Refereed Journal Publications

  1. B.A. Bilginer, S.T. Erdoğan (2025) Enhancing magnesium oxalate cements with copper slag and silica fume. Construction and Building Materials 452, 138999
  2. S.B. Bilmez, S.T. Erdoğan (2024) Improving the Sustainability of Magnesium Oxalate Cements Using Clay and Calcium Sulfoaluminate Clinker.  Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (accepted).
  3. M. Atasever, S.T. Erdoğan (2024) Effects of clay type and component fineness on the hydration and properties of limestone calcined clay cement. Materials and Structures 57 (8), 183.
  4. M. Atasever, S.T. Erdoğan (2024) Characterization of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Made with Calcium Sulfoaluminate Clinker. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-13.
  5. B.A. Bilginer, S.T. Erdoğan (2023) Development of magnesium/calcium oxalate cements. Materiales de Construcción 73 (350).
  6. S.T. Erdoğan, B.A. Bilginer, O. Canbek (2022) Preparation and characterization of magnesium oxalate cement. Engrxiv preprint.
  7. B.A. Bilginer, S.T. Erdoğan (2021) Effect of Mixture Proportioning on the Strength and Mineralogy of Magnesium Phosphate Cements. Construction and Building Materials 277, 122264.
  8. K. Şengül, S.T. Erdoğan (2021) Influence of Ground Perlite on the Hydration and Strength Development of Calcium Aluminate Cement Mortars. Construction and Building Materials 266, Part A, 120943.
  9. S. Shakouri, Ö. Bayer, S.T. Erdoğan (2020) Development of Silica Fume-based Geopolymer Foams. Construction and Building Materials 260, 120442.
  10. O. Canbek, S.T. Erdoğan (2020) Influence of Production Parameters on Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cements. Construction and Building Materials 239, 117866.
  11. O. Canbek, S. Shakouri, S.T. Erdoğan (2020) Laboratory Production of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cements with High Industrial Waste Content. Cement and Concrete Composites 106, 103475.
  12. B.A. Bilginer, O. Canbek, S.T. Erdoğan (2020) Activation of Blast Furnace Slag with Soda Production Waste. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32(1).
  13. M.K. Ardoğa, S.T. Erdoğan, M. Tokyay (2019) Effect of particle size on early heat evolution of interground natural pozzolan blended cements. Construction and Building Materials 206, 210-218.
  14. M. Şahin, S.T. Erdoğan, Ö. Bayer (2018) Production of lightweight aerated alkali-activated slag pastes using hydrogen peroxide. Construction and Building Materials 179, 587-597.
  15. M. Mahyar, S.T. Erdoğan, M. Tokyay (2018) Extension of the chemical index model for estimating Alkali-Silica reaction mitigation efficiency to slags and natural pozzolans. Construction and Building Materials 179, 587-597.
  16. S. T. Erdoğan, T. Ç. Koçak (2017) Influence of Slag Fineness on the Strength and Heat Evolution of Multiple-Clinker Blended Cements. Construction and Building Materials 155, 800-810.
  17. S. T. Erdoğan, A. Forster, P.E. Stutzman, E.J. Garboczi (2017) Particle-based characterization of Ottawa sand: Shape, size, mineralogy, and elastic moduli. Cement and Concrete Composites 83, 36-44.
  18. M. Şahin, M. Mahyar, S.T. Erdoğan (2016) Mutual activation of blast furnace slag and a high-calcium fly ash rich in free lime and sulfates. Construction and Building Materials 126, 466-475.
  19. S.T. Erdoğan (2016) Simple Estimation of the Surface Area of Irregular 3-D Particles. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 28(8).
  20. C. Çetin, S.T. Erdoğan, M. Tokyay (2016) Effect of Particle Size and Slag Content on the Early Hydration of Interground Blended Cements. Cement and Concrete Composites 67, 39-49.
  21. M. Mahyar, S.T. Erdoğan (2015) Phosphate-activated high-calcium fly ash acid-base cements. Cement and Concrete Composites 63, 96-103.
  22. S.T. Erdoğan (2015) Inexpensive intumescent alkali-activated natural pozzolan pastes. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35(9), 2663-2670.
  23. S.T. Erdoğan (2015), Properties of Ground Perlite Geopolymer Mortars, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 27 (7).
  24. S. Deniz, S.T. Erdoğan (2015) Prediction of Elastic Moduli Development of Cement Mortars Using Early Age Measurements. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 27 (1).
  25. S.T. Erdoğan, D. Över, M. Tokyay (2014) Effect of Pozzolan Content and Fineness on Early Hydration of Interground Blended Cements. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 12(3), 101-110.
  26. S.T. Erdoğan, A.Ü. Sağlık (2013) Early-age activation of cement pastes and mortars containing ground perlite as a pozzolan, Cement and Concrete Composites 38, 29-39.
  27. S.T. Erdoğan (2013) Effect of clinker phase distribution within cement particles on properties of a hydrating cement paste. Construction and Building Materials 38, 941-949.
  28. E. Altan, S.T. Erdoğan (2012), Alkali activation of a slag at ambient and elevated temperatures, Cement and Concrete Composites 34(2), 131-139.
  29. X. Liu, E.J. Garboczi, M. Grigoriu, Y. Lu, S.T. Erdoğan (2011), Spherical harmonic-based random fields based on real particle 3D data: Improved numerical algorithm and quantitative comparison to real particles. Powder Technology, 207(1), 78-86.
  30. E. Mahmoud, L. Gates, E. Masad, S. Erdoğan, E. Garboczi (2010). Comprehensive Evaluation of AIMS Texture, Angularity, and Dimension Measurements, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 22(4), 369-379.
  31. L. Holzer, R. Flatt, S.T. Erdoğan, J.W. Bullard, E.J. Garboczi (2010). Shape comparison between 0.4 mm to 2.0 mm and 20 mm to 60 mm cement particles, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 93(6) 1501-1804.
  32. S.T. Erdoğan, X. Nie, P.E. Stutzman, E.J. Garboczi (2010) Micrometer-scale 3-D shape characterization of eight cements: Particle shape and cement chemistry, and the effect of particle shape on laser diffraction particle size measurement, Cement and Concrete Research 40(5), 731-739.
  33. S.T. Erdoğan, N.S. Martys, C.F. Ferraris, D.W. Fowler (2008) Influence of the Shape and Roughness of Inclusions on the Rheological Properties of a Cementitious Suspension, Cement and Concrete Composites 30(5), 393-402.
  34. S.T. Erdoğan, E.J. Garboczi, D.W. Fowler, (2007) Shape and size of microfine aggregates: X-ray microcomputed tomography vs. laser diffraction, Powder Technology 177, 53-63.
  35. M.A. Taylor, E.J. Garboczi, S.T. Erdoğan, D.W. Fowler (2006) Some Properties of Irregular 3-D Particles, Powder Technology 162(1), 1-15.
  36. S.T. Erdoğan, P.N. Quiroga, D.W. Fowler, H.A. Saleh, R.A. Livingston, E.J. Garboczi, P.M. Ketcham, J.G. Hagedorn, S.G. Satterfield (2006) Three-dimensional shape analysis of coarse aggregates: Methodology and preliminary results on several different coarse aggregates and reference rocks, Cement and Concrete Research 36(9), 1619-1627.

Conference Publications

  1. O. Canbek, ST Erdoğan (2019) Production of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cements with Natural and Waste Materials, 10th International Concrete Congress, May 2-4 , Bursa, Turkey.
  2. B. A. Bilginer, ST Erdoğan (2019) Production of Fly Ash-Magnesium Phosphate Cements, 10th International Concrete Congress, May 2-4 , Bursa, Turkey.
  3. O. Canbek, ST Erdoğan (2018) Production of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cements using Industrial Byproducts in Turkey. 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering
  4. S. Shakouri, ST Erdoğan (2018). Production of Silica Fume-Based Geopolymer Foams. 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering.
  5. M. Şahin, M M., ST Erdoğan (2015) Afşin Elbistan uçucu külü ve yüksek fırın cürufu içeren çimentosuz bağlayıcılar hazırlanması. 9. Ulusal Beton Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye.
  6. S.T. Erdoğan (2015) Intumescence and pore structure of alkali-activated volcanic glasses upon exposure to high temperatures. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2015. MR21A-2602. San Francisco, CA.
  7. M. Mahyar, Sinan Turhan Erdogan, Room-temperature Acid-Base Ceramics Produced Using a High-Calcium Fly Ash.“EUROCOALASH 2014”, 1, (2014), p.173-182.
  8. S.T. Erdoğan, E. Altan, Activation of a Turkish Blast Furnace Slag Using Alkalis. “10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering 2012”, (2012).
  9. S.T. Erdoğan, Mustafa Tokyay, Development of Inorganic Silicone Polymers from Silica Fume . “7th ASIAN SYMPOSIUM on POLYMERS in CONCRETE”, (2012).
  10. S.T. Erdoğan (2013) Environmentally-Friendly Geopolymeric Binders Made with Silica. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013. GC23B-0909. San Francisco, CA.
  11. Sinan T. Erdogan, Use of perlite to produce geopolymers. “Cement and Concrete Science 2011”, 1, (2011), p.0-300.
  12. S.T. Erdoğan (2011) Environmentally-Friendly Geopolymeric Binders Made with Perlite. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2011. GC33D-06. San Francisco, CA.
  13. Sinan T. Erdogan, Edward J. Garboczi, Jeffrey W. Bullard, Prediction of Elastic Properties of Concrete Using the Virtual Cement and Concrete Testing Laboratory. “11DBMC International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components”, (2008).
  14. E.J. Garboczi, S.T. Erdoğan, G. Lespinasse, A. Forster, P. Stutzman, Characterization of Ottawa sand: Optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray tomography and diffraction, and nanoindentation. “MS&T 08, MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS: Advances in Characterization and Modeling of Cementitious Materials”, (2008).
  15. Edward J. Garboczi, Paul E. Stutzman, Sinan T. Erdoğan, Xiaobo Nie, Micrometer-scale 3-D shape characterization of eight cements: Particle shape and cement chemistry and laser diffraction. “MS&T 08, MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS: Advances in Characterization and Modeling of Cementitious Materials”, (2008).
  16. Edward J. Garboczi, Sinan T. Erdoğan, Lorenz Holzer, Robert J. Flatt, Shape comparison between 0.4 – 2.0 and 20 – 60 micrometer cement particles. “MS&T 08, MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS: Advances in Characterization and Modeling of Cementitious Materials”, (2008)

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