Ph.D. Thesis
1. Stable crack propagation studies in Ankara andesites, Nejdet Köksal, September 1989, 220 p. (Together with Dr. Levent Tutluoðlu)
2. Performance monitoring of electrical power shovels for diggability assessment in surface coal mines, Atilla Ceylanoðlu, July 1991, 228 pp
3. Strata control aspects at the gate roadways of OAL underground mine, Selami İstanbulluoğlu, December 1995, 220 p.
4. Development of a particle size distribution analysis system by digital image processing, Taylan Bozdağ, March 1996, 126 p.
5. Effect of operational parameters and formation properties in drillability in surface set diamond core drilling, Ertan Akün, September 1997, 251 p.
6. Development of a computer based monitoring system and its usage for power shovels’ monitoring, Mehmet Ali Hindistan, November 1997, 139 p.
7. Reliability Based Design of Rock slopes,H. Ş.Düzgün, June 2000,160 p.(Together with Dr. S. Yücemen).
8. Rippability Assesment Based on Direct Ripping, Specific Energy Concept and Numerical Modelling, Hakan Başarır, September 2002
9. Risk Assessment Approach on Underground Coal Mine Safety analysis, Mehmet Sarı, November 2002, 202 pages.
10. Development of an Elastoplastic Analytical Model For Design of Grouted Rockbolts in Tunnels with Particular Reference to Poor Rock Masses, Reza Rangsaz Osgouı, January 2007, 223 pages.
11. Three Dimensional Numerical Modelling of Discontinuous Rocks by Using Distinct Element Method, Arman Koçal, September 2008, 198 pages (together with Dr.Debnem Düzgün)
M.Sc. Thesis
1. Stability assessment of a nuclear power plant foundation on rock, Orhan Acaralp, September 1985, 86 p.
2. Some rock mass and material properties and stability analysis of nuclear power plant foundation on heterogeneous rock mass, Mete Yeşil, February 1987, 94 p.
3. Indirect rippability assessment of coal measure rocks, Taylan Bozdağ, September 1988, 86 p.
4. The diggability assessment using power consumption of electrical power shovels, Atilla Ceylanoğlu, September, 1988, 89 p.
5. Convergence characteristics and gate roadway support design at Çayýrhan colliery, Selami İstanbulluoğlu, December 1989, 115 p.
6. Improving the drillability of exploration drilling at Zonguldak Hard Coal Basin, Ertan Akün, January 1990, 96 p.
7. Improvement of the belt conveyor shifting operations in Kışlaköy/Elbistan lignite mine using the critical path method, Dinçer Kara, January 1990, 118 p. (Together with Dr. Neş’e Çelebi)
8. Critical analysis of short rod fracture toughness testing method., Ayşe Özden Şantay, January 1990, 83 p.
9. Load and convergence measurements and support design at longwall faces of Alpagut Dodurga Lignite (ADL) Mine, Veli Doğan, Aralık 1990, 114 p.
10. Fragmentation size improvements at the production drifts of Etibank Bigadiç Avşar underground mine, İbrahim Konuk, January 1991, 123 p.
11. Subsidence measurements and modelling for prediction, Turhan Ünver, 1994.
12. Critical analysis on the application of Krigging to rock mass classification, Hasan Kaya, September 1995, 163 p.
13. Development of a computer controlled continuous failure state triaxial test system, Hakan Başarır, September 1997, 66 p.
14. Performance Evaluation of Shield Support Transporting Systems During Face Transfer Operations in Çayırhan Mine by Discrete Event Simulation, H. Hüseyin Erdoğan, Aralık 2001,156 pages (together with Dr.Şebnem Düzgün)
15. Effect of Discontinuity Roughness and Anisotropy on Shear Strength, Alper Kaan Denli, May 2004, 109 pages (together with Dr.Şebnem Düzgün)
16. A Methodology for Detection and Evaluation of Lineaments from satellite Imagery, Arman Koçal,June 2004, 122 pa ges (together with Dr.Şebnem Düzgün)
17. Probabilistic Modeling of Failure In Rock Slopes, Mohammed Fadelmoula, July 2007, 134 pages (together with Dr.Şebnem Düzgün)
18. Analysis of Support Design Practice at Elmalık Portals of Bolu Tunnels, Gökhan Aşçıoğlu, December 2007, 197 pages
19. Slope Stability Analysis and Design in Elbistan- Çöllolar Open Cast Mine, Ferid Öge, September 2008, 136 pages
20. Developing a coal transportation cost estimation model for Turkish Coal Enterprises, Ebru Demir,February 2009,103 pages