- Nilay Nida CAN
- Ecem ENGİN
- Aslı Selin ÖZZADE

Reported by Nilay Nida CAN
Group 2 explores a better environment and life for “Ümitköy Sitesi” via discussions among researchers and inhabitants. The group collected data from the current residents who voluntarily carry out administrative roles in this mass housing site. Although the data was limited, the participating residents in the workshop provided a valuable contribution to the development of the design ideas of the project. The social aspect of the site as a place-making has become the main focus of Group 2. After symbolization of the data gathered from stakeholders’ interviews, the primary outcome of the group points out the need for social requirements. The group reveals three main topics to understand spatial analysis, strengths, challenges, and limitations of the site. The housing site includes a well-connected and active community network, relatively better conditions of the buildings, a well-organized management scheme, and a vast green area providing small-scale biodiversity are the key strengths. Based on the analysis, Group 2 proposes a series of strategies to achieve social cohesion, improve the quality of abandoned green spaces and tackle the feeling of insecurity. In their design strategies, they emphasize the integration of common outdoor and indoor spaces as the critical issue to transforming the housing site to have a better environment and community life.