Projects & Publications


TÜBİTAK 1071 Project, 2021-2023

TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi, 2019-2021

HORIZON 2020 Projesi, 2017-2020


Salamatbakhsh, E., Bayer, Ö., (2025) Thermal performance of combined annular and longitudinal fins-on-tube units in natural convection. Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 267, 125705.

Bayrak, F. T., Toprak, B. İ., Solmaz, İ., Bayer, Ö. (2025) The influence of slotted solid cylindrical fin with aluminum foam insert on the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of air-cooled pin-fin heat sink. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 162, 108595.

Güler, N., Bayer, Ö., Solmaz, İ., (2024) Experimental and numerical investigation on fluid flow and heat transfer behaviour of foam cladded pin fin heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 256.

Yang, S., Shi H.Y., Liu, J., Lai, Y.Y., Bayer, Ö., Fan, L.W., (2024) Supercooled erythritol for high-performance seasonal thermal energy storage. Nature Communications, vol. 15.

Bayer, Ö., Pat. S., (2024) Investigation of isothermal entropy change, relative cooling power, and refrigerant capacity of GdCoAl nanocomposite thin film by changing the Al ratio at low magnetic fields of 100 Oe and 1000 Oe. Surfaces and Interfaces, vol. 50.

Oskouei, S. B., Bayer, Ö., (2024) Performance improvement in a vertical latent thermal energy storage tank with crossing heat transfer tubes. Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 88.

Salamatbakhsh, E., Bayer, Ö., (2024) Hydrothermal performance of a wavy minichannel heatsink with longitudinal vortex generators. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, vol. 50.

Salamatbakhsh, E., Bayer, Ö., Solmaz, İ., (2024) Effect of impinging flow on hydrothermal characteristics of a pipe-network mini channel heatsink. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 154.

Oskouei, S. B., Frate, G. F., Christodoulaki, R., Bayer, Ö., Akmandor, İ. S., Desideri, U., Ferrari, L., Drosou, V., Tarı, İ., (2024) Solar-powered hybrid energy storage system with phase change materials. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 302.

Salamatbakhsh, E., Oskouei, S. B., Bayer, Ö., (2024) Heat Transfer Enhancement of a Mini Channel Heatsink by Utilizing Flexible Beams Placed Downstream of a Cylindrical Obstacle. Heat Transfer Engineering.

Oskouei, S. B., Li. Z.R., Bayer, Ö., Fan, L.W., (2024) Close-contact melting and natural convection in unconstrained melting: A parametric study. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 218.

Christodoulaki, R., Akmandor, I. S., Bayer, Ö., Desideri, U., Ferrari, L., Frate, G. F., Drosou, V., (2023) On the design of a solar heat storage tank at 120°C. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, vol. 42.

Oskouei, S. B., Bayer, Ö., (2023) Experimental and numerical investigation of melting and solidification enhancement using Fibonacci-inspired fins in a latent thermal energy storage unit. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 210.

Bayer, Ö., Oskouei, S. B., Pat, S., (2023) Evaluation of magnetocaloric behavior and refrigeration performance of Gd3Co10Al87 nanostructured thin film alloy with multiple Curie temperatures. Applied Physics A, vol. 129.

Oskouei, S. B., Bayer, Ö., (2023) Effect of bypassing the heat transfer fluid on charging in a latent thermal energy storage unit. Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 62.

Doğan, E., Solmaz, İ., Bayer, Ö., (2023) A theoretical analysis on the operating and design parameters affecting the performance of a sewage wastewater sourced heat pump system. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 9.

Şahin, Y. S., Toprak, B. İ., Solmaz, İ., Bayer, Ö., (2023) Investigation of flow and heat transfer behavior of integrated pin fin-aluminum foam heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 219.

Yang, S., Shao, X. F., Luo, J. H., Oskouei, S. B., Bayer, Ö., & Fan, L. W. (2023). A novel cascade latent heat thermal energy storage system consisting of erythritol and paraffin wax for deep recovery of medium-temperature industrial waste heat. Energy, 126359.

Li, Z. R., Oskouei, S. B., Fu, G. T., Bayer, Ö., Fan, L. W., (2022) Enhanced power density during energy charging of a shell-and-tube thermal storage unit: Comparison between the inclusion of metal fins and foams. Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 136.

Toprak, B. İ., Oskouei, S. B., Bayer, Ö., Solmaz, İ., (2022) Experimental and numerical investigation of a novel pipe-network mini channel heatsink. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 136.

Bayer, Ö., Oskouei, S. B., Aradağ, S., (2022). Investigation of double-layered wavy microchannel heatsinks utilizing porous ribs with artificial neural networks. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 134.

Kütük, E., Çetin, B, Bayer, Ö., (2022). Experiment-based optimization of an energy-efficient heat pump integrated water heater for household appliances. Energy, vol.245.

Othman, F. B., Eddhibi, F., Ali, A. B. H., Fadhel, A., Bayer, Ö., Tarı, İ., Guizani, A., Balghouthi, M., (2022). Investigation of olive mill sludge treatment using a parabolic trough solar collector. Solar Energy, vol.232.

Browning, J., Karaoğlu, Ö., Bayer, Ö., Turgay, M. B., Acocella, V., (2021). Stress fields around magma chambers influenced by elastic thermo-mechanical deformation: implications for forecasting chamber failure. Bulletin of Volcanology, vol.83.

Ulucak, O., Koçak, E., Bayer, Ö., Beldek, U., Yapıcı, E. Ö., Aylı,E., (2021). Developing and Implementation of an Optimization Technique for Solar Chimney Power Plant With Machine Learning. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, vol.143.

Pat, S., Bayer, Ö., Akay, S. K., Mohammadilgaregbagh, R., Kaya, M., (2021). Investigation of the structural, magnetic and cooling performance of AlFe thin film and AlFeGd nano metric giant magnetocaloric thin films. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE: MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, vol.32.

Gürüf, G., Solmus, I., & Bayer, Ö., (2020). Analysis of local thermal equilibrium assumption in transient forced convection in a graphite foam channel SIGMA JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND NATURAL SCIENCES, vol.38.

Shakouri, S., Bayer, Ö., & Erdoğan, S. T., (2020). Development of silica fume-based geopolymer foams. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.260.

Karaoğlu, Ö., Bayer, Ö., Turgay, M. B., & Browning, J., (2020). Thermomechanical interactions between crustal magma chambers in complex tectonic environments: Insights from Eastern Turkey. TECTONOPHYSICS, vol.793.

Gürüf, G., Solmus, I., Bilen, K., & Bayer, Ö., (2020). Experimental based numerical approach for determination of volumetric heat transfer coefficients of modified graphite foams. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol.174.

Ayli, E., & Bayer, Ö., (2020). Optimization of vortex promoter parameters to enhance heat transfer rate in electronic equipment. JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS, vol.12.

İnci, A. B., & Bayer, Ö., (2019). Experimental and numerical study on heat transfer performance of square, cylindrical and plate heat sinks in external transition flow regime. ISI BILIMI VE TEKNIGI DERGISI-JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.39, 151-161.

Sahin, M., Erdoğan, S. T., & Bayer, Ö., (2018). Production of lightweight aerated alkali-activated slag pastes using hydrogen peroxide. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.181, 106-118.

Bayer, Ö., & Uzgoren, E., (2018). Comparison of dynamic PTC thermal models using semi-analytical and finite volume methods. ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, vol.37, 1191-1200.

Bulut, M., Bayer, Ö., Kırtıl, E., & Bayındırlı, A., (2018). Effect of freezing rate and storage on the texture and quality parameters of strawberry and green bean frozen in home type freezer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID, vol.88, 360-369.

Jafari, R., Okutucu Özyurt, H. T., Ünver, H. Ö., & Bayer, Ö., (2016). Experimental investigation of surface roughness effects on the flow boiling of R134a in microchannels. EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE, vol.79, 222-230.

Ayli, E., Bayer, Ö., & Aradağ Çelebioğlu, S., (2016). Experimental investigation and CFD analysis of rectangular profile fins in a square channel for forced convection regimes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES, vol.109, 279-290.

Bayer, Ö., Oskay, R., Paksoy, A., & Aradağ Çelebioğlu, S., (2013). CFD simulations and reduced order modeling of a refrigerator compartment including radiation effects. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, vol.69, 68-76.

Aradag, S., Bayer, Ö., Karataş, C., Poyraz, U., Kalkan, O., Haciahmetoglu, F., Efe, Y., Kahvecioglu, M., Goncu, A., (2011). Hybrid ventilation system simulation for several cities in Turkey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VENTILATION, vol.9, 351-357.

Cetin, B., & Bayer, Ö., (2011). Evaluation of nusselt number for a flow in a microtube using second-order slip model. THERMAL SCIENCE, vol.15, 103-109.


Bayer, Ö., (2022). Bir Yatay Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Biriminde Eksantriklik: İç Boru Geometrisinin Etkileri. Mühendis ve Makina Dergisi, vol.63, 672-688.

Bayer, Ö., Ünal, Ö., & Özkalender, S. (2020). TS 825 standardı: güncellemeler üzerine kritik bir değerlendirme. Tesisat Mühendisliği, vol.179, 59-71.

Bayer, Ö., (2018). Tam gelişmiş türbülanslı iç akışta kanatçıklı yapılar üzerinde zorlanmış taşınım korelasyonu eldesi: parametrik deneysel analiz. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.23, 417-430.


Bayer, Ö., (2019). Insulation materials. Energy Generation and Efficiency Technologies for Green Residential Buildings (pp.149-172), Stevenage: The Institution of Engineering and Technology Books.


Tosun, N., Gülletutan, G., Yakut, M. S., Yılmaz, D. A., Bayer, Ö., Keysan, O. (2023) Winding Type Alternation of a Refurbished Old Generator. 2023 IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis (WEMDCD). Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Browning, J., Karaoglu, O., Bayer, O., Acocella, V., Turgay, M. B. (2021) Magma Chamber Rupture Considered Using Elastic Thermo-Mechanical Deformation Models to Probe the Influence of Temperature on Local Stress Fields. AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA, USA

Baghaei Oskouei S., Bayer Ö. (2021) Influence of a flexible vortex generator on hydrodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of a pin-fin array. International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, CHT-21. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bartali, R., Bayer, Ö., Deniz, P., Erdogan, S., and Bolognese, M. (2020) Water Sludge Drying : Modelling of a Solar Thermal Plant for a Solar Vacuum Dryer. Eurosun 2020 (pp. 327-329).

Bartali, R., Christodoulaki, R., Drosou, V., Baker, D., Svaizer, P., Osório, T., Kramer, W., Bolognese, M., Prattico, L., Viesi, D., Roca, L., Guillen, E., Bayer, Ö., Pinarli, D., Erdogan, S., Brunner, C., Cavada, R., Bonizzi, A., Cimatti, A., Zanetti, A., and Crema, L. (2020) Decarbonization of Industrial Processes : Technologies, Applications and Perspectives of Low- Temperature Solar Heat ( 80-150°C). Eurosun 2020 (pp. 345-352).

Kütük, E., & Bayer, Ö., (2019). Analyses of heat pump system as an energy efficient alternative of resistance heater for a household appliance: an applicability aspect . XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass ans Momentum Transfer (pp.1-6). Rome, Italy

Erdoğan, S., & Bayer, Ö., (2019). Thermal performance of a novel collector integrated oval solar tank (CIOST). 4th International Conference on Viable Energy Trends (pp.199-213). İstanbul, Turkey

Karaoğlu, Ö., Bayer, Ö., & Turgay, M. B., (2019). Magma odalarının termomekanik modellenmesi: Doğu Anadolu’dan bir örnek çalışma. Uluslararası Katılımlı 72. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (pp.920-924). Ankara, Turkey

Akdemir, A., Aradağ Çelebioğlu, S., & Bayer, Ö., (2018). Benzer özellikli çift ve tek kompresörlü ev tipi buzdolaplarının enerji indeksine göre deneysel karakterizasyonu. 4. Uluslararası Katılımlı Anadolu Enerji Sempozyumu (pp.1592-1601). Edirne, Turkey

Aylı, E., Mergen, S., & Bayer, Ö., (2018). Tam gelişmiş türbülanslı iç akışta hizalı ve kaydırılmış akış yönlendiricilerin ısı transferine olan etkisinin deneysel ve sayısal yöntemlerle incelenmesi. 4. Uluslararası Katılımlı Anadolu Enerji Sempozyumu (pp.1368-1380). Edirne, Turkey

Bayer, Ö., & Inci, B., (2017). Numerical optimization of heat transfer augmentation for square, circular and plate fins in forced, fully developed external flow. 2nd International Conference on Viable Energy Trends (InVEnT-2017) (pp.176-188). Helsinki, Finland

Bayer, Ö., & Kütük, E., (2016). Investigation of natural ventilation in a public place in winter season with the comparison of experimentation and CFD results. 12th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2016 (pp.1-10). Aalborg, Denmark

Bayer, Ö., & Kütük, E., (2015). Comparison of experimentation and CFD results for applicability of natural ventilation in METU library reserve section. The 8th Mediterranean Congress of Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (Climamed15) (pp.1-8). Antibes, France

Bayer, Ö., Yalılı, M., & Ektaş, Ş., (2014). Comparison of different heating systems for the indoor swimming pool located at METU campus, Ankara. 7th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (pp.1-14). Uşak, Turkey

Aylı, E., Kıyıcı, F., Bayer, Ö., & Aradağ Çelebioğlu, S., (2014). Experimental investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop over rectangular profile fins placed in a square channel. Proceeding of Proceedings of CONV-14: International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer. June 8-13, 2014, Kusadasi, Turkey (pp.1-11). Aydın, Turkey

Bayer, Ö., Cüylan, G., & Oskay, R., (2014). Comparison of household refrigeration cycle design outputs using R134a and R600a as working fluids. XI. International HVACR Technology Symposium (pp.1-8). İstanbul, Turkey

Bayer, Ö., & Güldiken, D. M., (2013). Performance assessment of a solar assisted HVACsystem for a medium-sized office building in Larnaca, North Cyprus. Climamed’13, Mediterranean Congress of Climatization (pp.387-396). İstanbul, Turkey

Bayer, Ö., Oskay, R., Paksoy, A., & Aradağ Çelebioğlu, S., (2011). CFD simulations and reduced order modeling of a refrigerator compartment including radiation effects. 6TH INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SYMPOSIUM (IATS’xx11) (pp.1-7). Elazığ, Turkey

Çetin, B., & Bayer, Ö., (2010). Evaluation of nusselt number for a flow in a microtube with constant heat flux including axial conduction, viscous dissipation and second-order slip model. The 3rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics (pp.1-8). Shanghai, China

Bayer, Ö., & Mengüç, M. P., (2010). Roof-pond applications as a passive cooling technology for buildings: a critical review. Clima 2010 Rehva World Congress (pp.1-8). Antalya, Turkey

Aradağ Çelebioğlu, S., Bayer, Ö., Karatas, C., Poyraz, U., Kalkan, O., Haciahmetoglu, F., Efe, Y., Kahvecioglu, M., Goncu, A. (2010). Hybrid ventilation system simulation for several cities in Turkey. Clima 2010 Rehva World Congress (pp.1-8). Antalya, Turkey


Bayer, Ö., Ünal, Ö., & Özkalender, S., (2019). TS 825 standardı: güncellemeler üzerine kritik bir değerlendirme. 14. ULUSAL TESİSAT MÜHENDİSLİĞİ KONGRESİ (pp.37-47). İzmir, Turkey

Bayer, Ö., & Ektaş, Ş., (2013). Jeotermal enerjili ve güneş enerjili sera ısıtma sistemlerinin karşılaştırılması: Ege Bölgesi için kritik bir gözden geçirme. ULIBTK’xx13 19. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.1386-1399). Samsun, Turkey

Bayer, Ö., & Yüncü, H., (2013). Sabit hacme paralel yerleştirilen ve zorlanmış türbülanslı taşınımda hava ile soğutulan elektronik kartların optimum aralığı. ULIBTK’xx13 19. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.526-531). Samsun, Turkey