Autonomous Multi-Layer Resource Management for Critical Infrastructure: Electrical Power/Water/Transportation Nexus

neXus-ewt started on 1/1/2023.

We had our kick-off meeting on February 27th, 2023, at the METU Campus, Ankara, Turkey, with participation of all partners (METU, Reengen, YEDAŞ, TAMUQ and Al Jaber Engineering).


12 Haziran günü Sürdürülebilir Kentler için İleri Teknolojiler (SUIT – Sustainable Urbanization Through Innovative Technologies Platform) platformu kapsamında desteklenen “P7: Güneş Enerjisi Sistemleri ve Elektrikli Araç Filoları için Dağıtım Yönetim Sistemiyle Entegre Karar Destek Sistemi Geliştirilmesi” projesi ile “Autonomous Multi-Layer Resource Management for Critical Infrastructure: Electrical Power/Water/Transportation Nexus” projesinin ortak çalıştayını Reengen (Faradai Türkiye (Formerly Reengen)) ve YEDAŞ firmalarının katılımıyla gerçekleştirdik.

On June 12, we held the joint workshop of the “P7: Development of an Integrated Decision Support System with Distribution Management System for Solar Energy Systems and Electric Vehicle Fleets” project, supported within the scope of the Advanced Technologies for Sustainable Cities (SUIT – Sustainable Urbanization Through Innovative Technologies Platform) platform, and “Autonomous Multi-Layer Resource Management” the “for Critical Infrastructure: Electrical Power/Water/Transportation Nexus” project with the participation of Reengen (Faradai Turkey (Formerly Reengen)) and YEDAŞ.