Types of Social Media

Types of social media can be classified as;

• Collaboration : It is an online working environment. The users come together and achieve a project or a mission. Collaboration applications are social media tools that are used to create surveys for different purposes in order to obtain opinions, collect information, and evaluate a certain issue on the internet. Collaboration applications are a widely used tool, especially in thesis studies at universities, in article studies, in educational organizations such as conferences and seminars. Such as Survey Monkey, Wallwisher.

• Networking: Today, social networks are indispensable elements of the internet world. Networking platforms,which are among the other channels of social media, are a social network used by job seekers and employers and where information about business life is shared. Networking platforms, but with only one distinction, which is used for business purposes, is a platform where you can easily communicate with colleagues and make friends easily. Such as Facebook, LinkedIn.

• Image-sharing: It is a type of social media where users share visual content with their friends and followers. Shares are mostly video and photos. Image sharing, a social media network, is a platform where users share and interact with an incredible number of various photos. Users who see each other’s photos on Image Sharing platforms, on the other hand, can sail to different interests. Social platforms where people can express their feelings more easily by sharing photos, videos and gifs are called image sharing. Such as Instagram, Pinterest.

• Blogging: It is a social networking website that allows registered users to post multimedia content on their customizable blog. Given its simple and useful nature, blogs are not suitable for long text-based posts; instead, it was set up to broadcast text messages to readers. This blogging platform has never lost its popularity since the day it was used due to its aesthetics, management and simplicity in publishing content. The blogs contain content on humor, fashion, design, and art. Such as Tumblr, WordPress.

• Micro-blogging: When we compare it with blogs; The main difference is to share content with instant short contents. Micro blogs are mostly enabling people to share what they are doing instantly. Micro Blogs are the platforms that announce a development that is happening anywhere in the world fastest. Their updates with limited content allow the content to spread quickly. Such as Twitter.

• Video sharing: Video sharing platforms are basically a social network that allows users to upload videos and watch videos uploaded by other users.It is an application form that users can upload and share their videos. People have the opportunity to explain themselves with the videos they upload and express themselves better. Such as YouTube,Blip.

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