Publications, Citations, Presentations and Media Appearances
International :
“The Alleged Importance of Dialectics for Science in Soviet Marxism,” forthcoming in Dialogue and Universalism.
(With Hasan Çağatay) “Logical and Nomological Obstacles to Foreknowldge of the Future,” forthcoming in Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology.
“A More Devastating Version of the Raven Paradox,” forthcoming in Think.
“Casting a Shadow on Lewis’s Theory of Causation,” Organon F, 26(2019), pp.287-297. (
“Why am I not Someone Else?” Philosophy Pathways, no.228, December 2018. (At
“Hellman on the Primacy of Base over Superstructure in Historical Materialism,” Philosophy (Bulgaria), 23(2014), pp.239-248. (At
(With S. Elif Gök) “A Philosophical Assessment of Computational Models of Consciousness,” Cognitive Systems Research, 17-18(2012), pp.49-62.
(With Tevfik Aytekin) “Fodor on Causes of Mentalese Symbols,” Organon F, 19(2012), pp.3-15.
(With Tevfik Aytekin) “Misrepresentation and Robustness of Meaning,” Organon F, 17(2010), pp.21-38.
“Settling Rational Disputes—A Dead End?” in Stephen Voss, Berna Kılınç and Gürol Irzık (eds.), Logic and Philosophy of the Sciences (The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy, Vol.5) (Ankara: Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2007), pp.3-12. (At–A_DEAD_END)
“Idealizations and Approximations in Science, and the Bayesian Theory of Confirmation,” in Gürol Irzık and Güven Güzeldere (eds.), Turkish Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 244) (Dordrecht: Springer, 2005), pp.103-112. (At
“A Mereological Look at Motion,” Philosophical Studies, 84(1996), pp.75-89.
“Is Marxist Philosophy Withering Away?” Studies in East European Thought, 45(1993), pp.313-315. (At
“A Closer Look at the Chinese Nation Argument,” Philosophy Research Archives, 13(1987-88), pp.129-136. (At
Domestic :
“Dream Forgetfulness,” Metazihin, 2(2019), pp.93-102. (
(With Tevfik Aytekin) “Being Mindful of Zombies and Phenombies,” Metazihin, 1(2018), pp.159-165. (
(With Hasan Çağatay) “Zamanda Yolculuğun ve Geleceği Önceden Görmenin Mantıksal ve Nomolojik Engelleri” [“Logical and Nomological Obstacles to Time Travel and Foreknowledge of the Future”], Kaygı, 31. issue, 2018, pp.348-371. (At
(With Hasan Çağatay) “Zamanda Yolculuğun Önündeki Mantıksal ve Nomolojik Engeller” [“Logical and Nomological Obstacles to Time Travel”], Düşünbil, 68. issue, June 2018, pp.44-48.
(With Tevfik Aytekin) “Philosophy and Cartoons: Their Relevance to Each Other,” Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy, 3. issue, September 2016, pp.1-12. (
“İnsanlığın Karşılaştığı ve Karşılaşabileceği Büyük Öz-Güven Kayıpları” [“The Big Self-Esteem Erosions that Humanity has Suffered So Far and may Yet to Suffer”], FLSF (Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi), 15. issue, Spring 2013, pp.53-58. (
“Renklerin Uzlaşmazlığı” [“The Incompatibility of Colors”], in Zekiye Kutlusoy (ed.), Tutarsızlığın İz Sürücüsü: Dilde/Düşüncede (Teo Grünberg’e Armağan)(Ankara: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, 2013), pp.215-225. (At
“Hocam Teo Grünberg” [“My Teacher Teo Grünberg”], in Zekiye Kutlusoy (ed.), Tutarsızlığın İz Sürücüsü: Dilde/Düşüncede (Teo Grünberg’e Armağan)(Ankara: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, 2013), pp.93-96.
“Çağdaş Zihin Felsefesinin Bir Panoraması” [“A Panoramic View of the Contemporary Philosophy of Mind”], Düşünbil, 32.-33. issue, November 2012-February 2013, pp.12-20.
“Analitik Zihin Felsefesinin Temel Problemlerine Bir Bakış” [“A Look at the Central Problems of the Analytic Philosophy of the Mind”], Kaygı, 19. issue, Fall 2012, pp.37-54. (At
“’Hiçlik’in Anlamı Üzerine” [“On the Meaning of ‘Nothingness’”], in S. Kibar, S. A. Bayram and A. Sol (eds.), Anlam Kavramı Üzerine Yeni Denemeler (Anlam Kongresi, ODTÜ Felsefe Günleri, 19-21 Aralık 2008) (İstanbul: Legal Kitapevi San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti., 2010), pp.57-65.
“Alaaddin’in Sihirli Lambasının Felsefenin Önemine Tuttuğu Işık” [“The Light Aladdin’s Magic Lamp Casts on the Importance of Philosophy”], Felsefe Yazın, 15. issue, November-December 2009, pp.76-82.
“İnsan Aklının Geleceği” [“The Future of Human Reason”], Bilim ve Ütopya, 180. issue, June 2009, pp.36-37.
“Bilimde İdealleştirmeler ve Yaklaştırmalarla Hipotez Sınanması” [“Using Idealizations and Approximations in Hypothesis Testing in Science”], in K. Arapgirlioğlu, H. Çelebi, N. Ekşi, R. Kızıler, Y. Örs (eds.), Bir Us ve Bilim Savaşçısı: Cemal Yıldırım’a Armağan (Ankara and İstanbul: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, 2008), pp.323-351. (At
“Bilinç” [“Consciousness”], entry in Ahmet Cevizci (ed.), Felsefe Ansiklopedisi, vol. 2 (İstanbul: Etik Yayınları, 2004), pp.574-585.
“Vehbi Hacıkadiroğlu’nun Temellendirme, Mantık ve Rasyonalite Üzerine Görüşlerine Bir Bakış” [“A Look at Vehbi Hacıkadiroğlu’s Views on Argument, Logic and Rationality”], in D. Özlem, H. Ökçesiz, and Ş. Argın (eds.), Vehbi Hacıkadiroğlu Armağanı: Felsefe Tartışmaları (İstanbul: Everest Yayınları, 2002), pp.79-96.
“Yaşasın Teknoloji!” [“Long Live Technology!”], XXI: Mimarlık Kültürü Dergisi, 8. issue, May-June 2001, pp.14-15.
“Büyük Kaybımız Arda Denkel” [“Our Great Loss Arda Denkel”], Felsefe Tartışmaları, 27. issue, 2000, pp.13-19.
“Jeoloji, Felsefe ve Havanda ‘Oikosoloji’ Dövmek” [“Geology, Philosophy, and the Futility of ‘Oikosoloji’”], Mavi Gezegen, 2. issue, 2000, pp.87-91. (
“Jeolojinin ‘Felsefesini Yapmak’” [“‘Philosophizing’ about Geology”], Mavi Gezegen, 2. issue, 2000, pp.19-24.
“Suvar Köseraif’in Felsefede Temellendirme Karamsarlığının Temeli Var mı?” [“Does Suvar Köseraif’s Pessimism about Grounding in Philosophy Have Any Grounds?”], Felsefe Tartışmaları, 23. issue, 1998, pp.37-51.
“Marksist Felsefe Kuruyup Gidiyor mu?” [“Is Marxist Philosophy Withering Away?”], Felsefe Tartışmaları, 15. issue, 1994, pp.103-105.
“Functionalism and the Mental,” Impetus, Book 1, Winter 1986, pp.18-36.
“Değişken Magnetik Alanın Farelerdeki Bazı Fizyolojik Etkilerinin Araştırılması” [“An Investigation of Some of the Physiological Effects of Alternating Magnetic Fields on Mice”], Bilim ve Teknik, 68. issue, July 1973, p.48.
Citations to “A Mereological Look at Motion,” Philosophical Studies, 84(1996), pp.75-89 :
Roy Sorensen, Seeing Dark Things: The Philosophy of Shadows (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), pp.89-92.
Roy Sorensen, “Spinning Shadows,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 72(2006), pp.345-365; pp.354-356.
Roberto Casati and Achille C. Varzi, Parts and Places: The Structures of Spatial Representation (Cambridge, Mass. and London, England: The MIT Press, 1999), pp.210-211, n.8.
Selected Citations of Ackowledgement :
Ercan Salgar, İlerleme Kavramı ve Bilimdeki Yansımaları (İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları, 2015); Önsöz.
Argun Abrek Canbolat, “A Brief Study on Qualia Epiphenomenalism,” Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy, 1. issue, Jan. 2015, pp.83-95; p.95, n.10.
Erhan Demircioğlu, “The Given in Perceptual Experience,” Synthese 192(2015), pp.2667-2693; p.2692, “Acknowledgments” note.
İskender Taşdelen, “A Counterfactual Analysis of Infinite Regress Arguments,” Acta Analytica, 29(2014), pp.195-213; p.213, “Acknowledgement” note.
Pakize Arıkan Sandıkçıoğlu, “The Richness of Perceptual Content,” Kaygı, 21. issue, Autumn 2013, pp.111-120; p.120, n.5.
John Bolender, The Self-Organizing Social Mind (The MIT Press, 2010), p.xiii.
Aret Karademir and Pakize Arıkan Sandıkçıoğlu, “David Lewis’in Modal Realizminde Dünya-Ötesi Karşıolgusal Önermeler, İkinci-Dereceden Dünyalar ve Dünyalar-Arası Nedensellik Sorunları,” Felsefe Tartışmaları, 43. issue, Year: 2009, pp.1-15; p.2, n.1.
Roy Sorensen, “Spinning Shadows,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 72(2006), pp.345-365; p.364, “Acknowledgements” note.
Roy Sorensen, “Meta-Conceivability and Thought Experiments,” in Shaun Nichols (ed.), The Architecture of the Imagination (Clarendon Press, 2006), pp.257-272; p.257, acknowledgements note.
David Grünberg, “Confirmation of Theoretical Hypotheses: Bootstrapping with a Bayesian Face,” in Gürol Irzık and Güven Güzeldere (eds.), Turkish Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol.:244) (Dordrecht: Springer, 2005), pp.87-101; p.100, n.1.
John Bolender, “A Farewell to Isms,” in Sven Walter and Heinz-Dieter Heckmann (eds.), Physicalism and Mental Causation (Imprint Academic, 2003), pp. 109-128; p. 126, n. 3.
Theodore Arabatzis, “Can a Historian of Science Be a Scientific Realist?” Philosophy of Science (Proceedings), 68(2001), pp.S531-S541; p.S531, acknowledgements note.
John Bolender, “A Two-Tiered Cognitive Architecture for Moral Reasonong,” Biology and Philosophy, 16 (2001), pp.339-356; p.355, “Acknowledgments” note.
İlhan İnan, “Aynıların Ayırdedilemezliği,” Felsefe Tartışmaları, 26. issue, Year: 2000, pp.15-20; p.20, n.1.
Murat Baç, “Propositional Knowledge and the Enigma of Realism,” Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel, 27(1999), pp.199-223; p.222, n.33.
Ayhan Sol and Hasan Ünder, “A Model for the Conservation of Geological Remains as Documents,” Environmental Geology, 37(1999), pp.26-30; p.29, “Acknowledgments” note.
Murat Baç, “Philosophy in Experimental Psychology: A Philosopher’s Reply,” Explorations in Knowledge, Vol.2, No.2, 1996, pp.1-10; p.10, n.21.
Andrew Oldenquist, The Non-Suicidal Society (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1986), p.xiii.
(With Hasan Çağatay) “Logical and Nomological Obstacles to Time Travel and to Foreknowledge of the Future,” Space and Time: An Interdisciplinary Approach; Vilnius University, Vilnius; Lithuania; 28-29 September 2018.
“How Do Vacuous Truths Become Laws?” Conference on Hypothetical Reasoning; University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; 23-24 August 2014. (Paper published in the proceedings of the conference, which can be found at:
“Dream Forgetfulness,” Dreams, Phantasms and Memories Interdisciplinary Conference; University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland; 19-20 September 2013.
“Why am I not Someone Else?” Being a Human Being, Being a Person Conference; Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom; 16 July 2013.
“The Alleged Importance of Dialectics for Science in Soviet Marxism,” 2nd International Conference of the Asian Philosophical Association; Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea; 26-29 October 2006.
“Thank God for Nothing?” Metaphysics 2006: Third World Conference; Rome, Italy; 6-9 July 2006.
(With Tevfik Aytekin) “How not to Misrepresent Misrepresentation,” 6th European Society for Philosophy and Psychology Conference; Lund University, Lund, Sweden; 11-14 August 2005.
“Being Mindful of Zombies and Phenombies,” Thought Experiments Rethought: International Congress; Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; 24-25 September 2004.
“Settling Rational Disputes—A Dead End?” 21st World Congress of Philosophy; İstanbul; 10-17 August 2003.
“Modelling Mind with the Chinese Nation: Are There Enough Chinese to Do It?” Department of Philosophy Colloquium; University of Turku, Turku, Finland; 19 September 2000.
“Are Idealizations and Approximations a Hindrance or Help in Theory Confirmation?” Department of Philosophy Colloquium; University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; 14 September 2000.
“Infamous Puzzles in Philosophy of Confirmation,” 100 Years of Philosophy: 2nd Joint Symposium of the Department of Philosophy of Boğaziçi University and the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of Athens; Boğaziçi University, İstanbul; 11-12 May 2000.
“Relative Confirmation and the Consequence Condition,” 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science; Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland; 20-26 August 1999.
“Motion and Change of Location,” 3rd European Congress of Analytic Philosophy; University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia; 29 June-4 July 1999.
“Philosophizing the Cartoon,” Cartoon and Philosophy: 5th International Ankara Cartoon Festival; Ankara; 7-11 May 1999.
“How to Tell When Affirmative Action is Too Harsh,” 6th Biennial Conference of the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE); Ankara University, Ankara; 25-28 August 1998.
“The Bayesian Theory of Confirmation, and Idealizations and Approximations in Science,” 20th World Congress of Philosophy; Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; 10-16 August 1998.
“Commentary to Theodore Arabatzis, ‘Can a Historian of Science Be a Scientific Realist?’,” Science – Its Philosophy and Its History: 1st Joint Symposium of the Department of Philosophy of Boğaziçi University and the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of Athens; University of Athens, Athens, Greece; 30-31 March 1998.
“Resolving the Grue Paradox with No Conditions Attached,” Spring 1992 Meeting of The West Virginia Philosophical Society; West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, U.S.A.; 27-28 March 1992.
“Functionalism and the Mental,” Department of Philosophy Colloquium (Fink Award paper presentation); The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.; 15 November 1985.
“Alaadin’in Cininden Felsefenin Büyük Önemi Hakkında Öğrenebileceklerimiz”. Makale: Makalenin ekleri:
“Contra Cantor: How to Count the ‘Uncountably Infinite’”:
“Is Marxist Philosophy Withering Away?–The Sequel”:
“A New Twist to Zeno’s Arrow Paradox”:
“Kıta Felsefesi—Bilim ve Akla Muhalefet Çabasındaki Bir Felsefe Geleneğinin Eleştirisi” [“Continental Philosophy—a Critique of a Philosophical Tradition that Seeks to Oppose Science and Rationality”]:
“What is Wrong with Cantor’s Diagonal Argument?”:
“I Have a Dream! But I can’t Remember It…”:
“On Causes of Causal Regularities”:
“A New Twist on Zeno’s Arrow Paradox”:
On Local Radio :
Radyo ODTÜ (FM 103.1), Ankara : Radio talk program “Bilim ve Toplum” [Science and Society]. As Guest : In 2007 : 25 November, 23 December. In 2008 : 6 January. As Co-Host : In 2007 : 2 December, 16 December, 30 December. In 2008 : 13 January, 27 January, 3 February, 10 February, 17 February, 24 February, 11 May, 26 May, 1 June, 22 June, 29 June. The program was broadcast around 12:30 p.m.-12:50 p.m.
On National TV :
TRT OKUL : As one of the guests interviewed on the episode “Zihin ve Meditasyon” [Mind and Meditation] of the program “Üniversite 2014” [University 2014]. The episode was broadcast on 7 May 2014 at 8:00 p.m.-8:20 p.m. The video of the program can be found at
Haber Türk : As the speaker in a brief live phone interview on the program “Parantez” [Parenthesis], concerning possible philosophical implications of the recent experiments carried out in the Large Hadron Collider in CERN. The program was broadcast on 10 September 2008 at 5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
TRT 4 : As the guest in an interview about philosophy of science, in the program series “Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Felsefe Önlisans Dersleri” [Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University, Philosophy Pre-Licenciate Degree Lectures]. The program was broadcast on 25 February 2008 at 11:50 a.m.-12:10 p.m. and re-run at 11:35 p.m.-11:55 p.m. on the same day.