
Prof. Sönmez ‘s current research interest include optimization, evolutionary computing, machine learning, blockchain and smart contract applications for management of construction projects.

Recent publications:

Decentralized tendering of construction projects using blockchain-based smart contracts and storage systems Ahmadisheykhsarmast S., Senji S. G., Sönmez R.  Automation in Construction , vol.151, 2023

Blockchain in project management: a systematic review of use cases and a design decision framework Sönmez R., Sonmez F. O., Ahmadisheykhsarmast S. Journal Of Ambient Intelligence And Humanized Computing , vol.14, no.7, pp.8433-8447, 2023

A transformative solution for construction safety: Blockchain-based system for accident information management Ahmadisheykhsarmast S., Aminbakhsh S., Sönmez R., Uysal F. Journal of Industrial Information Integration , vol.35, 2023

BIM integrated smart contract for construction project progress payment administration Sönmez R.,  Ahmadisheykhsarmast S., Akçamete Güngör A. Automation in Construction , vol.139, 2022

A graphical processing unit-based parallel hybrid genetic algorithm for resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem Uysal F., Sönmez R., İşleyen S. K. Concurrency And Computation-Practice & Experience , vol.33, no.16, 2021

Discussion of “Artificial Intelligence and Parametric Construction Cost Estimate Modeling: State-of-the-Art Review” by Haytham H. Elmousalami Sönmez R., Uysal F. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management , vol.147, no.6, 2021

A smart contract system for security of payment of construction contracts Ahmadisheykhsarmast S., Sönmez R. Automation in Construction, vol.120, 2020

Smart Contracts in Construction Industry Salar A., Sönmez R. IPCMC 2018, 16 – 18 November 2018, pp.767-774

Activity Uncrashing Heuristic with Noncritical Activity Rescheduling Method for the Discrete Time-Cost Trade-Off Problem Sönmez R., Aminbakhsh S., Atan T. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management , vol.146, no.8, 2020

Complete list of publications:

All publication list

Funded research projects:

• A BIM Integrated Agent-based Simulation Method for Time-Space Conflict Detection among Mobile Resources in Construction Projects – METU Scientific Research Center

• An Efficient Memetic Algorithm for the Solving Discrete Time-Cost Trade-Off Problem for Construction Projects – The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

• Development of High Performance Exact and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Resource Leveling Problem in Construction Projects The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

• Efficient Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling – METU Scientific Research Center

Thesis supervised:

List of thesis supervised