

September 2025

Professor Çalık is planning to accept graduate students (1 PhD, 2 MSc) for the 2023 Fall Semester. If you are willing to join Professor Çalık’s Group as a graduate student, you can apply through one of the following METU Graduate Programs:  (1) Chemical Engineering (CHE),  (2) Biomedical Engineering (BME), (3) Biotechnology (BTEC), or (4) Bioinformatics.

Students who want to do MSc and PhD in Professor Çalık’s Lab are requested to send their intention letter, resume, and transcript to

June 2025

I plan to accept undergraduate students for July-December 2025If you want to join my research group as an undergraduate researcher, please send your resume and transcript to


SET1 : Success in CHE 311 Chemical Reaction Engineering and BIOL 317 (or BIOL 303)
SET2 : Success in CHE 311 Chemical Reaction Engineering and CENG 310 (or BIN500)




100/2000 PhD Applications (100/2000 Doktora Bursu Başvuruları)

We are always looking for talented and highly motivated PhD students to join our research group.

Council of Higher Education (YÖK)  has generous non-repayable bursaries for PhD students.

100/2000 PhD Applications (100/2000 Doktora Bursu Başvuruları)

We are always looking for talented and highly motivated PhD students to join our research group.

Council of Higher Education (YÖK)  has generous non-repayable bursaries for PhD students.