

2015- 2023: Doctorate, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TR

Thesis Title: Design, Development, and Evaluation of an Online Learning Material to Support the Reading Comprehension Performance of Students with Learning Difficulties in an Expository Text through Teaching Technical Vocabulary

2012-2015: Master’s, Computer Education and Instructional Technology Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TR
Thesis Title: Examining effects of a technology-enhanced extra curriculum on special education students with intellectual disability / Teknoloji ile zenginleştirilmiş ders dışı faaliyetlerin zihinsel engelli öğrenciler üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi

2007–2012: Bachelor’s, Computer Education and Instructional Technology Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TR

Posted by sibel dogan on 20.06.2018 under