Prof. Dr. Pınar Çalık
Dr. Pınar Çalık is the Professor of Chemical Reaction Engineering, focusing on biocatalysis and biochemical reaction engineering. Professor Çalık’s Lab comprises the “Industrial Biotechnology and Metabolic Engineering” and “Biocatalysis and Biochemical Reaction Engineering” Laboratories. Professor Çalık has been an Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Microbiology and Letters in Applied Microbiology since 2007, and she was a Guest Editor of the Biotechnology Journal’s Special Issue on Biotechnology in Turkey. Professor Çalık is presently the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department at METU.
She received her Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Chemical Engineering from Ankara University in 1998. Between 1998-1999 she was a Lecturer at Ankara University. From 1999-2006 she was Associate Professor at METU; since 2006, she has been working as a Professor at METU. Professor Çalık is a recipient of the Turkish Academy of Sciences Distinguished Young Scientists Award.
Her “Industrial Biotechnology and Metabolic Engineering Research Group” is currently researching the production of recombinant proteins, i.e., industrial enzymes and pharmaceutical proteins, by Bacillus species, E.coli and Pichia pastoris. Her expertise areas are research on the influence of bioreactor operation parameters on productivity and selectivity, whereupon, on intracellular reaction networks; modeling of intracellular reaction networks and analyses; metabolic engineering in B. subtilis, and catalyzes through metabolic engineering; and site-directed bio-mimetic chemisorption based protein affinity purification.
2022-2023 Spring
CHE 311 – Chemical Reaction Engineering
CHE 320 – Chemical Engineering Laboratory I
CHE 498 – Topics in Chemical Engineering I
CHE 499 – Topics in Chemical Engineering II
2022-2023 Fall
CHE 311 – Chemical Reaction Engineering
CHE 490 – Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering
CHE 498 – Topics in Chemical Engineering I
CHE 499 – Topics in Chemical Engineering II
Honors and Awards
-Turkish Academy of Science Distinguished Young Scientists Award, 2002
-Professor Tarık G. Somer Academic Achievement Award, METU, 2001
-The British Council Bursary: UMIST & University of Newcastle upon Tyne, April-May 1998
-NATO Fellowship TUBITAK : (Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey), 1996
(University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology)
-The British Council Bursary, Jan-Feb 1996
(University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST)
-Ph.D. Bursary TUBITAK (Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey), 1994-1998
-M.Sc. Bursary TUBITAK (Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey), 1993 – 1994
–Journal of Applied Microbiology (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing)
Associate Editor
–Letters in Applied Microbiology (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing)
Associate Editor
–Biotechnology Journal (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing)
Editorial by Biotech in Turkey Special Issue Guest Editors Hikmet Geçkil & Pınar Çalık