!!! I am always looking for motivated students !!!

  • undergraduate or graduate
  • from METU or from other universities
  • from Civil Engineering or other departments

Current Ph.D. Students

Baki Aykut Bilginer, working on acid-base cements

Current M.S. Students

Loai Abdulaal, working on alternative binders

Past Students

Muhammet Atasever, Ph.D. 2023, A comparative study of limestone calcined clay cement produced with diffeetn clay and cement types.

S. Batuhan Bilmez, M.S. 2023,worked on novel magnesium-based, low-CO2 binders – now at TU Munich

Şemsettin Balta, worked on self-sensing, smart construction materials, n.d., now at Türk Patent

Hossein Mazaheri, M.S. 2022, Replacement of the Basic and Acidic Components of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement with Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cement and Fly Ash Phosphate Salts, now pursuing a PhD at METU

Yaren Çağlar, 2021, six-month internship in lab, worked on acid-base cements, n.d., now works at Kuehne+Nagel, Gebze

Nesim İçinsel, M.S. 2020, novel magnesium binders – now works at Dorce Prefab Structures Inc., Ankara

Muhittin Babaoğlu, M.S. 2020, with Asst. Prof. Dr. Ercan Taşan – now pursuing a PhD at METU

Sahra Shakouri, M.S. 2018, Production of silica fume-based geopolymeric foam – now pursuing a PhD at METU

Oğulcan Canbek, M.S. 2018, Production of low-energy cements using various industrial wastes – now works at GCP, Boston, MA.

Aykut Bilginer, M.S. 2018, Development of magnesium potassium phosphate cement pastes and mortars incorporating fly ash, now pursuing a PhD at METU

Murat Şahin, Ph.D. 2018, Production of aerated alkali-activated slag pastes and mortars using hydrogen peroxide (with Asst. Prof. Dr. Özgür Bayer) – now works at Bozok University

Kemal Şengül, M.S 2018, Influence of perlite addition on the strength development and thermal stability of calcium aluminate cement mortars

Kemal Ardoğa, M.S 2016, Effect of Particle Size on Heat of Hydration of Pozzolan-Incorporated Cements (with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tokyay), now works at Hacettepe University

Mahdi Mahyar, M.S 2014, Room-temperature Phosphate Ceramics Made with Afşin-Elbistan Fly Ash, now works at Strabag Group, Toronto

Can Çetin, M.S 2013, Early Heat Evolution of Different-Sized Portland Cements Incorporating Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tokyay), now works at Faithful + Gould, Birmingham, England

Tümay Çelikkol Koçak, M.S 2013, Effect of Combining Different Cement Clinkers and Slag with Controlled Finenesses on Mortar Strength and Heat of Hydration – now works at Mace Group, Dublin

İsmail Tolga Kava, M.S 2013, Comparison of the Strength Developments of Interground and Separately Ground Limestone Portland Cement Mortars – now works at Altınyaldız, İstanbul

Derya Över, M.S 2012, Early Heat Evolution in Natural Pozzolan-Incorporated Cement Hydration (with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tokyay) – now Asst. Prof. at Eskişehir Technical University

Ekin Altan, B.S. 2011, Alkali activation of a slag at ambient and elevated temperatures, now works at Cenit, Germany

Ahmet Veli Tekin, M.S 2012, Effect of Coating Materials and Mixture Constituents on the Permeability of Concrete – now works at State Hydraulic Works, Ankara

Saygın Deniz, M.S 2010, Determination of relations between elastic properties of cement mortars by using destructive and nondestructive methods, now works at Ballast Nedam, The Netherlands

Seda Neriman Arzık, M.S. 2009, Use of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Measurements for the Evaluation of the ASTM Permeable Voids Determination Method in Hardened Concrete and the Influence of Cement Type, now works at Ministry of Environment and Urbanism, Ankara

Çınar Uysal, M.S. 2009, Evaluation of the Permeable Porosity of the Air-Entrained Concrete and its Applicability to ASTM Permeable Voids Measuring Technique

Aslı Ünsal Sağlık, M.S 2009, Alkali-silica rectivity and activation of ground perlite-containing cementitious mixtures

Seda Mavi, no degree, worked on biopolymers in construction

Doğacan Biricik, (with Asst. Prof. Dr. Kartal Toker), no degree