Project Work
2013 –Cont | Principal Investigator
Investigating the Effect of Social Networks with respect to Instruction, Teacher and Students (BAP-05-05-2013-004) |
2012 – Cont. | Principal Investigator
Improving Teachers’, Students’ and Parents’ knowledge and skills in IT Security in Primary and Secondary Schools. METU Scientific Research Project |
2012 –2013 | Researcher
Developing Mobile Supported Learning Environments and Evaluating Those Based on Cognitive Load Theory. METU Scientific research Project |
2011- 2013 | Principal Investigator
Cisco Networking Academy, Turkey Impact Study Project, METU. Consultant |
2008-2009 | Researcher
Cisco Networking Academy, Turkey Ministry of National Education Vocational Schools Cisco IT Essentials Course Evaluation Project |
2005-2006 | Researcher
Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Indiana University – Bloomington, IN, USA. Cisco Funded 3 year research, approximately- $2,000,000 project. |
2005-2006 | Researcher
Decatur School District Systemic Change Project, Indiana University – Bloomington, IN, USA |
2004-2006 | Active in project development phase and member of supreme council of the project.
EGMEP “Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Eğitim Portalı”, DPT Project, METU, 2004-2006. Active in project development phase and member of supreme council of the project. (Aproximatly $1.000.000 DPT project) |