METU Signal Processing And Computational sEnsing (SPACE) Lab
Graduate Students
- Süleyman Ayazgök, Ph.D.
- Deniz Külbay, M.S.
- Kerem Dolkay, M.S.
- Ali Tomruk, M.S.
Undergraduate Researchers
- Emirhan Yılmaz Güney
- Şevket Ege Yeşilyurt
Completed PhD Theses:
Completed MS Theses:
- Mehmet Onurcan Kaya, Data-driven phase retrieval using deep generative models, M.S., June 2024 (moved to Technical University of Denmark (DTU)).
- Okyanus Oral, Efficient three-dimensional near-field imaging with physics-informed deep learning for MIMO radar, M.S., June 2024 (moved to University of Luxembourg).
- İrfan Manisalı, Deep learning-based reconstruction methods for near-field MIMO radar imaging, M.S., June 2022 (moved to Bilkent University).
- Utku Gündoğan, Compressive spectral imaging using diffractive lenses and multi-spectral sensors with learned reconstruction and joint optimization, M.S., February 2022.
- Can Deniz Bezek, Deep learning-based unrolled reconstruction methods for computational imaging, M.S., September 2021 (moved to Uppsala University).
- Didem Doğan, Efficient algorithms for convolutional inverse problems in multidimensional imaging, M.S., February 2020 (moved to Delft University of Technology).
- Hasan Can Başkaya, Evaluation of classical and sparsity-based methods for parametric recovery problems, M.S., January 2020.
- Çağatay Işıl, Development of novel analysis and reconstruction techniques for coherent optical imaging systems, M.S., July 2019 (moved to UCLA) (co-supervisor: Aykut Koç).
- Oğuzhan Fatih Kar, Computational spectral imaging techniques using diffractive lenses and compressive sensing, M.S., July 2019 (moved to EPFL).
- Burak Kocamış, Optimal design of sparse MIMO arrays for wideband near-field imaging based on a statistical framework, M.S., May 2018.
- Tunç Alkanat, Numerical and experimental evaluation of computational spectral imaging with photon sieves, M.S., September 2016 (moved to Eindhoven University of Technology).
Completed Undergraduate Research Studies:
- Ercihan Kara, 2024
- Ali Tomruk, 2024 (pursuing MS study at METU)
- Deniz Külbay, 2022 (pursuing MS study at METU)
- Mehmet Onurcan Kaya, 2021 (after MS study at METU, moved to DTU)
- Ekin Gunes Ozaktas, 2021, John Hopkins University
- Gizem Yüce, 2020 (moved to ETH Zurich)
- Mert Bora Doğan, 2020 (moved to EPFL)
- Refik Mert Çam, 2020 (moved to UIUC)
- Batu Öztürkler, 2019 (moved to Stanford University)
- Ege Özsar, 2019 (moved to UMASS Lowell)
- Berk İskender, 2018 (moved to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Çağatay Işıl, 2017 (after MS study at METU, moved to UCLA)
- Oğuzhan Fatih Kar, 2017 (after MS study at METU, moved to EPFL)
- Ulaş Kamacı, 2017 (moved to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Fatih Çağatay Akyön, 2017 (moved to Bilkent University)