MATH 349 (Fall 2023)

MATH 349 – Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
Course Syllabus

Instructor: Asst. Prof. Burak Kaya
Office: M-126
Phone number: +90 (312) 210 2996
Office hours: Announced at this link
Class hours: Tuesday and Thursday 08:40-10:30
Classroom: M-13

Prerequisites:   MATH252

Course description: This is an introductory course to real analysis. After recalling some basic notions and introducing some fundamental notions regarding the real line, we shall cover the topology of metric spaces in detail and learn the applications of the relevant techniques in real analysis.

Textbook: We will be using the textbook An Introduction to Real Analysis by Tosun Terzioğlu that is published by Matematik Vakfı. That said, I may be covering some additional material that is not covered in the textbook.

As an additional resourse, students may also read the classical textbook Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin.

Lectures: Lectures will be held in person.

Since the auditorium M-13 has a built-in camera & microphone system, I may choose to record the lectures and share it on YouTube. However, this does not mean that the instruction method is hybrid. Indeed, even if I choose to record the lectures, there will no online session for students to join via online methodsAll students are expected to attend the lectures and participate in discussions. The lecture videos will be uploaded only for you to review the material in case you miss it during the lectures.

Attendance: Attendance is not mandatory, however, is strongly suggested.

Grading: There will be three midterm exams each out of 80 points and a final exam out of 100 points. Each midterm will have %20 weight and the final exam will have %40 weight in your overall score that is to be used for letter grades More specifically, your total score will be calculated using the following function of four variables.

Total score=(Midterm 1 + Midterm 2+Midterm 3) x 0.25 + Final x 0.40

Your letter grades will be given based on your total score.

I will use Gradescope to grade your midterm and final exams, unless you prefer otherwise in which case you should let me know in advance.

Make-up policy: No make-ups will be given without an official report. This policy is non-negotiable. If you are going to miss an exam because of extraordinary conditions, which may not be documented via reports, you should contact me in advance.

Academic dishonesty policy: You are expected to be familiar with the university’s academic integrity guide for students. No form of academic dishonesty is tolerated. If you are caught cheating, then you will fail the course and official disciplinary action may be pursued.

Information for students with disabilities: Students who experience difficulties due to their disabilities and wish to obtain academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids must contact ODTU Disability Support Office and/or course instructor and the advisor of students with disabilities at academic departments as soon as possible. For detailed information, please visit the website of Disability Support Office.

Weekly course plan: Below is the tentative course plan that shows what sections of the textbook we shall cover each week. You should keep in mind that I may add/remove topics or change the order of topics depending on our progress each week.

Week 0 Section 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
Week 1 Section 1.5 and 1.6
Week 2 Section 2.1 and 2.2
Week 3 Section 2.3
Week 4 Section 2.4
Week 5 Section 2.4
Week 6 Section 2.5
Week 7 Section 2.6
Week 8 Section 3.1
Week 9 Section 3.2
Week 10 Section 3.3
Week 11 Section 3.4 and 3.5
Week 12 Section 4.1 and 4.2
Week 13 Section 4.3 and 4.4