My Publications
Journal Articles Indexed By SCI, SCI-Expanded and SSCI
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2019). Development of Eye Movement Games for Students with Low Vision: Single-subject Design Research. “Education and Information Technologies”. 24(1), 295-305. Doi: 1007/s10639-018-9771-x
- Donmez Mehmet (2023). A systematic literature review for the use of eye-tracking in special education. “Education and Information Technologies”. 28(6), 6515-6540. Doi: 1007/s10639-022-11456-z
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2024). Eye training games for children with low vision: A design-based research study. “Educational Technology & Society”. 27(4), 406-416. Doi: 10.30191/ETS.202410_27(4).SP12
Journal Articles Indexed By ESCI and SCOPUS
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2024). Providing educational accessibility for a paralyzed student by eye-tracking technology: a design-based research study. “Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education”. 25(3), 28-43. Doi: 10.17718/tojde.1340570
- Donmez Mehmet (2024). AI-based feedback tools in education: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis study. “International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education”. 11(4), 622-646. Doi: 10.21449/ijate.1467476
Journal Articles Indexed By TR Index
- Donmez Mehmet, Dogan Sibel, Baran Evrim (2018). How Signaling Principle Affects Learning: An Eye Tracking Study. “Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education”. Doi: 17860/mersinefd.360724
- Dogan Sibel, Aslan Orhan, Donmez Mehmet, Yildirim Soner (2019). Investigation of Students’ Cognitive Processes in Computer Programming: A Cognitive Ethnography Study. “Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry”. Doi: 17569/tojqi.428953
- Aslan Orhan, Donmez Mehmet, Dogan Sibel, Yildirim Soner (2019). Cognitive Ethnography: Theoretical Frameworks, Methods and Procedures (Published in Turkish). “Educational Technology Theory and Practice”. Doi: 17943/etku.551259
- Donmez Mehmet (2024). Educational technology for physically disabled people: A systematic literature review. “Kocaeli University Journal of Education”. Doi: 10.33400/kuje.1506082
Book Chapters
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat, Alkan Serkan, Bolukbas Fuat, Kaplan Akilli Goknur (2017). Use of Large Multi-Touch Interfaces: A Research on Usability and Design Aspects. “Optimizing Human-Computer Interaction with Emerging Technologies”. Doi: 4018/978-1-5225-2616-2.CH014
Conference Papers
- Kaplan Akilli Goknur, Sevim Nese, Duman Murat, Donmez Mehmet (2012). An Insight to the Design and Development of an Early Childhood Education E-book for both iOS and Android Platforms. “Sixth International Computer &Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Gaziantep, Turkey.
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2014). Development and Usability of Game-based Eye Training System by Using Eye-tracking Technology for People with Low Vision (Presented in Turkish). “Eighth International Computer &Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Edirne, Turkey.
- Cagiltay Kursat, Donmez Mehmet, Cicek Filiz (2015). Eye Tracker Based Eye Training System for Children with Low Vision Effectiveness and Usability. “AERA Annual Meeting”, Chicago, United States.
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat, Alkan Serkan, Bolukbas Fuat, Kaplan Akilli Goknur (2016). Use of Large Multi Touch Interfaces: A Research on Usability and Design Aspects. “Fifth International Conference on Software and Emerging Technologies for Education, Culture, Entertainment, And Commerce (SETECEC)”, Venice, Italy.
- Dogan Sibel, Donmez Mehmet, Islim Omer Faruk, Sevim Nese (2016). Perception of Students from the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology Towards Their Departments: The Case of Ankara/Turkey (Presented in Turkish). “Tenth International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Rize, Turkey.
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2016). Computer-based System for Using Computer with Eye Movements (Presented in Turkish). “Tenth International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Rize, Turkey.
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2016). Development and Usability of Game-based Eye Training System by Using Eye-tracking Technology (Presented in Turkish). “26th National Special Education Congress”, Eskişehir, Turkey.
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2016). Computer-based System for Using Computer with Eye-tracking Method for People with Physical Disabilities (Presented in Turkish). “Educational Technologies Summit: FATIH Project in Education”, Ankara, Turkey.
- Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2016). A Review and Categorization of Instructional Design Models. “E-Learn: World Conference On E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, And Higher Education”, Washington D.C., United States.
- Dogan Sibel, Aslan Orhan, Donmez Mehmet, Yildirim Soner (2017). Differences in Students’ Mental Processes While Creating Pseudo-Code: A Cognitive Ethnography Study (Presented in Turkish). “11th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Malatya, Turkey.
- Donmez Mehmet, Dogan Sibel, Baran Jovanovic Evrim (2018). How Signaling Principle Affects Learning: An Eye Tracking Study (Presented in Turkish). “12th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, İzmir, Turkey.
- Aslan Orhan, Dogan Sibel, Donmez Mehmet, Yildirim Soner (2018). A Proposal for the Problems of Basic Research Questions and Research Methods in the Field of Instructional Technology: A Cognitive Ethnography Study (Presented in Turkish). “12th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, İzmir, Turkey.
- Esen Ozgur, Esfer Sezin, Cevizci Karatas Esra, Donmez Mehmet, Cagiltay Kursat (2018). Examining in-class technology use with Eye Tracking: E-Teach Project. “12th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, İzmir, Turkey.
- Cevizci Karatas Esra, Cagiltay Kursat, Esen Ozgur, Donmez Mehmet, Esfer Sezin (2019). Insights of E-Teach Project: ETEC Usage for Expert and Novice Teachers. “13th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium”, Kırşehir, Turkey.
- Donmez Mehmet, (2023). The Use of Eye-Tracking Technology in Education. “8th International Scientific Conference Telecommunications, Informatics, Energy and
Management”, Balıkesir, Turkey. - Donmez Mehmet, (2023). A Review on the Use of Assistive Technology in Special Education. “3rd International Congress on Excellence in Education”, Turkey.
- Donmez Mehmet, (2024). Research Trends in the Use of ChatGPT in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis. “International Conference on Engineering, Natural Sciences, and Technological Developments”, Balıkesir, Turkey.