
6.1.1. Kutay, M.E., Ozturk, H.I. “Asphalt Foam Collapse Test Methods and Related Apparatus”  US Patent, Publication Number: US20140360406 A1, Application Number: US 14/299,483 2014.

Refereed Journal Publications:

6.2.1. Kutay, M.E., Ozturk, H.I., Abbas, A. ve Hu, C. “Comparison of 2D and 3D Image-Based Aggregate Morphological Indices”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. 421-431 (2011).

6.2.2. Kutay, M.E. ve Ozturk, H.I. “Investigation of Moisture Dissipation in Foam based Warm Mix Asphalt Using Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Microtomography”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 24, No 6, pp. 674-683 (2012).

6.2.3. Ozturk, H.I. ve Kutay, M.E. “Novel Testing Procedure for Assesment of Quality of Foamed Warm Mix Asphalt Binders”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 26., No.8, (2014).

6.2.4. Ozturk, H.I. ve Kutay, M.E. “An Artificial Neural Network Model for Virtual Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 2, pp 151-162,(2014).

6.2.5. Ozturk, H.I. ve Kutay, M.E. “Sensitivity of Nozzle-Based Foamed Asphalt Binder Characteristics to Foaming Parameters”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2014) basım aşamasında.

6.2.6. Öztürk, H.I., Tan, E.B., Şengün, E. and Yaman, İ.Ö., 2018. Farklı trafik, zemin, malzeme ve iklim koşulları için mekanistik-ampirik (ME) yöntemle tasarlanan derzli donatısız rijit üstyapı sistemlerinin karşılaştırılması. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi2018(2018).

Refereed Conference Proceedings:

6.3.1. Kutay, M.E., Ozturk, H.I. ve Gibson, N. “3D Micromechanical Simulation of Compaction of Hot Mix Asphalt Using Real Aggregate Shapes Obtained from X-ray CT”, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute’s Special Publication: Pavements and Materials: Testing and Modeling in Multiple Length Scales. Reston, VA, ISBN (print): 978-0-7844-1129-2, 2010.

6.3.2. Ozturk, H.I., Tascioglu, B., Kutay, M.E., ve Littrup, G. “Impact of Crumb Rubber Modified Binder Preparation Process on Hot Mix Asphalt Performance”, 5th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.

6.3.3. Ozturk, H.I. ve Kutay, M.E. “Improving Efficiency of Asphalt Mix Design using Artificial Neural Networks”, 10th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara, Turkey, 2012.

6.3.4. Kutay, M.E. ve Ozturk, H.I. “Internal structure characteristics of crumb rubber modified asphalt binders: An analysis using 3D X-ray Microtomography Imaging”, Asphalt Rubber Conference, Munich, Germany, 2012.

6.3.5. Ozturk, H.I. ve Kutay, M.E. “Effect of Foamed Binder Characteristics on Warm-Mix Asphalt Performance”, Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting Compendium Papers, Washington DC, USA , 2014.

6.3.6. Jamrah, A. Kutay, M.E., ve Ozturk, H.I. “Characterization of Asphalt Materials Common to Michigan in Support of the Implementation of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide”, Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting Compendium Papers, Washington DC, USA,2014.

6.3.7. Ozturk, H.I. “An Overview of Foamed based Warm Mix Asphalt and Recent Developments” 1st IRF Europe&Central Asia Regional Congress, Istanbul, 2015.

6.3.8. Kutay, M.E.,  Mogawer, W., Ozturk, H.I., Austerman, A. and Krcmarik, M.  “Investigation of Blending of RAP and RAS binder into Virgin Binder at Mixture Level using Fatigue Tests and Image Correlation”, Transportation Research Board 96rd Annual Meeting Compendium Papers, Washington DC, USA, 2016.

6.3.9.  Ozturk, H.I. , Saglik, A., Birol, D., Gungor, A. G. “An Artificial Neural Network Base prediction model and sensitivity analysis for Marshall Mix Design” 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress, Prag Chez Rebublic, 2016

6.3.10.  Ozturk, H.I, Kiran, E. “First Step of Application of Mechanistical-Emprical Pavement Design for Turkey: Processing of Climate Data”12. International Congress On Advances In Civil Engineering, 2016.

6.3.11. Ozturk, H.I., Pamuk, O. ”Effect of Compaction Temperatures on the Warm Mix Asphalt Volumetrics and Stability” Tenth International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, Athens, Greece, 2017.

 6.3.12. Ozturk, H.I., Kamran , F. “Effect of Conditioning Time and Temperature on the Volumetrics and Stability of Dry Process Crumb Rubber Modified Warm Asphalt Mixtures” 18th World Road Meeting, New Delhi, India, 2017.

6.3.13. Ozturk, H.I., Kamran , F.” Effect of Dry Process Crumb Rubber Modification on the Compactibility of Warm and Hot Mix Asphalt”, Asphalt Rubber Conference, Kruger Park, South Africa, 2018.

6.3.14. Ozturk, H.I., Ozcan, G.A., Ateş,, K. “A Strategic Plan for the Implementation and Monitoring of Performance-based Maintenance Contracting (PBMC) for Turkish Construction Sector”, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September 2018, Izmir/TURKEY

6.3.15. Ipekyuz, B, Genel, V., Ozturk, O.F.  Oz, B.,  Ozturk, H.I., Tuydes-Yaman, H. “Perception of Parking Pricing and Willingness-to-Pay (WTP):  A Preliminary Evaluation among METU Campus Users” , 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September 2018, Izmir/TURKEY

Refereed Conference Proceedings (National):

6.4.1. Ozturk, H.I. ve Kutay, M.E. “Püskürtme Tekniğiyle Üretilen Köpük Bitümle Ilık Karışım Asfalt Üretimi” , 6. Ulusal Asfalt Sempozyumu Bildirileri, Ankara, 2014.

6.4.2. Ozturk, H.I. ve Kutay, M.E.  “Lastik Modifiyeli Bitümlerin Sıcak Karışımlarda Kullanım Potansiyelleri” , 6. Ulusal Asfalt Sempozyumu Bildirileri, Ankara, 2014.

6.4.3. Ozturk, H.I. “İklim Değişikliğinin Asfalt Kaplamaları üzerindeki etkileri ve yeni yapım stratejileri” , 7. Ulusal Asfalt Sempozyumu Bildirileri, Ankara, 2017.