Category Archives

Archive of posts published in the category: Uncategorized

Deep Learning in Finance

Deep Learning in Finance Is Deep Learning now leading the charge in terms of financial technology development? For several years, computational economics, artificial intelligence, and deep learning have become crucial parts of the finance industry. The advancement of these strategies, technology, and skills…

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning Deep learning and machine learning tend to most people to be synonymous buzzwords in the AI environment. This, though, is not the case. As a result, anyone interested in learning more about artificial intelligence can start by learning…

Machine Learning in Finance

Machine Learning in Finance  Nowadays, machine learning in finance and Fintech are essential components of financial services and applications, including wealth management, risk assessment, credit risk, and scoring. In machine learning, computer systems function in the background and generate results automatically based on…

Big Data in Finance

Big Data in Finance Significant financial institutions and banks are applying innovative Big Data technology to derive actionable information from a massive amount of consumer data and standardize financial data from different sources. Big Data has gradually become necessary for these institutions. The…

Natural Language Processing in Finance

Natural Language Processing in Finance On 1 May 2018, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, “We want Facebook to be somewhere where you can start meaningful relationships,” he continued. “We’ve designed this with privacy and safety in mind from the beginning.” at an annual…

Turing Test in Artificial Intelligence

Turing Test in Artificial Intelligence The Turing Test is an easy method of deciding whether a computer can demonstrate human intelligence. A machine has displayed human intelligence if it can converse with a human without being identified as a machine. Alan Turing, a…

What is Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)?

What is Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)? Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) is published by Google AI Language in 2018, and it is seen as state-of-art in a broad range of NLP tasks by Machine Learning communities. The BERT Algorithm was…

What is Cloud Computing?

What is Cloud Computing? With expanding internet use, the internet of things (IoT), and the big data applications, we have seen the term cloud computing everywhere. In its most basic form, Cloud computing entails storing and accessing data and programs over the internet…

What is Deep Learning ?

What is Deep Learning ? Have you ever thought about how autonomous cars are even possible? How can virtual assistants understand our problems and give a solution? Have you ever wondered how text translations can be performed very accurately? Al of these and…

What is Natural Language Processing?

What is Natural Language Processing  In the early ages of computers, it was believed that computers would not understand words and numbers the way humans do. However, with the increasingly large amount of online text, improved computer memory and speed, and deep learning…