MATH 496, Supervised Independent Study & Research
We shall meet twice a week on Tuesdays between 12:40-13:30 and on between Fridays 12:40-13:30 in M-203, Tosun Terzioğlu Auditorium.
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with mathematical research. Students will be asked to choose a research paper that will be approved by the instructor, analyze it in detail throughout the semester, give regularly scheduled presentations regarding their progress, try to ask new questions about the topic and prepare a final presentation both in written and oral form.
Note that this is a 2-credit course and is supposed to be taken as an extra course to the standard curriculum. You cannot take this course as a “departmental elective” course but can only take it as a “free elective” or “not included” course. Moreover, whether or not you can take this course is up to both the course criteria decided by the department and the consent of the instructor. (At the moment, the course criteria is that you have to be a third or fourth year mathematics major with a CGPA of at least 3.00. If you are a second year student who wishes to take this course, please come and see me in person.)