Grabber Mechanism

Engineering Drawing: This mechanism is used to grab cylindical or close to cylindrical pieces.

Schematic Diagram: Mechanism has eight links and is driven by a hydraulic piston. Links 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 have 2 kinematic elements each. Link 1 and 4 each have 4 kinematic elements.

Determination of the degree-of-freedom:
For the determination of the degree-of-freedom, since the link dimenbsions are not important, the mechanism can be shown schematically as below.

Number of links: l = 8
Number of Joints: j = 10 (9 revolute and 1 prismatic joints)
Degree-of-freedom of the joints: fi = 1 (for revolute and prismatic joints)
Degree-of-freedom of space: λ = 3
Degree-of-freedom of the mechanism
F = 3(8 − 10 − 1) + 10
F = 1