Patents, Awards & Others

A.1 Kısmi Görme Engelliler için Oyun Tabanli Göz Hareketleri Eğitim Sistemi (2015), Faydalı Model, Patent Nu: TR 2014 15764 Y. Patent Owners : Kursat Cagiltay, Mehmet Donmez (NATIONAL)
A.2 Göz Hareketleri ile Kontrol Edilen Elektronik ve Motorlu Tekerlekli Sandalye Sistemi (2019), İncelemesiz Patent, Patent Nu: TR 2016 13586 B. Patent Owners: Mehmet Donmez, Kursat Cagiltay (NATIONAL)

A.1 Fifth National Computer Education and Instructional Technology Congress. (2011). 3rd Rank at Educational Video Category (NATIONAL)
A.2 Reimagine Education Awards (2016), “Providing Educational Accessibility For Paralyzed Students” (Shortlisted Project) (INTERNATIONAL)
A.3 Engelsiz Bilişim Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi Ödülü (2017), “Gözcü Project” (Social Responsibility Project Award) (NATIONAL)
A.4 11. Ankara Start-up Zirvesi (2017), “Gözcü Project” (2nd Rank and Growth Circuit San Francisco Incubation Award) (NATIONAL)
A.5 Doktorclub Awards (2019), “Electronic and Motorized Wheelchair System that can be Controlled with Eye Movements” (Healthcare Technology Companies Awards, Innovative Product / Application of the Year) (NATIONAL)

A.1 PERSEUS IP: Pervasive Networks and Service Infrastructures, It is an ERASMUS intensive program on “Pervasive Networks and Service Infrastructures” funded by the State Scholarships Foundation of the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs, under the Lifelong Learning framework of ERASMUS, and is Coordinated/Managed by the Technological Educational Institute of Crete., Technological Educational Institute of Crete Campus, Summer School, 15.07.2013 -26.07.2013 (INTERNATIONAL)