Zeynep Çulfaz-Emecen


Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2023- )                                                Professor

Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2017-2023)                        Associate professor

Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2011-2017)                          Assistant professor


University of Twente, Netherlands (2006-2010)                                                              Ph.D. in Membrane Science and Technology

Thesis: “Microstructured hollow fibers and microsieves: Fabrication, characterization and filtration applications” (URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036531177)

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Rob Lammertink, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wessling

Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2003-2005)                                          M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering

Thesis: “Synthesis of MFI type zeolite membranes in a continuous system”

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Halil Kalıpçılar, Prof. Dr. Ali Çulfaz

Middle East Technical University, Turkey (1999-2003)                                               B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering


– December 2019: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Research Incentive Award

– May 2017: UNESCO-L’Oreal For Women in Science National Fellowship

– November 2004: Hasan Orbey Award in Graduate Studies, METU Chemical Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey


  1. Özçelik, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Nanoparticle concentration and solvent exchange via organic solvent ultrafiltration, Separation and Purification Technology, 354, (2025), 129052.
  2. Van Buggenhout, G. Ignacz, S. Caspers, R. Dhondt, M. Lenaerts, N. Lenaerts, S.R. Hosseinabadi, I. Nulens, G. Koeckelberghs, Y. Ren, R.P. Lively, M. Rabiller-Baudry, K..M. Lim, N. Ghazali, J. Coronas, M. Abel, M. Wessling, M. Skiborowski, A. Oxley, S.J. Han, A. Livingston, Z. Yi, C. Gao, K. Guan, R.R. Gonzales, H. Matsuyama, S.N.M. Bettahalli, J.R. McCutcheon, F. Radmanesh, N.E. Benes, A.A. Tashvigh, Q. Fang, K. Zhang, G. Chen, W. Jin, Y. Zhang, C.X. Zhang, M.L. Liu, S.P. Sun, A. Buekenhoudt, C. Zhao, B.Van der Bruggen, J.F. Kim, L.C. Condes, M.T. Webb, M. Galizia, B. Alhazmi, L. Upadhyaya, S.P. Nunes, D.W. Kim, H. Schröter, U. Kragl, S. Störtte, A.J. Vorholt, P. Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, M.A. Pizzoccaro-Zilamy, L. Winnubst, A. Yushkin, A. Volkov, J. Chau, K.K. Sirkar, S. Lu, G. Szekely, I. Vankelecom, R. Verbeke, Open and FAIR data for nanofiltration in organic media: A unified approach, Journal of Membrane Science (2024), 123356.
  3. Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Solvent Recovery and Recycling, Elsevier Encyclopedia of Green Chemistry, 1st Edition, Editor: B. Bartök, 2025.
  4. B.C. İçten, E. Büküşoğlu, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Crosslinked cellulose nanocrystal membranes with cholesteric assembly, Langmuir, 40, 25 (2024), 13247–13255
  5. S. Tekin, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Controlling cellulose membrane performance via solvent choice during precursor membrane formation, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5,3 (2023), 2185-2194.
  6. C. Kocaman, E. Büküşoğlu. P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Tuning electrostatic interactions for controlled structure and rejection of cellulose nanocrystal membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 661 (2022), 120932.
  7. Savaş-Alkan, P. Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Solvent recovery from photolithography wastes using cellulose ultrafiltration membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 647 (2022) 120261
  8. C. Kocaman, E. Büküşoğlu. P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Controlling ultrafiltration membrane rejection via shear-aligned deposition of cellulose nanocrystals from aqueous suspensions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 1330, 36548-36557.
  9. F. Çalılı, P. Kaner, G. Aro, A. Asatekin, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Ionic strength-responsive poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) microgels for fouling removal during ultrafiltration, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 156, 2020, 104738.
  10. E. Büküşoğlu, H. Koku, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Addressing challenges in the ultrafiltration of biomolecules from complex aqueous environments, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 46, 2020, pp. 52-64.
  11. S. P. Nunes, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, G. Ramon, T. Visser, G.H. Koops, W. Jin, M. Ulbricht, Thinking the future of membranes:Perspectives for advanced and new membrane materials and manufacturing processes, Journal of Membrane Science, 598, 2020, 117761.
  12. K, Konca, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Effect of carboxylic acid crosslinking of cellulose membranes on nanofiltration performance in ethanol and dimethylsulfoxide, Journal of Membrane Science, 587, 2019, 117175.
  13. C. Aksoy, P. Kaner, A. Asatekin, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Co-deposition of stimuli-responsive microgels with foulants during ultrafiltration as a fouling
    removal strategy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(20), 2019, pp. 18711-18719.
  14. H. Yücel, P. Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Helical hollow fibers via rope coiling: Effect of spinning conditions on geometry and membrane morphology, Journal of Membrane Science, 559, 2018, pp.54-62.
  15. E.N. Durmaz, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Cellulose-based membranes via phase inversion using [EMIM]OAc- DMSO mixtures as solvent, Chemical Engineering Science, 178, 2018, pp. 93-103.
  16. F.M. Sukma, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Cellulose membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration, Journal of Membrane Science , 545, 2017, pp. 329-336.
  17. P. Bengani-Lutz, R.D. Zaf, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, A. Asatekin, Extremely fouling resistant zwitterionic copolymer membranes with ~1 nm pore size for treating municipal, oily and textile wastewater streams, Journal of Membrane Science, 543, 2017,pp. 184-194.
  18. M. Erkanlı, L. Yılmaz, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Ü. Yetiş, Brackish water recovery from reactive dyeing wastewater via ultrafiltration, Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 2017, pp. 1204-1214.
  19. E.N. Şimşek, A. Akdağ, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Modification of poly(ether sulfone) for antimicrobial ultrafiltration membranes, Polymer, 106, 2016, pp.91-99.
  20. G. Kaltalı, H. Kalıpçılar, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Effect of three different PEO-containing additives on the fouling behaviour of PES-based ultrafiltration membranes, Separation and Purification Technology, 150, 2015, pp.21-28.
  21.  Y. Gençal, E.N. Durmaz, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Preparation of patterned microfiltration membranes and their performance in crossflow yeast filtration, Journal of Membrane Science, 476, 2015, pp. 224-233.
  22.  M.S. Tunç, L. Yılmaz, Ü. Yetiş, P.Z. Çulfaz-Emecen, Purification and concentration of caustic mercerization wastewater by membrane processes and evaporation, Separation Science and Technology, 49(13), 2014, pp. 1968-1977.
  23.  P.Z. Çulfaz, M. Haddad, M. Wessling, R.G.H. Lammertink, Fouling behavior of microstructured hollow fiber membranes in cross-flow filtrations: Critical flux determination and direct visual observation of particle deposition, Journal of Membrane Science 372 (1-2), 2011, pp. 210-218.
  24.  P.Z. Çulfaz, S. Buetehorn, L. Utiu, M. Kueppers, B. Bluemich, T. Melin, M. Wessling, R.G.H. Lammertink, Fouling behavior of microstructured hollow fiber membranes in dead-end filtrations: Critical flux determination and NMR imaging of particle deposition, Langmuir 27 (5), 2011, pp. 1643-1652.
  25.  P.Z. Çulfaz, M. Wessling, R.G.H. Lammertink, Fouling behavior of microstructured hollow fiber membranes in submerged and aerated filtrations, Water Research 45 (4), 2011, pp. 1865-1871.
  26.  P.Z. Çulfaz, M. Wessling, R.G.H. Lammertink, Hollow fiber membranes with microstructured inner skin, Journal of Membrane Science 369 (1-2), 2011, pp. 221-227.
  27.  P.Z. Çulfaz, E. Rolevink, C. van Rijn, R.G.H. Lammertink, M. Wessling, Microstructured hollow fibers for ultrafiltration, Journal of Membrane Science 347 (1-2), 2010, pp. 32-41.
  28.  M. Bikel, P.Z. Çulfaz, L.A.M. Bolhuis-Versteeg, J. Garduno Perez, R.G.H. Lammertink, M. Wessling, Polymeric Microsieves via Phase Separation MicroFabrication: Process and Design Optimization, Journal of Membrane Science 347 (1-2), 2010, pp. 93-100.
  29.  B. Soydaş, P.Z. Çulfaz, H. Kalıpçılar, A. Çulfaz, Crystallization of silicalite-1 from clear synthesis solutions: Effect of template concentration on crystallization rate and crystal size, Crystal Research and Technology 44 (8), 2009, pp. 800-806
  30.  P. Z. Çulfaz, A. Çulfaz, H. Kalıpçılar, Separation of butane isomers by MFI membranes synthesized in a flow system, Desalination 199 (1-3), 2006, pp. 357-3591
  31. P. Z. Çulfaz, A. Çulfaz, H. Kalıpçılar, Preparation of MFI type zeolite membranes in a flow system with circulation of the synthesis solution, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 92 (1-3), 2006, pp. 134-144