credit Cards For Free ,,,,,, Bleeping Computer reports that a “dark web carding market named ‘BidenCash’ has ,,,,,,

    Biden-Cash Dark Web Market for stolen credit cards — WCYB

    ,,,,,,://wcyb,,com › news › local › tech-tips-biden-cash-d,,,,,,

    bidencash from wcyb,,com
    In the last week, the Biden-Cash Carding Marketplace released a huge dump of more than 1,,2 million credit cards free to the dark web,,

    Credit card dumps entice fraudsters to BidenCash

    ,,,,,,://nethone,,com › podcasts › credit-card-dumps-enti,,,,,,

    bidencash from nethone,,com
    We explained how carding site admins like to focus on marketing campaigns to garner interest in their services,, Fast forward to October and ,,,,,,

    BidenCash another Credit Card Market publishes data for ,,,,,,

    ,,,,,,://,,,,,,,,d3lab,,net › bidencash-another-credit-card-,,,,,,

    bidencash from ,,,,,,,,d3lab,,net
    After All World Cards also another Credit Card market decided to publish a dataset of data for free to advertise,, BidenCash yesterday June ,,,,,,

    BidenCash darkweb market gives 1,,9 million credit cards ,,,,,,

    Instagram · thecybersecurityhub

    thecybersecurityhub on December 21, 2023: “BidenCash darkweb market gives 1,,9 million credit cards for free: The ,,,,,,

    BidenCash: how carding sites gain notoriety

    We’ll look at the emergence of BidenCash — a new carding site offering millions of people’s valuable stolen credit card numbers and ,,,,,,

    Over 1,,2M credit card data dumped by BidenCash online ,,,,,,

    ,,,,,,://izoologic,,com › industry › banking-and-finance

    Over 1,,2M credit card data dumped by BidenCash online for free ,,,,,, In the most recent news concerning the dark web carding marketplace ‘BidenCash, ,,,,,,

    Donald Trump’s legal bill and Joe Biden’s cash boost

    Financial Times
    ,,,,,,://,,,,,,,,ft,,com › ,,,,,, › US presidential election

    Donald Trump’s legal bill and Joe Biden’s cash boost: inside the 2024 money race · Biden-aligned committees went into 2024 with a large cash ,,,,,,

    BidenCash Leaks Database with Over 2 Million Stolen ,,,,,,

    Heimdal Security
    ,,,,,,://heimdalsecurity,,com › blog › bidencash-leaks-dat,,,,,,

    A database containing over 2 million debit and credit cards was released for free by carding marketplace BidenCash, in celebration of its ,,,,,,

    BidenCash: A New Credit Card Trading Platform Selling ,,,,,,

    Cyware Labs
    ,,,,,,://cyware,,com › news › bidencash-a-new-credit-card,,,,,,

    bidencash from cyware,,com
    A new carding site, BidenCash, has been found leaking credit card details and the information of their owners at a price starting from $0,,15 ,,,,,,

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  2384. jeep says:

    Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a diligent and hardworking young man named Raj. Raj had always dreamed of owning a Jeep, not just any Jeep, but a sturdy and reliable one that could take him on adventures through rugged terrains and winding trails.

    Every day, Raj would work tirelessly, saving every penny he could to fulfill his dream. He took on extra jobs, worked late into the night, and sacrificed many luxuries just to inch closer to his goal.

    Finally, after years of perseverance and dedication, Raj managed to save up enough money to purchase his dream Jeep. With excitement bubbling in his heart, he drove his new acquisition through the village, its engine purring with power, its tires ready to conquer any obstacle in its path.

    As Raj embarked on his adventures, he encountered various challenges along the way. Sometimes, the roads were rocky and treacherous, testing the resilience of his Jeep and his own determination. Yet, no matter how tough the journey became, Raj never gave up. He pushed through every obstacle with courage and resilience, knowing that his dream was worth every struggle.

    One day, while traversing a particularly difficult trail, Raj came across a stranded traveler whose car had broken down. Without hesitation, Raj stopped to help, using his Jeep to tow the traveler’s vehicle to safety. Grateful for Raj’s kindness, the traveler thanked him profusely and offered him a reward.

    But Raj declined the offer, explaining that he didn’t help for any reward but simply because it was the right thing to do. He realized that his Jeep wasn’t just a means of transportation; it was a symbol of his determination, kindness, and willingness to lend a helping hand to those in need.

    From that day forward, Raj’s reputation as a kind and generous soul spread far and wide. People admired not just his Jeep, but the values it represented – resilience, compassion, and the willingness to lend a helping hand.

    And so, the story of Raj and his Jeep became a tale of inspiration for generations to come, reminding us all that the true value of our dreams lies not in what we acquire, but in how we use them to make a positive difference in the world.

  2385. jeep says:

    Once upon a time, in a picturesque village nestled amidst rolling hills and verdant forests, there lived a young man named Raj. From the earliest days of his childhood, Raj was enchanted by the allure of adventure and the thrill of exploration. He harbored a deep-seated dream, one that burned brightly within his heart – the dream of owning a Jeep.

    For Raj, the Jeep was more than just a vehicle; it symbolized freedom, resilience, and the promise of uncharted horizons waiting to be discovered. With each passing day, his longing for the sturdy and reliable Jeep grew stronger, igniting a spark of determination within him.

    However, Raj’s path to realizing his dream was not paved with ease. Born into a modest family, he knew the value of hard work and perseverance. Determined to turn his dream into reality, Raj embarked on a journey of dedication and sacrifice.

    He took on additional jobs, working tirelessly day and night, saving every hard-earned penny to inch closer to his goal. While his friends indulged in luxuries and fleeting pleasures, Raj remained steadfast in his pursuit, unwavering in his commitment to make his dream come true.

    Years passed, seasons changed, yet Raj’s determination never wavered. Through hardships and setbacks, he remained resolute, fueled by the unwavering belief that his dream was within reach.

    Finally, after years of relentless effort and unwavering determination, the day arrived when Raj stood before his dream – a sturdy and dependable Jeep, gleaming in the sunlight, its engine humming with promise.

    As Raj embarked on his adventures, traversing rugged terrains and winding trails, he encountered numerous challenges along the way. From steep inclines to treacherous paths, each obstacle tested the resilience of his Jeep and the strength of his spirit.

    Yet, Raj faced every challenge with unwavering courage and determination, refusing to be deterred by adversity. With each triumph over obstacles, his bond with his Jeep grew stronger, forging a partnership built on trust, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of adventure.

    One fateful day, while navigating a particularly daunting trail, Raj stumbled upon a fellow traveler in distress. The traveler’s vehicle had broken down, leaving them stranded in the wilderness with no means of escape.

    Without a second thought, Raj sprang into action, using his Jeep to tow the traveler’s vehicle to safety. With selflessness and compassion, he offered assistance, extending a helping hand to someone in need.

    Grateful for Raj’s kindness and generosity, the traveler offered him a reward as a token of appreciation. However, Raj declined the offer, explaining that he didn’t seek recognition or reward for his actions. For him, the true reward lay in the knowledge that he had made a positive difference in someone’s life.

    From that moment onward, Raj’s reputation as a kind and compassionate soul spread far and wide, his deeds becoming the stuff of legend. People admired not only his Jeep but the values it embodied – resilience, compassion, and the willingness to lend a helping hand to those in need.

    And so, the story of Raj and his Jeep became a timeless tale of inspiration, resonating across generations and reminding us all that the true measure of our dreams lies not in what we acquire but in how we use them to make a meaningful difference in the world.

  2386. jeep says:

    Raj was a young man with a vision. Since childhood, he had been enamored by the idea of owning a Jeep, not just any Jeep, but one that embodied ruggedness, reliability, and the spirit of adventure. Growing up in a quaint village nestled amidst verdant hills and meandering streams, Raj often found himself daydreaming about exploring distant trails and conquering challenging terrains behind the wheel of his dream vehicle.

    However, Raj’s dream was not merely a whimsical fantasy; it was a beacon of hope that fueled his determination and inspired him to strive for a better future. He knew that acquiring a Jeep would not be easy, especially given his modest means and the countless obstacles that lay in his path. Yet, Raj was undeterred. With unwavering resolve and a steadfast commitment to his goal, he embarked on a journey of perseverance and self-discovery.

    From a young age, Raj understood the value of hard work and dedication. He took on odd jobs around the village, from tending to the fields to helping with construction projects, earning whatever little money he could to contribute to his savings. Despite the long hours and the physical toll it took on him, Raj never once complained. Instead, he remained focused on his goal, knowing that every sacrifice brought him one step closer to realizing his dream.

    As the years went by, Raj’s determination only grew stronger. He learned to manage his finances wisely, cutting back on unnecessary expenses and prioritizing his savings above all else. While his peers indulged in fleeting pleasures and frivolous pursuits, Raj remained frugal and disciplined, always keeping his eyes fixed on the prize that awaited him.

    Finally, after years of hard work and perseverance, Raj’s moment of triumph arrived. With his savings carefully amassed and his goal within reach, he stood before the gleaming façade of the dealership, ready to make his dream a reality. As he stepped inside, the scent of new leather and polished metal filled the air, filling Raj with a sense of anticipation and excitement that he had never known before.

    With meticulous attention to detail, Raj chose the Jeep of his dreams – a rugged vehicle adorned in earthy hues, its sturdy frame exuding strength and resilience. With trembling hands and a heart full of joy, he signed the necessary paperwork and watched as the keys to his newfound freedom were placed in his hands.

    From that day forward, Raj’s life changed in ways he could never have imagined. With his Jeep as his trusty companion, he embarked on countless adventures, traversing rugged terrains, crossing perilous rivers, and scaling towering mountains with ease. Each journey filled him with a sense of exhilaration and wonder, reminding him of the boundless possibilities that awaited him beyond the confines of his village.

    Yet, amidst the thrill of exploration and the allure of adventure, Raj never forgot the values that had guided him on his journey. He remained humble and grounded, always mindful of the struggles he had overcome and the sacrifices he had made along the way. Moreover, he never hesitated to lend a helping hand to those in need, using his Jeep not just as a means of transportation, but as a symbol of compassion, generosity, and the indomitable human spirit.

    One day, while traversing a treacherous mountain pass, Raj came across a stranded traveler whose car had broken down. Without hesitation, he stopped to offer assistance, using his Jeep to tow the stranded vehicle to safety. Grateful for Raj’s kindness, the traveler offered him a reward as a token of appreciation.

    But Raj declined the offer, explaining that he didn’t help for any reward but simply because it was the right thing to do. He realized that his Jeep wasn’t just a vehicle; it was a manifestation of his dreams, his aspirations, and his values. It was a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of kindness, and the transformative potential of chasing one’s dreams.

    And so, the story of Raj and his Jeep became a legend in the village, inspiring generations to come with its message of hope, resilience, and the triumph of the human spirit. For Raj had proven that with determination, perseverance, and a little bit of faith, even the wildest dreams could come true.

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