MATH 782 (Spring 2025)

MATH 782, Descriptive Set Theory
Course Syllabus

Instructor: Asst. Prof. Burak Kaya
Office: M-126
Phone number: +90 (312) 210 2996
Office hours: TBA
Class hours: TBA
Classroom: TBA

Prerequisites:   If you are a graduate student, then there are no prerequisites. If you are an undergraduate student, then, in order to take this course, you should have obtained permission from the instructor.

Course description: This is an introductory graduate level-course to descriptive set theory. You can reach the official catalog description of the course from this web page.

Textbook: We will be following the textbook

As a supplementary resource, we may also use the classical textbook Classical Descriptive Set Theory by Kechris.

Attendance: Attendance is not mandatory, however, is strongly suggested.

Assignments and grading: There will be five homework assignments each out of 24(+4 bonus) points and one final exam out of 100 points. Each homework assignment will have %12 weight and the final exam will have %40 weight in your overall score that is to be used for letter grades. Your overall score will be calculated as follows.

Overall score = Homework assignments x 0.5 + Final Exam x 0.4

Your final letter grades will be given based on your overall score.

No late submissions for homework assignments will be accepted and no make-ups will be given for homework assignments since you will already be given more than enough time to submit your homework assignments.

In order to be able to take the final exam, a student must have submitted at least three homework assignments with at least one attempted solution in each assignment. No make-ups will be given for the final exam without an official report. This policy is non-negotiable. If you are going to miss the final exam because of extraordinary conditions, which may not be documented via reports, you should contact me in advance.

Submission of homework assignments and how to get bonus points: You will use Gradescope to submit your homework assignments electronically over the internet, unless you prefer otherwise in which case you should let me know in advance. I will grade your homework submissions, as well as your final exam, through this system. Once the class roster is finalized after the add-drop period, you will get an e-mail which contains instructions for logging into Gradescope.

LaTeX has been a fundamental tool to the mathematical community over years. A mathematician who does not use LaTeX is like a fisherman who uses a wooden stick instead of a professional rod.

For this reason, any non-empty homework submission typed in LaTeX which contains at least one attempted-solution will automatically get +4 bonus points. You can ask others who use LaTeX about how to install a TeX distribution, such as MiKTeX, and a TeX editor, such as TeXmaker.

Tentative course plan: For the tentative weekly course plan, you can check the official syllabus from the ODTÜ Class page of the course.

Academic dishonesty policy: You are expected to be familiar with the university’s academic integrity guide for students. No form of academic dishonesty is tolerated.