On November 6th, Dr. Alper Kumcu (Hacettepe University, Department of Translation and Interpreting) gave a very interesting talk (“Birds, worms, honesty and vanity: (Re)activating spatial perception in language”) to LaProc members and a group of interested graduate and undergraduate students.
In his inspiring talk, Dr. Kumcu presented the results of a series of experiments that investigated how the perception of space can modulate how well individual words are remembered, even though space is neither relevant nor necessary for successful retrieval. Dr. Kumcu further discussed some methodological issues concerning the norming of words based on lexicosemantic and sensory variables.
6 Kasım’daki toplantımızda Dr. Alper Kumcu (Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Mütercim-Tercümanlık Bölümü) LaProc üyelerine ve konuk lisans/lisansüstü öğrencilere “Birds, worms, honesty and vanity: (Re)activating spatial perception in language” başlıklı bir konuşma gerçekleştirdi.