
Interest and expertise:

  • Developing new ways of imaging – practical realization and computational aspects
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
  • Electrical Impedance Imaging / Tomography
  • Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT)
  • Magnetic Resonance Conductivity Tensor Imaging, Current Density Imaging
  • Image reconstruction
  • Inverse problems
  • Imaging systems
  • Medical instrumentation and data acquisition systems
  • Respiratory instrumentation
  • E-health and remote sensing

Funded Projects:

  • TÜBİTAK EEEAG-116E157 (PI), “Simultaneous magnetic resonance diffusion tensor and conductivity tensor imaging,” 03/2017 – 03/2020.
  • TÜBİTAK EEEAG-113E979 (PI), “Induced current magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography,” 08/2014 – 08/2016.
  • TÜBİTAK EEEAG-113E301 (PI), “Development of a MR compatible programmable current source,” 08/2013 – 08/2014.
  • TÜBİTAK EEEAG-107E141 (PI), “Optimisation of data acquisition and image reconstruction in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography and realization of anisotropic conductivity imaging,” 10/2007 – 10/2010.
  • BAP 08-11-DPT2002-K120510 (PI), “High resolution anisotropic conductivity imaging using magnetic resonance – electrical impedance tomography,” 04/2004-04/2007.
  • BAP 2005-07-02-00-36 (PI), “Numerical modelling of magnetic resonance imaging in heteregenous magnetic fields,” 01/2005-12/2005.
  • BAP 2005-07-02-00-35 (PI), “RF-coil design for magnetic resonance imaging in heteregenous main magnetic fields,” 01/2005-12/2005.
  • BAP 2005-07-02-00-34 (PI), “Current optimisation in magnetic resonance current density imaging,” 01/2005-12/2005.
  • BAP 2004-03-01-05 (PI), “Permenant magnet design for magnetic resonance imaging in heteregenous magnetic fields,” 01/2005-12/2005.
  • BAP 2004-03-01-05 (PI), “Imaging lead sensitivity maps for bioelectrical field measurements using magnetic resonance electrical impedance imaging techniques,” 01/2004-12/2004.
  • BAP 2003-03-01-02 (PI), “Equipotential projection based magnetic resonance – electrical impedance tomography,” 05.2003-04/2004
  • AGUDOS 2003-03-01-1-00-35 (PI), “Reorganisation of the Clinical Engineering Center of TYIH,” 2003.
  • BAP 2002-03-01-02 (PI), “Development of a programmable – variable frequency electrical impedance measurement and imaging system”, 01/2002-12/2002.
  • BAP 2002-03-01-01 (PI), “Imaging electrical current flow using low-field magnetic resonance imaging system – a new medical imaging modality”, 01/2002-12/2002.
  • TÜBİTAK EEEAG-198E006 (PI), “High resolution conductivity imaging using magnetic resonance,” 09/1998 – 09/2001.
  • AFP 2000.08.00.02, “Design and implementation of a gyroscope test and data acquisition system,” 12 /2000 – 12/2001.
  • TÜBİTAK EEEAG-136 (PI), “Statistically constrained electrical impedance tomography system,” 04/1994 – 02/1997.
  • AFP 94-01-010-012 (PI), “Measuring tissue conductivity using electrical impedance tomography” 01/1995 – 06/1996.
  • European Community Concerted Action in Electrical Impedance Tomography (Active Participant) 01/1994 – 12/1995.