Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2023- ) Professor
Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2017-2023) Associate professor
Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2011-2017) Assistant professor
University of Twente, Netherlands (2006-2010) Ph.D. in Membrane Science and Technology
Thesis: “Microstructured hollow fibers and microsieves: Fabrication, characterization and filtration applications” (URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036531177)
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Rob Lammertink, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wessling
Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2003-2005) M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
Thesis: “Synthesis of MFI type zeolite membranes in a continuous system”
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Halil Kalıpçılar, Prof. Dr. Ali Çulfaz
Middle East Technical University, Turkey (1999-2003) B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
– December 2019: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Research Incentive Award
– May 2017: UNESCO-L’Oreal For Women in Science National Fellowship
– November 2004: Hasan Orbey Award in Graduate Studies, METU Chemical Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey
- Özçelik, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Nanoparticle concentration and solvent exchange via organic solvent ultrafiltration, Separation and Purification Technology, 354, (2025), 129052.
- Van Buggenhout, G. Ignacz, S. Caspers, R. Dhondt, M. Lenaerts, N. Lenaerts, S.R. Hosseinabadi, I. Nulens, G. Koeckelberghs, Y. Ren, R.P. Lively, M. Rabiller-Baudry, K..M. Lim, N. Ghazali, J. Coronas, M. Abel, M. Wessling, M. Skiborowski, A. Oxley, S.J. Han, A. Livingston, Z. Yi, C. Gao, K. Guan, R.R. Gonzales, H. Matsuyama, S.N.M. Bettahalli, J.R. McCutcheon, F. Radmanesh, N.E. Benes, A.A. Tashvigh, Q. Fang, K. Zhang, G. Chen, W. Jin, Y. Zhang, C.X. Zhang, M.L. Liu, S.P. Sun, A. Buekenhoudt, C. Zhao, B.Van der Bruggen, J.F. Kim, L.C. Condes, M.T. Webb, M. Galizia, B. Alhazmi, L. Upadhyaya, S.P. Nunes, D.W. Kim, H. Schröter, U. Kragl, S. Störtte, A.J. Vorholt, P. Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, M.A. Pizzoccaro-Zilamy, L. Winnubst, A. Yushkin, A. Volkov, J. Chau, K.K. Sirkar, S. Lu, G. Szekely, I. Vankelecom, R. Verbeke, Open and FAIR data for nanofiltration in organic media: A unified approach, Journal of Membrane Science (2024), 123356.
- Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Solvent Recovery and Recycling, Elsevier Encyclopedia of Green Chemistry, 1st Edition, Editor: B. Bartök, 2025.
- B.C. İçten, E. Büküşoğlu, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Crosslinked cellulose nanocrystal membranes with cholesteric assembly, Langmuir, 40, 25 (2024), 13247–13255
- S. Tekin, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Controlling cellulose membrane performance via solvent choice during precursor membrane formation, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5,3 (2023), 2185-2194.
- C. Kocaman, E. Büküşoğlu. P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Tuning electrostatic interactions for controlled structure and rejection of cellulose nanocrystal membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 661 (2022), 120932.
- Savaş-Alkan, P. Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Solvent recovery from photolithography wastes using cellulose ultrafiltration membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 647 (2022) 120261
- C. Kocaman, E. Büküşoğlu. P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Controlling ultrafiltration membrane rejection via shear-aligned deposition of cellulose nanocrystals from aqueous suspensions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 30, 36548-36557.
- F. Çalılı, P. Kaner, G. Aro, A. Asatekin, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Ionic strength-responsive poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) microgels for fouling removal during ultrafiltration, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 156, 2020, 104738.
- E. Büküşoğlu, H. Koku, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Addressing challenges in the ultrafiltration of biomolecules from complex aqueous environments, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 46, 2020, pp. 52-64.
- S. P. Nunes, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, G. Ramon, T. Visser, G.H. Koops, W. Jin, M. Ulbricht, Thinking the future of membranes:Perspectives for advanced and new membrane materials and manufacturing processes, Journal of Membrane Science, 598, 2020, 117761.
- K, Konca, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Effect of carboxylic acid crosslinking of cellulose membranes on nanofiltration performance in ethanol and dimethylsulfoxide, Journal of Membrane Science, 587, 2019, 117175.
- C. Aksoy, P. Kaner, A. Asatekin, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Co-deposition of stimuli-responsive microgels with foulants during ultrafiltration as a fouling
removal strategy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(20), 2019, pp. 18711-18719. - H. Yücel, P. Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Helical hollow fibers via rope coiling: Effect of spinning conditions on geometry and membrane morphology, Journal of Membrane Science, 559, 2018, pp.54-62.
- E.N. Durmaz, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Cellulose-based membranes via phase inversion using [EMIM]OAc- DMSO mixtures as solvent, Chemical Engineering Science, 178, 2018, pp. 93-103.
- F.M. Sukma, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Cellulose membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration, Journal of Membrane Science , 545, 2017, pp. 329-336.
- P. Bengani-Lutz, R.D. Zaf, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, A. Asatekin, Extremely fouling resistant zwitterionic copolymer membranes with ~1 nm pore size for treating municipal, oily and textile wastewater streams, Journal of Membrane Science, 543, 2017,pp. 184-194.
- M. Erkanlı, L. Yılmaz, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Ü. Yetiş, Brackish water recovery from reactive dyeing wastewater via ultrafiltration, Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 2017, pp. 1204-1214.
- E.N. Şimşek, A. Akdağ, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Modification of poly(ether sulfone) for antimicrobial ultrafiltration membranes, Polymer, 106, 2016, pp.91-99.
- G. Kaltalı, H. Kalıpçılar, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Effect of three different PEO-containing additives on the fouling behaviour of PES-based ultrafiltration membranes, Separation and Purification Technology, 150, 2015, pp.21-28.
- Y. Gençal, E.N. Durmaz, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Preparation of patterned microfiltration membranes and their performance in crossflow yeast filtration, Journal of Membrane Science, 476, 2015, pp. 224-233.
- M.S. Tunç, L. Yılmaz, Ü. Yetiş, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Purification and concentration of caustic mercerization wastewater by membrane processes and evaporation, Separation Science and Technology, 49(13), 2014, pp. 1968-1977.
- P.Z. Çulfaz, M. Haddad, M. Wessling, R.G.H. Lammertink, Fouling behavior of microstructured hollow fiber membranes in cross-flow filtrations: Critical flux determination and direct visual observation of particle deposition, Journal of Membrane Science 372 (1-2), 2011, pp. 210-218.
- P.Z. Çulfaz, S. Buetehorn, L. Utiu, M. Kueppers, B. Bluemich, T. Melin, M. Wessling, R.G.H. Lammertink, Fouling behavior of microstructured hollow fiber membranes in dead-end filtrations: Critical flux determination and NMR imaging of particle deposition, Langmuir 27 (5), 2011, pp. 1643-1652.
- P.Z. Çulfaz, M. Wessling, R.G.H. Lammertink, Fouling behavior of microstructured hollow fiber membranes in submerged and aerated filtrations, Water Research 45 (4), 2011, pp. 1865-1871.
- P.Z. Çulfaz, M. Wessling, R.G.H. Lammertink, Hollow fiber membranes with microstructured inner skin, Journal of Membrane Science 369 (1-2), 2011, pp. 221-227.
- P.Z. Çulfaz, E. Rolevink, C. van Rijn, R.G.H. Lammertink, M. Wessling, Microstructured hollow fibers for ultrafiltration, Journal of Membrane Science 347 (1-2), 2010, pp. 32-41.
- M. Bikel, P.Z. Çulfaz, L.A.M. Bolhuis-Versteeg, J. Garduno Perez, R.G.H. Lammertink, M. Wessling, Polymeric Microsieves via Phase Separation MicroFabrication: Process and Design Optimization, Journal of Membrane Science 347 (1-2), 2010, pp. 93-100.
- B. Soydaş, P.Z. Çulfaz, H. Kalıpçılar, A. Çulfaz, Crystallization of silicalite-1 from clear synthesis solutions: Effect of template concentration on crystallization rate and crystal size, Crystal Research and Technology 44 (8), 2009, pp. 800-806
- P. Z. Çulfaz, A. Çulfaz, H. Kalıpçılar, Separation of butane isomers by MFI membranes synthesized in a flow system, Desalination 199 (1-3), 2006, pp. 357-3591
- P. Z. Çulfaz, A. Çulfaz, H. Kalıpçılar, Preparation of MFI type zeolite membranes in a flow system with circulation of the synthesis solution, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 92 (1-3), 2006, pp. 134-144