My Publications

Journal Articles Indexed By SCI, SCI-Expanded and SSCI

  1. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2019). Development of Eye Movement Games for Students with Low Vision: Single-subject Design Research. “Education and Information Technologies”. 24(1), 295-305. Doi: 1007/s10639-018-9771-x
  2. Donmez Mehmet (2023). A systematic literature review for the use of eye-tracking in special education. “Education and Information Technologies”. 28(6), 6515-6540. Doi: 1007/s10639-022-11456-z
  3. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2024). Eye training games for children with low vision: A design-based research study. “Educational Technology & Society”. 27(4), 406-416. Doi: 10.30191/ETS.202410_27(4).SP12

Journal Articles Indexed By ESCI and SCOPUS

  1. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2024). Providing educational accessibility for a paralyzed student by eye-tracking technology: a design-based research study. “Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education”. 25(3), 28-43. Doi: 10.17718/tojde.1340570
  2. Donmez Mehmet (2024). AI-based feedback tools in education: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis study. “International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education”. 11(4), 622-646. Doi: 10.21449/ijate.1467476

Journal Articles Indexed By TR Index

  1. Donmez Mehmet, Dogan Sibel, Baran Evrim (2018). How Signaling Principle Affects Learning: An Eye Tracking Study. “Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education”. Doi: 17860/mersinefd.360724
  2. Dogan Sibel, Aslan Orhan, Donmez Mehmet, Yildirim Soner (2019). Investigation of Students’ Cognitive Processes in Computer Programming: A Cognitive Ethnography Study. “Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry”. Doi: 17569/tojqi.428953
  3. Aslan Orhan, Donmez Mehmet, Dogan Sibel, Yildirim Soner (2019). Cognitive Ethnography: Theoretical Frameworks, Methods and Procedures (Published in Turkish). “Educational Technology Theory and Practice”. Doi: 17943/etku.551259
  4. Donmez Mehmet (2024). Educational technology for physically disabled people: A systematic literature review. “Kocaeli University Journal of Education”. Doi: 10.33400/kuje.1506082

Book Chapters

  1. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat, Alkan Serkan, Bolukbas Fuat, Kaplan Akilli Goknur (2017). Use of Large Multi-Touch Interfaces: A Research on Usability and Design Aspects. “Optimizing Human-Computer Interaction with Emerging Technologies”. Doi: 4018/978-1-5225-2616-2.CH014

Conference Papers

  1. Kaplan Akilli Goknur, Sevim Nese, Duman Murat, Donmez Mehmet (2012). An Insight to the Design and Development of an Early Childhood Education E-book for both iOS and Android Platforms. “Sixth International Computer &Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Gaziantep, Turkey.
  2. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2014). Development and Usability of Game-based Eye Training System by Using Eye-tracking Technology for People with Low Vision (Presented in Turkish). “Eighth International Computer &Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Edirne, Turkey.
  3. Cagiltay Kursat, Donmez Mehmet, Cicek Filiz (2015). Eye Tracker Based Eye Training System for Children with Low Vision Effectiveness and Usability. “AERA Annual Meeting”, Chicago, United States.
  4. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat, Alkan Serkan, Bolukbas Fuat, Kaplan Akilli Goknur (2016). Use of Large Multi Touch Interfaces: A Research on Usability and Design Aspects. “Fifth International Conference on Software and Emerging Technologies for Education, Culture, Entertainment, And Commerce (SETECEC)”, Venice, Italy.
  5. Dogan Sibel, Donmez Mehmet, Islim Omer Faruk, Sevim Nese (2016). Perception of Students from the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology Towards Their Departments: The Case of Ankara/Turkey (Presented in Turkish). “Tenth International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Rize, Turkey.
  6. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2016). Computer-based System for Using Computer with Eye Movements (Presented in Turkish). “Tenth International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Rize, Turkey.
  7. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2016). Development and Usability of Game-based Eye Training System by Using Eye-tracking Technology (Presented in Turkish). “26th National Special Education Congress”, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  8. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2016). Computer-based System for Using Computer with Eye-tracking Method for People with Physical Disabilities (Presented in Turkish). “Educational Technologies Summit: FATIH Project in Education”, Ankara, Turkey.
  9. Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2016). A Review and Categorization of Instructional Design Models. “E-Learn: World Conference On E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, And Higher Education”, Washington D.C., United States.
  10. Dogan Sibel, Aslan Orhan, Donmez Mehmet, Yildirim Soner (2017). Differences in Students’ Mental Processes While Creating Pseudo-Code: A Cognitive Ethnography Study (Presented in Turkish). “11th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Malatya, Turkey.
  11. Donmez Mehmet, Dogan Sibel, Baran Jovanovic Evrim (2018). How Signaling Principle Affects Learning: An Eye Tracking Study (Presented in Turkish). “12th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, İzmir, Turkey.
  12. Aslan Orhan, Dogan Sibel, Donmez Mehmet, Yildirim Soner (2018). A Proposal for the Problems of Basic Research Questions and Research Methods in the Field of Instructional Technology: A Cognitive Ethnography Study (Presented in Turkish). “12th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, İzmir, Turkey.
  13. Esen Ozgur, Esfer Sezin, Cevizci Karatas Esra, Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2018). Examining in-class technology use with Eye Tracking: E-Teach Project. “12th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, İzmir, Turkey.
  14. Cevizci Karatas Esra, Cagiltay Kursat, Esen Ozgur, Donmez Mehmet, Esfer Sezin (2019). Insights of E-Teach Project: ETEC Usage for Expert and Novice Teachers. “13th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Kırşehir, Turkey.
  15. Donmez Mehmet, (2023). The Use of Eye-Tracking Technology in Education. “8th International Scientific Conference Telecommunications, Informatics, Energy and
    , Balıkesir, Turkey.
  16. Donmez Mehmet, (2023). A Review on the Use of Assistive Technology in Special Education. “3rd International Congress on Excellence in Education”, Turkey.
  17. Donmez Mehmet, (2024). Research Trends in the Use of ChatGPT in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis. “International Conference on Engineering, Natural Sciences, and Technological Developments”, Balıkesir, Turkey.