September 2023
We welcome the MSc students Seray Yaşar and Wajeeha Raja to Professor Çalık’s Group.
We welcome the BSc students Ahmet Berkant Çinko and Nehir Öncü (ChE 498) to Professor Çalık’s Group.
September 2022
Oğuz Ulaş Yaman has graduated and received her MSc degree. Congratulations! (August 31, 2022).
June 2022
We welcome the BSc student Murat Esen to Professor Çalık’s Group. Murat will focus on bioreactor operation parameters’ effects on recombinant human growth hormone production.
December 2021
We welcome the BSc students Alper Koyuncu, Cansu Şendil, Ece Bahar Yıldırım, and Gülce İlhan to Professor Çalık’s Group. Cansu and Ece are focusing on synthetic promoter design for recombinant human growth hormone production. Gülce is focusing on the improvement of the cellular properties of P. pastoris to increase recombinant protein production. Alper is focusing on the effects of bioreactor operation parameters on recombinant human growth hormone production.
September 2021
We welcome the Ph.D. student İdil Dayankaç to Professor Çalık’s Group. İdil’s Ph.D. project is focusing on metabolic engineering design and constructions in P. pastoris for a therapeutical protein production for the pharmaceutical industry.
February 2020
We welcome the Ph.D. student Beste Avcı to Professor Çalık’s Group. Beste’s Ph.D. project is focusing on metabolic engineering design and constructions in P. pastoris for an intermediate biochemical production for the chemical industries.
September 2019
We welcome MSc student Oğuz Ulaş Yaman to Professor Çalık’s Group. Ulaş’s MSc project is focusing on systems biology and prediction of the essential knowledge for designing synthetic promoter architectures in yeasts.
August 2019
Professor Pınar Çalık has received a grant as the principal investigator from The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey through TÜBİTAK-1001. 30-month funding will support her work on developing novel double promotor systems for therapeutic protein production with enhanced titer and productivity.
PhD and MSc students will be funded through the project. We are always looking for talented and highly motivated PhD students to join our research group.
July 2019
İrem Demir was awarded scholarship by TÜBİTAK through BİDEB 2210C bursary. Congratulations!
İrem Demir (MSc) will continue her PhD studies at LISBP in Toulouse (France), by October 2019.
June 2019
The graduate students of “Biochemical Reaction Engineering-, and Industrial Biotechnology and Metabolic Engineering Research Group” İrem Demir (MSc) and Sibel Öztürk (Ph.D.) visited Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse (INSA, France) for collaboration within the project “Integrative and comparative analyses of the response of Pichia pastoris reaction network to expression systems designed with engineered promoters” between the dates 3-14 June 2019.
January 2019
Our project entitled “Integrative and comparative analyses of the response of Pichia pastoris reaction network to expression systems designed with engineered promoters”
has been granted by the European Union through IBISBA 1.0.
November 2018
İrem Demir was selected as the winner of the 2018 Professor Hasan Orbey Award. The Hasan Orbey Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Graduate Studies recognizes successful graduate students of the Ph.D. and MSc Programme. Congratulations İrem!
September 2018
Dr. Burcu Gündüz Ergün has graduated and received her PhD degree. Congratulations! (Sept 3, 2018)
We welcome our new MSc student İdil Dayankaç whose project will focus on rhGH production.
We welcome our new graduation project students (CHE498) Miray Tüzmen, Nurkan Sarohan, Merve Atlıoğlu, and Oğuz Ulaş Yaman whose project will focus on effect of different promoters on r-protein production in Pichia pastoris.
June 2018
İrem Demir was awarded scholarship by TÜBİTAK through BİDEB 2210C bursary. Congratulations!
March 2018
Professor Pınar Çalık has been appointed to the position of Head of Department of Chemical Engineering.
Yiğit Akgün, Onur Ersoy, and Özge Kalender were awarded scholarship by Council of Higher Education (YÖK) through 100/2000 Progamme. Congratulations!
Nazlı Ekin Artan’s research will be supported by METU Undergraduate Research Project Funding Programme. Congratulations!
February 2018
We welcome our new PhD student Özge Kalender whose project will focus on pharmaceutical protein production.
We welcome our new PhD student Yiğit Akgün whose project will focus on separation of pharmaceutical proteins through fine ligands.
We welcome our new graduation project student (CHE499) Bouthaina Aoudi whose project will focus on effect of different promoters on r-protein production in Pichia pastoris.
Özge Kalender has graduated and received her MSc degree. Congratulations! (Jan 30, 2018)
Yiğit Akgün has graduated and received his MSc degree. Congratulations! (Jan 29, 2018)
January 2018
Nazlı Ekin Artan will present her Graduation Project Topic (CHE499): “Extracellular human growth hormone production by Bacillus subtilis ” on Jan 19, 2018.
Yiğit Akgün will defend his MSc Thesis: “THERAPEUTIC PROTEIN PRODUCTION AND ITS SEPARATION” on Jan 29, 2018.
Özge Kalender will defend her MSc Thesis: “Metabolic engineering design of Pichia pastoris for human growth hormone production under a novel promoter” on Jan 30, 2018.
November 2017
Dr. Özge Ata (received PhD on 18th of September 2017) has been employed by BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria) as Post-Doctorate Researcher in the Research Group of Professor Diethard Mattanovich , beginning from November 2017.
October 2017
Burcu Gündüz Ergün (PhD Student) will carry out research for 9 months in Professor Diethard Mattanovich Laboratory in BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria) beginning from 17 October 2017.
We welcome our new PhD student Onur Ersoy whose project will focus on pharmaceutical protein production.
We welcome our new MSc student İrem Demir whose project will focus on pharmaceutical protein production under double promoter systems.
September 2017
Dr. Özge Ata has graduated and received her PhD degree. Congratulations! (Sept 18, 2017)
Onur Ersoy has graduated and received his MSc degree. Congratulations! (Sept 15, 2017)
Dr. Pınar Kocabaş (received PhD on 27th of February 2017) has been employed by Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) as Post-Doctorate Researcher in the Dept of Biology and Biological Engineering, in the Research Group of Professor Jens Nielsen, beginning from September 2017.
Damla Hüccetoğulları (MSc) will continue her PhD studies at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Dept Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, in Professor Sang Yup Lee’s Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory, by September 2017.
Burcu Gündüz Ergün (PhD Student) was awarded scholarship by TÜBİTAK and will carry out research for 9 months in Professor Diethard Mattanovich Laboratory in BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria).
Özge Ata will defend her PhD Thesis: “Transcriptional engineering of gap promoter for improved recombinant protein production by Pichia pastoris” on Sept 18, 2017.
Professor Diethard Mattanovich (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Dept of Biotechnology, Vienna, and Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology) will visit METU Dept of Chemical Engineering, as Ms. Özge Ata’s PhD co-supervisor and a member of the PhD Thesis Defence Examination Committee, on 18th of September 2017.
Professor Pınar Çalık will visit Dept d’Enginyeria Química, Biològica i Ambiental, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain), upon invitation for a PhD Thesis Defence Examination Committee, on 29th of September 2017, and for presenting a conference.