
CLEDI (Creative Learning Districts for Inclusion) is a European Erasmus+ project aimed to promote social and digital inclusion among students, with a specific focus on science and multiculturality.

Social Inclusion and Community Building
Innovative Didactic Approaches
Knowledge Creation
Digital Technologies for Learning

“The theoretical basis of the project stems from reflections on the characteristics, opportunities and challenges of the information society, social and digital inclusion of migrants, and ICT for education.”

General Objectives

Supporting the inclusion of students coming from diverse groups, with a specific focus on migrants and second generation pupils

The effective integration of ICT in the school system with a full use of those digital features that promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among users and support creativity


These three areas of knowledge will be combined to create best practices for territorial development, promoting actions that address the needs of different groups of beneficiaries:

Migrant Students
Issues concerning social exclusion can increase the risk of scholastic failure and dropout. The project intends to involve all students with the aim to develop inclusive relations among peers, as well as participation to the digital world, promoting skills of digital citizenship, intercultural dialogue and integration. High school students from Professional Institutes will be involved into projects that promote reflection on universal values such as the collaboration for scientific aims.

The project addresses issues concerning digital divide, low motivation, difficulties in the integration of new stimulus in an already crowded working schedule, and of integrating new practices in consolidated routines. Thus, educators will receive training on the use of ICT for education, with a specific attention to the development of student-centered practices based on collaborative and creative tasks. The project aims to support the engagement in a wider community of practice where educators may be able to find and discuss new ideas and possible solutions.

School Leaders

The project addresses issues related to resistance to innovation in their institution, integration of migrant students, alliances with local administrations. The project will actively support the adoption of new governance strategies, both in the internal organization of the actions and in the coordination with other entities such as local and national administrations, by promoting the creation of board committees on topics of interests that will includes both school and administrations representatives.


University of Milano-Bicocca
Universitad de Granada (UGR)
Middle East Technical University (METU)
Innovative Educators Association
Fundacio Privada Trinijove
IES Cartuja
Danes Je Nov Dan
Instituto de Migraciones
Fondazione Luigi Clerici (FLC)