Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
44. Cabalar, A.F., Dulundu, K., and K. Tuncay. 2013. Strength of various sands in triaxial and cyclic direct shear tests, Engineering Geology, Vol. 156, 92-102. (SCI-A)
43. Porubsky, W.P., S. B. Joye, W. S. Moore, K. Tuncay, and C. Meile. 2011. Field measurements and modeling of groundwater flow and biogeochemistry at Moses Hammock, a backbarrier island on the Georgia coast. Biogeochemistry Vol. 104, 69-90. (SCI-A)
42. King, E.L., K. Tuncay, P. Ortoleva, and C. Meile. 2010. Modeling biogeochemical dynamics in porous media: Practical considerations of pore scale variability, reaction networks, and microbial population dynamics in a sandy aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology Vol. 112, 130-140. (SCI-A)
41. King, E.L., C. Meile, K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2009. In Silico Geobacter sulfurreducens Metabolism and Its Representation in Reactive Transport Models. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Vol. 75, 83-92. (SCI-A)
40. Spiteri, C., C. P. Slomp, M.A. Charette, K. Tuncay, and C. Meile. 2008. Flow and nutrient dynamics in a subterranean estuary (Waquoit Bay, MA, USA): field data and reactive transport modeling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(14), 3398-3412. (SCI-A)
39b. Spiteri, C., C. P. Slomp, K. Tuncay, and C. Meile. 2008. Correction to Modeling biogeochemical processes in subterranean estuaries: The effect of flow dynamics and redox conditions on submarine groundwater discharge of nutrients. Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, W04701, doi:10.1029/2007/WR006997. (SCI-A)
39. Spiteri, C., C. P. Slomp, K. Tuncay, and C. Meile. 2008. Modeling biogeochemical processes in subterranean estuaries: The effect of flow dynamics and redox conditions on submarine groundwater discharge of nutrients. Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, W02430, doi:10.1029/2007/WR006071. (SCI-A)
38. Fan, J., K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2007. Chromosome segregation in E. coli division: A free energy-driven string model. Computational Biology and Chemistry, Vol. 31, 257-264. (SCI-A)
37. Qu,K, A.A. Haidar, J. Fan, L. Ensman, K. Tuncay, M. Jolly, and P. Ortoleva 2007. Cancer onset and progression: A genome-wide, nonlinear dynamical systems perspective on onconetworks. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 246, 234-244. (SCI-A)
36. Sayyed-Ahmad, A., K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2007. Microarray analysis through transcription kinetic modeling and information theory, BMC Bioinformatics, Vol. 8, 20. (SCI-A)
35. Sun, J., K. Tuncay, A.A. Haidar, F. Stanley, M. Trelinkski, and P. Ortoleva. 2007. Transcriptional Regulatory Network Discovery via Multiple Method Integration: Application to E.coli K12, Algorithms for Molecular Biology, Vol. 2, 2. (SCI-A)
34. Tuncay, K., L. Ensman, A.A. Haidar, F. Stanley, M. Trelinkski, and P. Ortoleva. 2006. Transcriptional regulatory networks via gene ontology and expression data, In Silico Biology, Vol. 7, 21-34 (IOS press).
33. Sheen, D-H., K. Tuncay, C-E. Bang, and P. Ortoleva. 2006. Time domain Gauss-Newton seismic waveform inversion in elastic media, Geophysical Journal International, Vol 167, 1373-1384. (SCI-A)
32. Durmusoglu, E., Corapcioglu, M.Y., and Tuncay, K. 2006. Modeling of settlement in saturated and unsaturated municipal landfills. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol 6, 269-278
31. Sheen, D-H., K. Tuncay, C-E. Bang, and P. Ortoleva. 2006. Parallel implementation of a velocity-stress staggered-grid finite-difference method for 2-D poroelastic wave propagation. Computers and Geosciences, Vol 32, 1182-1191. (SCI-A)
30. Fan, C., G. L. Pavlis, and K. Tuncay. 2006. GCLgrid: A Three Dimensional Geographical Curvilinear Grid Library for Computational Seismology, Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 32, 371-381. (SCI-A)
29. Meile, C., and K. Tuncay. 2006. Scale dependence of reaction rates in porous media. Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 29, 62-71. (SCI-A)
28. Meile, C., P. Berg, P. Van Cappellen, and K. Tuncay. 2005. Solute-specific pore water irrigation: Implications for chemical cycling in early diagenesis, Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 63, 601-621. (SCI-A)
27a. Durmusoglu, E., M. Y. Corapcioglu, and K. Tuncay. 2005. Landfill settlement with decomposition and gas generation, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering Vol. 131, 1311-1321. (SCI-A)
27b. Durmusoglu, E., M. Y. Corapcioglu, and K. Tuncay. 2007. Closure to Landfill settlement with decomposition and gas generation, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 133, 785. (SCI-A)
26. Sayyed-Ahmad, A., K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2004. Efficient solution technique for solving poisson-boltzmann equation, Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol 25: 1068-1074. (SCI-A)
25. Jaqaman, K., and K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2004. Density functional theory of orientational order at interfaces: application to water, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 120 , 926-938. (SCI-A)
24. Tandon, K., K. Tuncay, J. Comer, K. Hubbard, and P. Ortoleva. 2004. Estimating tectonic parameters for sedimentary basin evolution: Integration of basin modeling and reflection seismology, Geophysical Journal International, Vol 156, 129-139. (SCI-A)
23. Tuncay, K., and P. Ortoleva. 2004. Quantitative basin modeling: present state and developments toward predictability, Geofluids, Vol. 4, 23-39. (SCI-A)
22. Ortoleva, P., E. Berry, J. Fan, M. Fontus, A. Navid, A. Sayyed-Ahmad, Z. Sharif, F. Stanley, K. Tuncay, E. Weitzke, and L. Wu. 2003. Karyote physico-chemical genome, proteome, metabolome cell modeling system, OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology Vol 7, 169-183. (SCI-A)
21. Sayyed-Ahmad, A., K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2003. Automated cell model development through information theory, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 107, 10554-10565. (SCI-A)
20. Tuncay, K. G. Ozkan, and P. Ortoleva. 2003. Interplay of gouge, fluid pressure and porosity in fault zone. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 79, 191-195. (SCI-A)
19. Meile, C. K. Tuncay, and P. Van Cappellen. 2003. Explicit representation of 3-D heterogeneity in reactive transport models: Application to bioirrigated sediments. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 78, 231-244. (SCI-A)
18. Tuncay, K., J. Puckett, Z.Al-Shaeib, and P.Ortoleva. 2002. Kinetics of pits, outgrowths, and inclusions on coated grains. Geochimica et Cosmochimica, Vol. 66, 3901-3912. (SCI-A)
17. Tuncay, K., A., Khalil, and P. Ortoleva. 2001. Failure, memory and cyclic fault movement. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America Vol. 91, 538-552. (SCI-A)
16. Tuncay, K., and P. Ortoleva. 2001. Salt tectonics as a self-organizing process: a three dimensional reaction, transport and mechanics model. Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 106, 803-818. (SCI-A)
15. Tuncay, K., A. Park, and P. Ortoleva. 2000. Sedimentary basin deformation: An incremental stress rheology approach. Tectonophysics, Vol. 323, 77-104. (SCI-A)
14. Tuncay, K., A. Park, and P. Ortoleva. 2000. A forward model of three dimensional fracture orientation and characteristics. Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 105, 16719-16735. (SCI-A)
13. Payne, D.F., K. Tuncay, A. Park, J. Comer, and P. Ortoleva. 2000. A reaction-transport-mechanical approach to modelling the interrelationships between gas generation, overpressuring, and fracturing – Implications for the Upper Cretaceous natural gas reservoirs of the Piceance Basin, Colorado. AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 84, 545-565. (SCI-A)
12. Tuncay, K., K.K.R. Kambham, and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1998. Self-weight subsidence of saturated soft porous media. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 124, 630-638. (SCI-A)
11. Corapcioglu, M.Y., K.K.R. Kambham, and K. Tuncay. 1998. Electrophoretic sealing of impoundment leaks – numerical analysis and verification with experimental data. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 32, 3778-3784. (SCI-A)
10. Tuncay, K., and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1997. Wave propagation in poroelastic media saturated by two fluids. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 64, 313-320. (SCI-A)
9. Akkas, N., and K. Tuncay. 1997. Dynamics of submerged shells of arbitrary geometry using improved transmitting boundaries. Computers and Structures, Vol. 63, 827-835. (SCI-A)
8. Tuncay, K., and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1996. Wave propagation in fractured porous media. Transport in Porous Media, Vol.23, 237-258. (SCI-A)
7. Tuncay, K., and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1996. Body waves in fractured porous media saturated by two Newtonian fluids. Transport in Porous Media, Vol.23, 259-273. (SCI-A)
6. Tuncay, K., and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1996. Consolidation of elastic porous media saturated by two immiscible fluids. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 122, 1077-1086. (SCI-A)
5. Corapcioglu, M.Y., K. Tuncay, and B.K. Ceylan. 1996. Oil mound spreading and migration with ambient groundwater flow in course porous media. Water Resources Research, Vol. 33, 1299-1308 (also published in Water Resources Journal, March 1997, 51-61 selected by the Water Resources Section of the United Nations). (SCI-A)
4. Tuncay, K., and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1996. Body waves in poroelastic media saturated by two fluids. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 101, 25149-25159. (SCI-A)
3. Kambham, K.K.R., K. Tuncay, and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1995 .A semi-analytical analysis of compressible electrophoretic cake formations. Water Resources Research, Vol. 31, 1421-1428. (SCI-A)
2. Tuncay, K., and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1995. Effective stress principle for saturated fractured porous media. Water Resources Research, Vol. 31, 3103-3106. (SCI-A)
1. Corapcioglu M.Y., K. Tuncay, R. Lingam, and K.K.R. Kambham. 1994. Analytical expressions to estimate the free-product recovery in oil contaminated aquifers. Water Resources Research, Vol. 30, 3301-3311. (SCI-A)
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
4. Tuncay, K., A. Park and P. Ortoleva. 2003. 3-D coupled basin RTM modeling: Applications to fracture, fault and salt tectonic regimes. Multidimensional basin modeling, edited by R. Marzi and S. Duppenbecker, AAPG Discovery Series, No 7, 217-242.
3. Tuncay, K. and P. Ortoleva. 2002. Probability functionals, homogenization and comprehensive reservoir simulators. Resource Recovery, Confinement, and Remediation of Environmental Hazards, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications volume 131, Editors: John Chadam, Al Cunningham, Richard E. Ewing, Peter Ortoleva, and Mary Fanett Wheeler, Springer-Verlag, New York, 161-178.
2. Corapcioglu, M.Y., and K. Tuncay. 1996. Propagation of waves in porous media. Advances in Porous Media, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 361-441.
1. Corapcioglu, M.Y., K. Tuncay, A. Ahmed, R. Lingam, K.K.R. Kambham, and B.K. Ceylan. 1996. Spreading and recovery of LNAPLs in oil contaminated aquifers. Recent Advances in Groundwater Pollution Control and Remediation, edited by M.Aral, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 275-306.
Peer Reviewed Conference ProceedinGs
10. Spiteri, C., C. P. Slomp, M.A. Charette, K. Tuncay, and C. Meile. 2007. Reactive transport modeling of flow and nutrient dynamics in a subterranean estuary (Waquoit Bay, MA, USA). International Conference on Water pollution in natural porous media at different scales (WAPO2), Barcelona (Spain), April 11-13.
9. Spiteri, C., C. P. Slomp, K. Tuncay, and C. Meile. 2007. Modeling biogeochemical processes in subterranean estuaries: The effect of flow dynamics and redox conditions on submarine groundwater discharge of nutrients. Proceedings of SWIM-SWICA International Conference, Cagliari, September 24-29, 2006.
8. Durmusoglu, E., M.Y. Corapcioglu, and K. Tuncay. 2005. Modeling of landfill settlement: Theory. Poromechanics III, Edited by Y.N. Abousleiman, A.H.-D. Cheng, F.-J. Ulm, Taylor & Francis, 347-352.
7. Tuncay, K., F. Renard, and P. Ortoleva. 2002. Comprehensive 3D modeling of fault dynamics during the seismic cycle. Poromechanics II, Edited by J.-L. Auriault, C. Geindreau, P. Royer, J.-F Bloch, C. Boutin, J. Lewandowska, Balkema, 947-952.
6. Corapcioglu, M.Y., Durmusoglu, E., and K. Tuncay. 2002. Gas generation and fluid flow in waste landfills. Poromechanics II, Edited by J.-L. Auriault, C. Geindreau, P. Royer, J.-F Bloch, C. Boutin, J. Lewandowska, Balkema, 397-402.
5. Corapcioglu, M.Y., and K. Tuncay. 1998 Wave propagation in fractured porous media saturated by two immiscible fluids. Poromechanics: A Tribute to Maurice A. Biot, edited by J. F. Thimus, Y.Abousleiman, A.H.D. Cheng, O.Coussy, and E. Detournay Balkema, Rotterdam, 197-203.
4. Park, A., G. Ozkan, D. Payne, K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 1998. Compartment mechanics: Role of faults and gouge. International Gas Conference 1998, Vol. I., 12-24.
3. Kambham, K.K.R., K. Tuncay, and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1996. Modeling of the movement of electrophoretic cake surface. Environmental Geotechnology: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Vol.1, Technomic Publishing Co., PA, 467-474.
2. Tuncay, K., K.K.R. Kambham, and M.Y. Corapcioglu. 1995. Sealing of impoundment leaks. Geoenvironmental 2000: Characterization, Containment, Remediation and Performance in Environmental Geotechnics, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 46, ASCE, New York, New York, Vol. 2, 1576-1587.
1. Akkas, N., and K. Tuncay. 1993. Dynamics of submerged shells of arbitrary geometry using improved transmitting boundaries. Developments in Computational Engineering Mechanics, International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Edinburgh, Great Britain, 266-274.
46. Cabalar, A. F., and K. Tuncay. 2012. A Study of Fluctuations in Cyclic Large Strain Behavior of Granular Soils, 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara.
45. Tuydes, H., K. Tuncay. 2012. Modeling Multi-Class Traffic Flows using Hydrodynamic Model, 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara.
44. Cabalar, A.F., K. Dulundu, and K. Tuncay. 2011. İnce tane oranı ve şekilsel özelliklerinin rezidüel direkt kesme kutusu deneylerindeki kum davranışına etkisi. 4. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, Hatay.
43. Cabalar, A.F., and K. Tuncay. 2011. Cyclic Behavior of Various Sands and Steel Interfaces. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
42. Meile, C., E. King, and K. Tuncay. 2007. Investigating the local microbial environment: pore scale modeling linked to geobacter sulfurreducens metabolism. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Ocean Research Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
41. Meile, C., P. Berg, Van Cappellen, and K. Tuncay 2005. Heterogeneity in aquatic sediments: 1D representations of a 3D environment. The 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow, Idaho.
40. Meile, C., P. Van Cappellen, and K. Tuncay 2004. Scale dependence of reaction rates in porous media. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Ocean Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
39. Meile, C., P. Berg, and K. Tuncay 2004. Species dependent pore water irrigation: implications for elemental cycling in early diagenesis. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Meeting, Savannah, Georgia.
38. Sheen, D. -H., Baag, C. -E., Tuncay, K. and Ortoleva, P. J., 2005, Elastic waveform inversion using Gauss-Newton method, 75th Ann. International Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysics.
37. Ortoleva, P., K. Tuncay, and F. Stanley. CellX, Karyote and data/kinetic model integration. 2004. DARPA PI Meeting, Washington D.C.
35. Sheen, D-H. S., K. Tuncay, C-E. Bang, and P. Ortoleva. 2004. Efficient finite difference calculation of partial derivative seismic wavefield using reciprocity and convolution. SEG Annual Meeting.
34. Park, A.J., J. B. Comer, M. L. Foust, J. A. Rupp, D-H. Sheen, J. Lee, K. Tuncay, and P. J. Ortoleva. 2003. Overpressuring and fracturing of New Albany Shale in the Illinois Basin: Insights from automated information theory and basin simulation. AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
33. Sheen, D-H. S., K. Tuncay, C-E. Bang, and P. Ortoleva. 2003. Parallel wave propagation with perfectly matched layers in three dimensional poroelastic media. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Outstanding Student Paper Award, Seismology Section).
32. Sheen, D-H. S., K. Tuncay, C-E. Bang, and P. Ortoleva. 2003. Wave propagation in porous media: A velocity-stress staggered-grid finite difference method with perfectly matched layers. SEG Annual Meeting.
31. Ortoleva, P., A. Sayyed-Ahmad, A. Navid, K. Tuncay, and E. Weitzke. 2003. Karyote: Automated physico-chemical cell model development through information theory. Genomes to Life Workshop, sponsored by the US Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Arlington, VA.
30. Meile, C. , P. Van Cappellen, K. Tuncay, and C. Koretsky. 2003. Scale-dependent quantitative representations of biologically-induced solute mixing in marine sediments. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
29. Lee, J., K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2003. Model Automated Informatics(MAI) Determination of Reservoir Location and Characteristics, AAPG Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT.
28. Park, A., K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2003. Coupled Dynamic Evolution of Stress, Fracture, Porosity, Permeability and Fluid Flow: Basin.RTM Simulation Results from U.S. Basins, AAPG Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT.
27. Ortoleva, P., K. Tuncay, A. Park, and J. Comer. 2002. Model automated informatics (MAI): integration of basin simulation and data. AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, TX.
26. Tuncay, K. 2002. Effect of surface conditions on basin evolution. 6th Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congress, Veldhoven.
25. Ortoleva, P.,, K. Tuncay, K. Tandon, and J. Comer. 2001. Enhanced remote fractured reservoir detection and characterization through basin model / seismic image interpretation integration. AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
24. Comer, J., A. Park, K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2001. Predicting fractured gas reservoirs using a 3-D finite element diagenetic, hydrologic, rock mechanics model, Rulison Field, Piceance Basin, Colorado. AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
23. Park, A.J., K. Tuncay, M. Laroche, J. Comer, and P. Ortoleva. 2001. Comparing observed overpressuring and fracturing characteristics of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments and Basin RTM 3-D simulation predictions. AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
22. Tuncay, K., A. Park, J. Comer, and P. Ortoleva 2001. Model automated informatics: application to basin model/data integration. GSA Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
21. Tandon, K., K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2001. Can seismic inversion-comprehensive numerical basin modeling be used to predict the state of the earth in the presence of of incomplete information ? AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
20. Tuncay, K., and P. Ortoleva. 2000. Three dimensional modeling of salt tectonics and rock deformation: E&P Implications. GEO2000, Bahrain.
19. Park, A., K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2000. High-permeability vertical fracture network in carbonate platforms associated with basin-scale reaction-transport-mechanical processes. GEO2000, Bahrain.
18. Comer, J., A. Park, D. Payne, K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2000. Fracture Prediction with a 3-D Finite Element Diagenetic, Hydrologic, Mechanical Model. AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
17. Tuncay, K., A. Khalil, A. Park, and P. Ortoleva. 2000. The Salt-Fault-Fracture Connection. AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
16. Ortoleva, P., A. Park, K. Tuncay. 2000. Basin simulation using reaction-transport-mechanical methodology with comprehensive compositional and textural composite-media approach. GSA Meeting, Reno, Nevada.
15. Comer, J.B., A. Park, K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 2000. Predicting fractures with a unique 3-D finite element mechanical, hydrologic, diagenetic model. GSA Meeting, Reno, Nevada.
14. Ortoleva, P. K. Tuncay, Z. Al-Shaieb, and J. Puckette. 2000. Dissolution pitting and needle growth: a coated grain morphological instability model. GSA Meeting, Reno, Nevada.
13. Ortoleva, P., and K. Tuncay. 2000. Development of compartmentation and episodic fluid flow through coupled reaction, transport and mechanical processes. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
12. Ortoleva, P., F. Renard, and K. Tuncay. 2000. The self-organizing planet. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
11. Tuncay, K.,and P. Ortoleva. 2000. Comprehensive multi-process fault modeling. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
10. Payne, D., K. Tuncay, A. Park, J. Comer, and P. Ortoleva. 1999. Role of gas generation in fracturing and compartmentation. AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
9. Tuncay, K., A. Park, D. Payne, S. Romer, K.R. Sundberg, T.E. Hoak, and P. Ortoleva. 1999. Three dimensional forward modeling of naturally fractured reservoir formation. AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
8. Tuncay, K., J. Golding, K.R. Sundberg, and P. Ortoleva. 1999. Three dimensional modeling of coupled salt diapirism and rock deformation: Reservoir implications. AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
7. Zhan, X., D. Payne, A. Park, K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 1999. Predictive modeling of natural gas composition in reservoirs. AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX
6. Ortoleva, P., K. Tuncay, and A. Park. 1999. Basin evolution and salt tectonics: A 3-D multi-process crustal deformation model. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
5. Tuncay, K., A. Khalil, G. Ozkan, and P. Ortoleva. 1999. Competency, diagenesis, gouge chaos and the earthquake cycle. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
4. Payne, D.F., A. J. Park, J.M. Maxwell, K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 1998. Predicting methane migration and trapping in the Piceance Basin. AAPG Annual Convection, Salt Lake City, UT.
3. Ozkan, G., K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva. 1998. Process-based fault seal/conduit prediction. AAPG Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT.
2. Tuncay, K., G. Ozkan, A. Park, P. Ortoleva, T. Hoak, K. Sundberg. 1998. Predicting fractured reservoir location and characteristics in the West Permian Basin. AAPG Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT.
1. Tuncay, K., P. Ortoleva, J. Golding, and K. Sundberg. 1998. Conditions favoring salt migration and reservoir development. AAPG Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT.