Does your Phone Listen to You?

A lot of people say that they talk about something and all of a sudden they start to see advertisement about that topic. This is because when you give microphone access to an application, it can listen to everything you say when the app is on. Your speech is then converted into text and from that text, algorithms classify you related to your interests and this information is used for advertisements.

In this video I made an experiment. Very close to my phone I said that “I want to buy a new car” when the microphone access was turned on for all apps. 15 minutes later I started to see dozens of car advertisements when I scrolled between my friends Instagram stories. Same thing happened when I said “I want to buy a coffee machine”. I did the same experiment when the microphone access was turned off for all apps and this time, what I said did not affect the advertisements. Thanks to new versions of Android, we can easily turn on and off the mic access for all apps. I explained this situation in this video:

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