January 2025

Our project on “Material-based strategies for improving nanofiltration performance of cellulose membranes in polar solvents and analysis of membrane production with respect to the Water-Energy-Food Nexus” which will be carried out under the COST Action NEXUSNET (Network on Water-Energy-Food Nexus for a low-carbon economy in Europe and beyond) has been granted.

OSN2026 – 10th International Conference on Organic Solvent Nanofiltration will be organized by METU on 11-14 October 2026. Stay tuned for updates!

September 2024

Open and FAIR data for nanofiltration in organic media: A unified approach“, which we contributed with our data on cellulose OSN membranes is published in Journal of Membrane Science.

August 2024

Our paper “Nanoparticle concentration and solvent exchange via organic solvent ultrafiltration” is published in Separation and Purification Technology.

June 2024

Our paper “Cross-linked cellulose nanocrystal membranes with cholesteric assembly” is published in Langmuir.

January 2024

Dr. Zeynep Çulfaz-Emecen became a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Membrane Science.

October 2023

İlker won the Best Oral Presentation Award in the 7th MEMTEK International Symposium on Membrane Technologies and Applications. Congratulations İlker!

February 2023

Our paper “Controlling cellulose membrane performance via solvent choice during precursor membrane formation” is published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials.

January 2023

Our project on “Understanding formation of membranes from nematic colloids” which will be carried out in collaboration with University of Toulouse, France, has been granted by TUBITAK Bosphorus Bilateral Cooperation Program.

September 2022

Our project on “Observation of colloid deposition and colloidal interactions during membrane formation” has been granted METU Research Fund – ADEP.

August 2022

Our paper “Tuning electrostatic interactions forcontrolled structure and rejection of cellulose nanocrystal membranes” is published in Journal of Membrane Science.

February 2022

European Membrane Society (EMS) Webinar by Dr. Zeynep Çulfaz-Emecen: “Back to cellulose for membranes: Applications in organic solvents and membrane fabrication without organic solvents” – Link:

January 2022

Our paper “Solvent recovery from photolithography wastes using cellulose ultrafiltration membranes” is published in Journal of Membrane Science.

July 2021

Our paper “Controlling ultrafiltration membrane rejection via shear-aligned deposition of cellulose nanocrystals from aqueous suspensions” is published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

July 2021

Our TÜBİTAK project on “Nanofiltration membranes via layer-by-layer deposition using cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibrils” has been granted.

January 2021

Dr. Zeynep Çulfaz-Emecen became a member of the Early Career Editorial Board of Journal of Membrane Science.

October 2020

Our paper “Ionic strength-responsive poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) microgels for fouling removal during ultrafiltration” is published in Reactive and Functional Polymers.

March 2020

Our review paper “Addressing challenges in the ultrafiltration of biomolecules from complex aqueous environments” is published in Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science.

December 2019

Our review paper “Thinking the future of membranes: Perspectives for advanced and new membrane materials and manufacturing processes” is published in Journal of Membrane Science.

December 2019

Dr. Zeynep Çulfaz-Emecen is given the Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Research Incentive Award.

December 2019

Our project on “Clean Solvents for Fabrication of Cellulose Membranes” under the COST Action Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes (GREENERING) has been granted.

November 2019

Toprak won the Best Poster Presentation Award in the 6th MEMTEK International Symposium on Membrane Technologies and Applications. Congratulations Toprak!

June 2019

Our paper “Effect of carboxylic acid crosslinking of cellulose membranes on nanofiltration performance in ethanol and dimethylsulfoxide” is published in Journal of Membrane Science.

May 2019

Our paper “Co-deposition of stimuli-responsive microgels with foulants during ultrafiltration as a fouling removal strategy” is published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

January 2019

Our TÜBİTAK project on “Cellulose Membranes for Solvent Recovery in Photolithography and Nanoparticle Synthesis Processes” has been granted.

April 2018

Our paper “Helical hollow fibers via rope coiling: Effect of spinning conditions on geometry and membrane morphology” is published in Journal of Membrane Science.

December 2017

Our paper “Celluose-based membranes via phase inversion using [EMIM]OAc- DMSO mixtures as solvent” is published in Chemical Engineering Science.

September 2017

Our paper “Cellulose membranes for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration” is published in Journal of Membrane Science.

July 2017

Our paper “Brackish water recovery from reactive dyeing wastewater via ultrafiltration” is published in Journal of Cleaner Production.

May 2017

Dr. Zeynep Çulfaz Emecen is granted the UNESCO-L’Oreal For Women in Science National Fellowship.

December 2016

Our TÜBİTAK-NSF joint project on “Stimuli-responsive Polymeric Microgels for Fouling Removal in Membrane Filtrations” has been granted.

November 2016

Our paper “Modification of poly(ether sulfone) for antimicrobial ultrafiltration membranes” is published in Polymer.

December 2015

Elif Nur Durmaz is given the Hasan Orbey Memorial Award for Research Excellence in Graduate Studies. Congratulations Elif!

July 2015

Our project on “Cellulose-based Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Membranes” has been granted by TÜBİTAK.

June 2015

Our paper “Effect of three different PEO-containing additives on the fouling behaviour of PES-based ultrafiltration membranes” is published in Separation and Purification Technology.

November 2014

Our paper “Preparation of patterned microfiltration membranes and their performance in crossflow yeast filtration” is published in Journal of Membrane Science.