Infographics Tools

rsz_screen_shot_2012-09-14_at_113546_am-275x3003Infographics, in other words information graphics, are visual demonstration of knowledge or data. Infographics can be created by hand or computer software, which is easier and faster. Infographic tools are the devices which are used for creating infographics. There are a lot of specialized websites and tools like pictochart which can be used while constructing infographics. This can improve the human visual system’s ability to see patterns. It can be used for communicating a message, presenting large amounts of data meaningfully and revealing hidden data for the learner. A good graphic makes data easily accessible, as it feeds into many students’ natural tendency to learn by seeing and interacting.

teacherAs an example case scenario for English course: Mr Özkurt wants to use infographics to summarize the topic. He wants his students to sign in pictochart and prepare summary sheets about the key points of the tenses by using infographics after he has provided students with the necessary information about the preparation of infographics. Then, the students bring the infographics which they constructed to the class. The infographics are posted on the wall of their class so that they can look at them whenever they are confused about this topic. Thanks to infographics, they are engaged in the topic. The other important point is that the learners are active in learning during this process as they are creating the infographics related to the topic.

About aysegul okumus

I'm studying at the Foreign Language Education Department in METU. I love going to cinema and travelling with my friends a lot. I love educational films like Every Child is Special, 3 Idiots and The Ron Clark story.
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