This course provides a step-by-step overview and instructions that help you get started with the SQL language and creating database. Starting with database theory and planning, this course will explain how to create tables and populate them with data, managing forms, creating reports and importing data from other sources. Integration with SQL, creating a sample MS Access database will be the guide and each step will be explained in lectures. Lecture notes will be published by the instructor. All the lectures will be applied on computer. Everybody will practice the lecture notes. By creating sample database each step would be explained in lectures. So that after the course there would be a final database with each elements; tables, forms, queries and reports.

You should attend all classes on a regular basis so that you can benefit from the course at maximum level. Students are expected to attend lectures although I take roll only for grading %10.

-Late sumissions will not be graded. -No make-up (exam/assignment/project etc) without a valid excuse such as medical report.

Course Objectives

This course will help students to have the right skills to understand the basics of relational databases, learn structured query language (SQL) to an intermediate level, write SQL code to build and maintain database structures, update database content with SQL and transaction handling, retrieve data from single or multiple tables, process data with row and aggregate functions, manipulate data with correlated and noncorrelated subqueries.

Starting with database theory and planning, this course will explain how to create tables and populate them with data, managing forms, creating reports and importing data from other sources. Integration with SQL, MS Access database will be created. By creating sample database each step would be explained in lectures. So that after the course there would be a final database with each elements; tables, forms, queries and reports.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, a student will be able to:

  • Understand Database concept and its utilities.
  • Uses of Structure Query Language(SQL) commands.
  • Perform Query operation and Normalization of database

Instructional Methods

Lecture notes will be published by the instructor. All the lectures will be take place in lab. Everybody will practice the lecture notes.By creating sample database each step would be explained in lectures. So that after the course there would be a final database with each elements; tables, forms, queries and reports.

Course Textbook(s)

Lecture notes will be published by the instructor.

Supplementary Readings / Resources

Database Management Systems (3rd Edition) by & would be useful.


  • Midterm exam will be open notes. There will be no note sharing during exams. You are responsible for everything we do in class, even on days you do not attend.
  • Final details will be given later.
  • Homework assignments will be sent by e-mail by compressed file (rar, zip) before the next class. Late homeworks will not be graded.

Course Policies

Class Attendance
You should attend all classes on a regular basis so that you can benefit from the course at maximum level. Students are expected to attend lectures although I take roll only for grading %10.

Late Submission of Assignments
Late sumissions will not be graded.

Make up for Exams and Assignments
No make-up (exam/assignment/project etc)

Information for Students with Disabilities
Students who experience difficulties due to their disabilities and wish to obtain academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids must contact ODTU Disability Support Office and/or course instructor and the advisor of students with disabilities at academic departments (for the list: as soon as possible. For detailed information, please visit the website of Disability Support Office: