My main area of study is algebraic number theory. I am interested in elliptic curves and complex multiplication. My thesis concerns the class numbers of ray class fields of imaginary quadratic fields. I am currently focused on arithmetically exceptional mappings and generalized Chebyshev polynomials associated with Lie algebras.
Curriculum Vitae (updated January 2025)
Note that the actual published versions may be slightly different than the versions given below.
14 | On the Jacobian Matrices of Generalized Chebyshev Polynomials,
Arxiv, submitted. |
13 | Value sets of folding polynomials over finite fields,
Turk. J. Math., 43, (2019), 1407-1413. |
12 | A proof of the Lucas-Lehmer test and its variations by using a singular cubic curve,
Journal of Integer Sequences, 21, (2018), Article 18.6.2. |
11 | Value sets of bivariate folding polynomials over finite fields,
Finite Fields Appl., 54, (2018), 253-272. |
10 | On the Arithmetic Exceptionality of Polynomial Mappings,
Bull. London Math. Soc., 50, (2018), 143-147. |
9 | Arithmetic Exceptionality of Generalized Lattès Maps,
J. Math. Soc. Japan 70 No.2 (2018) 823-832.
Joint with H. Önsiper. |
8 | Bivariate polynomial mappings associated with simple complex Lie algebras,
J. Number Theory, 168, (2016), 433-451. |
7 | Value sets of bivariate Chebyshev maps over finite fields,
Finite Fields Appl., 36, (2015), 189-202. |
6 | On the computation of generalized division polynomials,
Turk. J. Math., 39, (2015), 547-555. |
5 | On the units generated by Weierstrass forms,
ANTS 2014 proceeding,
LMS J. Comput. Math., 17 (2014), suppl. A, 303-313. |
4 | Value sets of Lattès maps over finite fields,
J. Number Theory, 143, (2014), 262-278. |
3 | A recurrence relation for Bernoulli numbers,
Hacet. J. Math. Stat., 42, (2013), no 4, 319-329. |
2 | Class numbers of ring class fields of prime conductor,
Acta Arith., 153, (2012), no 3, 251-269. |
1 | Class numbers of ray class fields of imaginary quadratic fields,
Math. Comp., 80, (2011), no. 274, 1099-1122. |