
Recent publications / Yakın tarihli yayınlar

Baydal, D., Yarar, E. & Kırkıcı, B. (under review). Positioning in Temporal Converb Clauses in Turkish.

Oğuz, E. & Kırkıcı, B. (under review). Unmasking Translation Priming with Masked Priming: The Role of Language Direction, Task, Prime Duration, Individual Differences, and Word Frequency.

Aşçı, S., Aydın, Ö. & Kırkıcı, B. (under review). Cross-Linguistic Syntactic Priming in Heritage Turkish Speakers.

Kırkıcı, B., Demir, O. & Oğuz, E. (submitted). Embedded Stems. International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition.

Kırkıcı, B. (accepted for publication). Morphological Processing in Turkish. In Johanson, L. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Brill.

Kahraman, H., Kırkıcı, B. & Beyersmann, L. (2025). Two decades later: Letter Transpositions Within and Across Morpheme Boundaries in L1 and L2 Speakers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

Acartürk, C., Özkan, A., Pekçetin, T. N., Ormanoğlu, Z., & Kırkıcı, B. (2024). TURead: An eye movement dataset of Turkish reading. Behavior Research Methods, 56(3), 1793-1816.

Demir, O., Gračanin-Yuksek, M. & Kırkıcı, B. (2024). Psycholinguistic investigations on the non-local referential properties of kendisi and o. Turkic Languages, 28(2), 225-245.

Oğuz, E., & Kırkıcı, B. (2023). The processing of morphologically complex words by developing readers of Turkish: a masked priming study. Reading and Writing36(8), 2053-2080.

Duñabeitia, J. A., Baciero, A., Antoniou, K., Antoniou, M., Ataman, E., Baus, C., … & Pliatsikas, C. (2022). The multilingual picture databaseScientific data9(1), 431.

Kahraman, H., & Kırkıcı, B. (2021). Letter transpositions and morphemic boundaries in the second language processing of derived words: An exploratory study of individual differences. Applied Psycholinguistics42(2), 417-446.