

sercanEAG2015Tacettin Sercan Pekin, Veysi İşler and Banu Günel, Usability Comparison of Large Touch Screen Systems versus Desktop-Size Screen and Mobile-Size Screen Systems, Eurasiagraphics 2015: International Conference on Computer Graphics, Animation and Gaming Technologies, November 19-20, 2015 Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey. (also published in a special issue of Journal of Naval Science and Engineering (JNSE).

NMSG-WorkshopAhmet Özkök, Ali Ercingöz, Tansel Dökeroğlu, Veysi İşler.  “Application of Simulation Based Optimization for a banking business process” (Bir Bankanın İş Sürecine Benzetim Tabanlı Eniyilemenin Uygulanışı), USMOS 2015: Modeling and Simulation Conference, 11-12 November 2015, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

NMSG-WorkshopVeysi Isler, Murat M.Gunal, Ali Ercingoz, Cevdet Baran, “An Approach for Optimization of Medical Logistics Operations associated with the Military using M&S on a Cloud Environment”, 2015 NATO Modelling & Simulation Group (NMSG) Symposium, 15-16 October 2015 in Munich, Germany.

uluat2015Mehmet Fatih Uluat & Veysi İşler (2015): Ensemble adaptive tile prefetching using fuzzy logic, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2015.1108420


NMSG-WorkshopAhmet Özkök, Ali Ercingöz, Halit A. Dönmez, Tansel Dökeroğlu, Veysi İşler.  “SimBusPro: A Simulation-Based Decision Support Tool used for the Optimization of Business Processes running on the Cloud”, The 38th International ICT Convention MIPRO 2015, Croatia.


Gokce Yildirim Kalkan and Veysi Isler, Bottlenecks in Distributed Real-Time Visualization of Huge Data on Heterogeneous Systems,  Proceedings of EURASIA GRAPHICS 2014, ISBN: 978-605-65164-0-5, Paper 04, Hacettepe University Press, Ankara, Turkey, Oct 2014. [PDF]

Emre Onal and Veysi Isler, Cloth Tearing Simulation,  Proceedings of EURASIA GRAPHICS 2014, ISBN: 978-605-65164-0-5, Paper 07, Hacettepe University Press, Ankara, Turkey, Oct 2014. [PDF]

castrolpaperEryilmaz, U., Sancar Tokmak, H., Cagiltay, K., Isler, V. & Ozmen-Eryilmaz, N. (2014). A novel classification method for driving simulators based on existing flight simulator classification standards. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 42, 132-146.


S. Tuğba TOKEL, Derya BAŞER and Veysi İŞLER, Türkiye’deki Ebeveynlerin Çocuklarının İnternet ve Sosyal Paylaşım Siteleri Kullanımına Yönelik Bilgi Seviyeleri ve Algıları, Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, Vol. 9, Issue 1, April 2013, pp.225-236. (in Turkish)
tokelpaperSaniye Tugba Tokel, Veysi İsler,  Acceptance of virtual worlds as learning space, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Published online: 23 July 2013,
doi: 10.1080/14703297.2013.820139
DuruCakirIslerHacı Ali DuruMurat Perit Çakır,  Veysi İşler, How Does Software Visualization Contribute to Software Comprehension? A Grounded Theory Approach, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 29Issue 11, pages 743-763, 2013. doi: 10.1080/10447318.2013.773876.
GamzeEvrenVeysiBozgeyikli, G., Bozgeyikli, E. and İşler, V. (2013), Introducing tangible objects into motion controlled gameplay using Microsoft® Kinect TM. Comp. Anim. Virtual Worlds, 24: 429–441. doi: 10.1002/cav.1513
OzanSercanNilayVeysiOzan Çağrı Tonkal, Sercan Pehlivan, Nilay Sezer-Uzol, Veysi Isler, Jacobi Yöntemi için GPU Üzerinde CUDA ile Hızlı Bir Algoritma, Basarim2012, 3. Ulusal Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama Konferansı, 12-13 Nisan 2012, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara.
GulerIslerH. Guler, C. Hosgor, Y. Yavuz, M. Kurkcuoglu and V. Isler, Genetic Algorithms for Optimization of Railway Track Maintenance and Renewal Activities, ©Civil-Comp Press, 2012, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance,J. Pombo, (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland, 2012.


ErhanUgurVeysiErhan Okuyan, Uğur Güdükbay, and Veysi İşler, “Dynamic View-dependent Visualization of Unstructured Tetrahedral Volumetric Meshes”, Journal of Visualization, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 167-178, May 2012.
 GokceVeysiGökçe Yıldırım, Veysi İşler, “Efficient Rendering Of Complex Scenes On Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures” Eurasiagraphics 2012, International Workshop on Computer Graphics, Animation  and Game Technologies,4-5 May 2012,  Işık University, İstanbul.
fnirHacı Ali Duru, Murat Perit Çakır, Veysi İşler, “Towards A New Approach for Evaluating Software Visualization Tools in Software Comprehension” Eurasiagraphics 2012, International Workshop on Computer Graphics, Animation  and Game Technologies, 4-5 May 2012,  Işık University, İstanbul.
tugbaveysiroleplayingSaniye Tuğba Tokel, Veysi İşler, “Use Of Virtual World To Teach Collaborative Learning Techniques Through Role-Playing Sessions” Eurasiagraphics 2012, International Workshop on Computer Graphics, Animation  and Game Technologies,4-5 May 2012,  Işık University, İstanbul.
muratdaryalMurat Perit Çakır, Abdullah Murat Şenyiğit, Daryal Murat Akay, Hasan Ayaz, Veysi İşler, Evaluation of UAS Camera Operator Interfaces in a Simulated Task Environment: An Optical Brain Imaging Approach, 2012 International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2012), Shenyang, China, July 11 – 14, 2012.


SeckinVeysiSeckin Sanci and Veysi Isler, A Parallel Algorithm for Flight Route Planning on GPU, International Journal of Parallel Programming , pp. 1-29, December 2011, doi: 10.1007/s10766-011-0171-8.
caglayanveysi               Caglayan Karapınar and Veysi Isler, Comparing Presence and Immersion Among 3D Collaborative Virtual Environments (3D-CVEs), 2011 AECT Convention, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 11/2011.

Saniye Tugba Bulu and Veysi Isler, Second Life METU Campus: A Case of Teaching Methods Course, 2011 AECT Convention, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 11/2011. Emre Canbazoglu and Veysi Isler, Effect of Game Experience on Performing Virtual Environments Tasks, 2011 AECT Convention, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 11/2011.

selcukveysiSelcuk Bozcan and Veysi Isler, Network modeling and simulation of massively multiplayer online games, Simulation: Transactions of the Society of Modeling and Simulation International,  August 2011, doi:10.1177/0037549711423283.
dar Yesilmurat and Veysi Isler, Retrospective adaptive prefetching for interactive Web GIS applications, GeoInformatica, September 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10707-011-0141-8.
CGSoccerErdal Yilmaz, Eray Molla, Cansın Yildiz, Veysi Isler, Realistic Modeling of Spectator Behavior for Soccer Videogames with CUDA, Computers & Graphics 35 (2011) 1063–1069, doi:10.1016/j.cag.2011.10.001.
 Veysi İşler, Halit Oğuztüzün, Nur Evin Özdemirel, Bilge Kaan Görür (editörler), USMOS 2011 Bildiri Kitabı, ISBN: 978-605-88041-0-4,, ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara, 06/2011.
JenerikSimAslı Yılmaz, Deniz Yılmaz, Abdullah Murat Şenyiğit, Bilge Kaan Görür, Veysi İşler. Genel amaçlı araştırma simülatörü : Donanım ve yazılım altyapısının tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesi, USMOS 2011,, ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara, 06/2011.
EnginOguzVeysiEngin Fırat, Vahap Oğuz Tokmak, Veysi İşler. Araç dinamiği modellenmesi, simülasyonu ve görselleştirilmesi, USMOS 2011,, ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara, 06/2011.
HavelsanEngin Kurşun, Türkan Karakuş, Aslı Yılmaz, Kürşat Çağıltay, Veysi İşler, Ümit Tezcan, Serkan Gürdal. Eğitmen konsol yazılımları için kullanıcı arayüzü kılavuzu geliştirilmesi ve geçerleme süreci, USMOS 2011,, ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara, 06/2011.
ABTugbaSaniye Tugba Bulu and Veysi Isler, Second Life ODTÜ Kampüsü, Akademik Bilişim 2011, Malatya, 02/2011.


ciflikliislerB. Ciftlikli, V. Isler and U. Gudukbay, Increasing the Sense of Presence in a Simulation Environment using Image Generators based on Visual Attention, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Vol. 19, No. 16, December 2010.


marathonE. Yilmaz, V. Isler and Y. Yardimci, The Virtual Marathon: Parallel Computing Supports Crowd Simulation, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, July/august 2009, Vol 29, No.4
gurkanVDMGurkan Koldas, Veysi Isler, Efficient Visibility for Distributed Virtual Environments: Based on Occlusion Culling, VDM Verlag , ISBN-10: 3639138554, 2009.

HCI2009Hatice SancarKursat CagiltayVeysi IslerGizem TamerNeslihan OzmenUtkan Eryilmaz, Developing a Validation Methodology for Educational Driving Simulators and a Case StudyHuman-Computer Interaction. Interacting in Various Application Domains Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 5613, 2009, pp 760-769.

Veysi Isler, Collaboration and Synergy among Government, Industry and Academia in M&S Domain: Turkey Approach, NATO NMSG Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 2009.


safakveysiSafak Burak Cevikbas, Gürkan Koldas, Veysi Isler, Prefetching Optimization for Distributed Urban Environments, pp. 291-297, 2008 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 2008.
gurkanlauveysiGurkan Koldas, Veysi Isler, Rynson Lau, An Adjustable Occluder Shrinking Method for Urban Environments, Proceedings of Computer Graphics International Conference, 9-11 June 2008, pp. 278-285, Istanbul.


jpdcA. Es and V. Isler, Accelerated Regular Grid Traversals Using Extended Anisotropic Chessboard Distance Fields on a Parallel Stream Processor, Journal of Parallel and Distrbuted Computing, Volume 67, Issue 11, pp 1201-1217, November 2007.
H. Y. Keles, S. A. Es and V. Isler, Acceleration of Direct Volume Rendering with Programmable Graphics Hardware, The Visual Computer, Volume 23, No 1, January, 2007.2006.
stereo2Alphan Es and Veysi Isler, GPU Based Stereoscopic Ray Tracing, ISCIS 2007, 22nd International International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, November 2007, pp. 1-7, Ankara, 2007.
 Gurkan Koldas, Veysi Isler and Rynson W. H. Lau, Six Degrees of Freedom Incremental Occlusion Horizon Culling Method for Urban Environments, Advances in Visual Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4841, 2007, pp. 792-803.



 H. Y. Keles, . A. Es and V. Isler, Accelerated Volume Rendering with Homogeneous Region Encoding using EACD on GPU, 6th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, Braga, Portugal, 11-12, May 2006.


 G.Koldas, S.B.Cevikbas, V. Isler, Dagitik Simülasyon Uygulamalarinda Gerçek Zamanli Görsellestirme: Ufuk Tabanli Görünürlük Tespit Yöntemi, SAVTEK,, Haziran 2006.


 B. Sapaz, V. Isler, C4ISR Görev Uzayi Kavramsal Modelinin Görsellestirilmesi, SAVTEK,, Haziran 2006.


 B. Sapaz, V. Isler, Visualization in Transportation: A Theoretical Reference Model Framework, TRODSA,, MayIs 2006.



S. Bilgen, O. Demirörs, K. Imre, V. Isler and A. Karagöz, C4ISR (KOMUTA, KONTROL, MUHABERE , BILGISAYAR, ISTIHBARAT, GÖZETLEME VE KEsIF) Görev UzayInIn Kavramsal Modellenmesi, 1. Ulusal Savunma UygulamalarI Modelleme Simülasyon KonferansI, Haziran 2005.


A. Okutanoglu, and V. Isler, Simülasyon Sistemlerinde Esnek Senaryo Altyapilari, 1. Ulusal Savunma Uygulamalari Modelleme Simülasyon Konferansi, Haziran 2005.


A. Es and V. Isler, Acceleration of Regular Grid Traversals Using Extended Chessboard Distance Transformation on GPU CAD/CAM, Hong Kong, 2005.



M. I. S. Kapicioglu, V. Isler, M. Bulun, s. Toprak, A. Okutanoglu, B. Gulnar, M. C. Ganiz, G. Yalçin, D. Keskin, I. Bikmaz, Tip Egitiminde Senkron Egitim ve Selçuklu Tip Fakültesi’ndeki Uygulamalar, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET ISSN: 1303-6521 Volume 2, Issue 3, Article 16, July 2003.


Ç. Ündeger, V. Isler and Z. Ipekkan An Intelligent Action Algorithm for Virtual Human Agents The 9th Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation, Orlando, Florida, May 16-18, 2000.


T. Can, V. Isler and Z. Ipekkan Sensor Optimization The 9th Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation, Orlando, Florida, May 16-18, 2000.


 G. Koldas and V. Isler Multiresolution Behavioral Modeling in a Virtual Environment The 33rd Annual Simulation Symposium, Washington D. C., April 16-20, 2000.


 V. Kaptan and V. Isler Virtual Pottery Making IEEE Visualization 1999: as a Late Breaking Hot Topic, San Francisco, California, USA, 24-29 October 1999.


S. A. Es and V. Isler Simplification of Triangular Meshes Using Iterative Edge Contractions Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, KusadasI, Turkey, Ekim 1999.


 S. Temizer, Ö. S. Saraç and V. Isler Intelligent Parallel Volume Rendering Using View Coherence on MIMD Architectures Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, KusadasI, Turkey, Ekim 1999.


 G. Koldas and V. Isler Dynamic Simulation of a Sailing Boat Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, KusadasI, Turkey, October 1999.


 V. Kaptan and V. Isler Modelling with Virtual Clay Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, KusadasI, Turkey, October 1999.


 A. Es and V. Isler Three Dimensional Computer Animation for Weather Forecast Presentation, WSCG ’99: The 7-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Digital Interactive Media’99, 8-12 January 1999.


V. Isler ve G. Koldas Askeri Uygulamalarda Üç Boyutlu HIzlI Animasyon Teknikleri, 2000’li YIllarda Uzay, HavacIlIk ve Savunma Teknolojilerinin Öncelikleri Sempozyumu, Hava Harp Okulu, Yesilyurt-Istanbul, 29-30 April 1999.


 S. Genç, V. Atalay ve V. Isler Görüntü TabanlI Dinamik Doku Esleme, SIU’99: IEEE 1999 Sinyal Isleme ve UygulamlarI KurultayI, Ankara, 16-19 June 1999.


 V. Isler Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi’nin Uzaktan Egitim Deneyimleri (Distance Education Experiences of the Middle East Technical University,) MEDISAT-EUREKA: Joint Workshop: Internet as a Medium for Innovation and Technology Development in Eastern Mediterranean, Tubitak-Bilten and EU/INCO-DC, Ankara, 24-25 September 1998.


 V. Isler Internete DayalI Asenkron Egitim ile Bilgi Teknolojileri Sertifika, YA/EM’98: Yöneylem ArastIrma KonferansI, Ankara, June 1998.


 V. Isler, H. Vural and S. Koç ODTÜ Sanal Kampüsü: Deneyimler, YA/EM’98: Yöneylem ArastIrma KonferansI, Ankara, June 1998.


 V. Isler Sanal Üniversite: Düsünceler ve Deneyimler, Bilgi Teknolojileri IsIgInda Egitim, TBD and IEEE Türkiye Bölümü, 22-24 May 1998.


 V. Isler Sanal Gerçeklik UygulamalarInda Çokçözünürlüklü Modellerin KullanImI, MODSIM: Modelleme ve Simülasyon KonferansI, TSK Modsim Ofisi, Kara Harp Okulu, Ankara, 1-3 April 1998.


 V. Isler Egitimde Yeni Bir Umut: Sanal Üniversite, Egitim 2001, Interpro ve Microsoft, Istanbul, April 1998.


V. Isler ve A. Es Üç Boyutlu Bilgisayar Grafigi ile Hava Durumu Sunumu, Bilisim’99 KonferansI, Istanbul, 4-7 September 1998.


V. Isler Sanal Üniversite, Inet-tr’97: Türkiye Internet KonferansI, 22 November 1997.


 V. Isler, I. Özkaya ve H. Kolsuz DANS: Internete DayalI Asenkron Ögrenme, Inet-tr’97: Türkiye Internet KonferansI, 22 November 1997.


 V. Isler, E. Ayvaz ve A. Es VRML: Internette Üçüncü Boyut, Inet-tr’97: Türkiye Internet KonferansI, 22 November 1997.


V. Isler, R. W. H. Lau and M. Green Real-time Multi-resolution Modeling for Complex Virtual Environments, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Hong Kong, pp. 11-20, July 1996.


 C. Aykanat, V. Isler and B. Ozguc Efficient Parallel Spatial Subdivision Algorithm for Parallel Ray Tracing Complex Scenes, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 26, No. 12, pp. 883-890, 1994.


V. Isler, C. Aykanat and B. Ozguc Subdivision of 3D Space Based on the Graph Partitioning for Parallel Ray Tracing, A Book Chapter in “Photorealistic Rendering in Computer Graphics”, P. Brunet and F. W. Jansen (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 182-190, 1994.


 V. Isler, C. Aykanat and B. Özgüç Efficient Parallel Spatial Subdivision Algorithm for Parallel Ray Tracing Complex Scenes, ATARV-93 Proceedings of the First Bilkent Computer Graphics Conference on “Advanced Techniques in Animation, Rendering, and Visualization”, Ankara, pp. 121-133, July 1993.


 V. Isler, Arslan ve V. Akman Bilgisayarda Üç Boyutlu KarmasIk Nesnelerin Modellenmesi, Türkiye Bilgisayar Kongresi, Istanbul , April 1991.


V. Isler , C. Aykanat and B. Özgüç Subdivision of 3D Space Based on the Graph Partitioning for Parallel Ray Tracing, Proceedings of the Second Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Barcelona, May, 1991.


V. Isler, C. Aykanat and B. Özgüç Critique of some Parallel Ray Tracing Systems, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Side, Vol. 2, pp. 1235-1245, October 1991.


 V. Isler, C. Aykanat and B. Özgüç A Heuristic 3D Space Subdivision Algorithm for Ray Tracing, Proceedings of the First Eurographics Workshop on CompuGraphics, Portekiz, September 1991.


 V. Isler, C. Aykanat and B. Özgüç Ray Tracing to Generate More Realistic Images, Turkish Computer Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, April 1991.


V. Isler ve B. Ozguc Fast Ray Tracing 3D Models, Computers and Graphics, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 205-216, 1991.


 A. Arslan, V. Isler and V. Akman A Procedure to Sweep Arbitrary Curves, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Nevsehir, Turkey, Vol. 1, pp. 901-904, November 1990.


V. Isler, F. Ercal, C. Aykanat and B. Özgüç Exploiting Parallelism in Ray Tracing, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Nevsehir, Turkey, Vol. 1, pp. 905-912, November 1990.


 V. Isler and B. Özgüç Ray Tracing Geometric Models, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Cesme, Vol. 1, pp. 493-505, October 1989.


V. Isler ve M. Tanik CAD/CAM için Üç Boyutlu Modelleme, Türkiye Bilgisayar Kongresi, Istanbul, May 1989.





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