- Akbayrak S, Çakmak G, Öztürk T, Özkar S Rhodium (0), Ruthenium (0) and Palladium (0) nanoparticles supported on carbon-coated iron: Magnetically isolable and reusable catalysts for hydrolytic dehydrogenation of of ammonia borane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (online), 2020
- Sarı Doğancan,Yaşar Bengisu,Pişkin Fatih, Kalay Yunus Eren, Öztürk Tayfur Segregation Resistant Nanocrystalline / Amorphous (La, Sr) CoO3-(La, Sr) 2CoO4 Composite Cathodes for IT-SOFCs , Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166, F1157,2019
- Çakmak Gülhan Öztürk Tayfur, Continuous synthesis of graphite with tunable interlayer distance, Diamond and Related Materials 96, 134-139,2019
- Pişkin Fatih, Öztürk Tayfur Nb-Pd-Ti BCC thin films for hydrogen separation Journal of Alloys and Compounds 775, 411-418 2019
- Sarı Doğancan,Pişkin Fatih,Torunoğlu Ziya Çağrı, Kalay Yunus Eren, Öztürk Tayfur Combinatorial development of nanocrystalline/amorphous (La, Sr) CoO3-(La, Sr) 2CoO4 composite cathodes for IT-SOFCs Solid State Ionics 326, 124-130, 2018
- Torunoğlu Ziya Çağrı, Sarı Doğancan, Demircan Oktay, Kalay Yunus Eren, Öztürk Tayfur, Kuru Yener, One pot synthesis of (La, Sr) CoO3/(La, Sr) 2CoO4 for IT-SOFCs cathodes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43, 18642-18649, 2018
- Livan Pelin, Öztürk Tayfur Carbon encapsulation of elemental nanoparticles by spark discharge Journal of Materials Science 53, 14350-14360,2018
- Patat Şaban, Ülgen A. Yıldız S. Türkmen AR, Öztürk Tayfur Wood derived hard carbon anode material for low-cost sodium-ion batteries towards practical application for grid energy storage Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 50, 181 – 186, 2018
- Öztürk Tayfur, Preface: 2nd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (mESC-IS2017) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43, 18545-18548,2018
- Eyövge Cavit, Öztürk Tayfur, Nafion coated Mg50Ni50 and (La, Mg) 2Ni7 negative electrodes for NiMH batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165, A2203-A2208,2018
- Livan Pelin, Miser Burcu,Altınok Sertaç, Eyövge Cavit, Aydinol Mehmet Kadri, Öztürk Tayfur Carbon Encapsulated Silicon Nanoparticles as Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries, ECS Transactions 77 (11), 373-382, 2017
- Sari Doğancan, Torunoglu Ziya Cagri, Kalay Yunus Eren, Öztürk Tayfur, Preparation of La 0.8 Sr 0.2 CoO 3-d sputtering targets using a deformable compaction die”, Ceramics International, Vol 43, 15185, 2017
- Pişkin Fatih, Öztürk Tayfur, ” Combinatorial screening of Pd-Ag-Ni membranes for hydrogen separation”, Journal of Membrane Science, Vol 524, 631, 2017
- Aktekin Burak, Eyövge Cavit, Öztürk Tayfur, Carbon coating of magnesium particles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol 720, 17, 2017
- Tan Semra , Shen Yang , Şahin Ezgi Onur ,Noréus, Dag, ÖztürkTayfur , Activation behavior of an AB2 type metal hydride alloy for NiMH batteries, Special Issue: 1st International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (mESC-IS 2015), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41, 9948–9953, 2016
- Piskin, Fatih; Akyildiz, Hasan; Ozturk, Tayfur, “Ti modified Pd-Ag membranes for hydrogen separation”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,24, 7553-7558, 2015
- Aydinli, Alptekin; Aktekin, Burak; Ozturk, Tayfur, “Size reduction in Mg rich intermetallics via hydrogen decrepitation”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 645, S27-S31 , 2015
- Aktekin B, Cakmak, G, Ozturk T ” Induction thermal plasma synthesis of Mg2Ni nanoparticles”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 9859-9864 2014
- Cakmak, Gulhan; Ozturk, Tayfur , Milling of magnesium powders without additives Powder Technology 237 484-488 2013
- Gharavi A G.; Akyildiz H, Ozturk T. “Thickness effects in hydrogen sorption of Mg/Pd thin films” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 580 S175-S178 2013
- Cakmak, G; Ozturk, T ECAP processing and mechanical milling of Mg and Mg-Ti powders: a comparative study Journal of Materials Science 46 5559-5567 2011
- Olmez, R; Cakmak, G; Ozturk, T Combinatorial search for hydrogen storage alloys: Mg-Ni and Mg-Ni-Ti International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 11957-11965 2010.
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- Akyildiz, H; Ozturk T “Hydrogen sorption in crystalline and amorphous Mg-Cu thin films” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 492 745-750 2010
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