Refereed Journals Publications:
- Ediger, V. S., and Kentel, E. (1999) “Renewable Energy Potential as an Alternative to Fossil Fuels in Turkey,” Energy Conversion and Management, 40(7), 743-755.
- Kentel, E., and Aral, M. (2004) “Probabilistic-fuzzy Health Risk Modeling,” Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA), 18, 324-338.
- Kentel, E., and Aral, M. (2005) “2D Monte Carlo and Monte Carlo-Fuzzy Health Risk Assessment,” Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA), 19, 86-96.
- Kentel, E., and Aral, M. (2007) “Fuzzy multi-objective decision making approach to evaluate pumping demands in coastal aquifers: A case study for Savannah, Georgia,” ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 12(2), 206-217.
- Kentel, E., and Aral, M. (2007) “Risk Tolerance Measure for Decision Making in Fuzzy Health Risk Assessment,” Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA), 21, 405-417.
- Guan, J., Kentel, E. and Aral, M. (2008) “Genetic Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Models and Its Application,” ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 134(1), 64-72.
- Kentel, E. (2009) “Estimation of River Flow by Artificial Neural Networks and Identification of Input Vectors Susceptible to Producing Unreliable Flow Estimates,” Journal of Hydrology, 375, 481-488.
- Aydın, N. Y., Kentel, E., and Duzgun, S. (2010) “GIS-Based Environmental Assessment of Wind Energy Systems for Spatial Planning: A Case Study from Western Turkey,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 364-373.
- Kentel, E., Aksoy, A., Buyuker, B., Dilek, F., Girgin, S., Ipek, M.H., Polat, S., Yetis, U., and Unlu, K. (2011) “Challenges in Development and Implementation of Health Risk-Based Soil Quality Guidelines: Turkey’s Experience,” Risk Analysis, 31(4), 657-667.
- Aydin, N.Y., Kentel, E. and Duzgun, S. (2013) “GIS-Based Site Selection Methodology for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems: A Case Study from Western Turkey,” Energy Conversions and Management, 70, 90-106.
- Kentel, E. and Alp, E. (2013) “Hydropower in Turkey: Economical, Social and Environmental Aspects and Legal Challenges,” Environmental Science and Policy, 31, 34-43.
- Ayvaz, M.T. and Kentel, E. (2014) “Identification of the Best Booster Station Network for a Water Distribution System,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000473, 04014076.
- Ak, M., Yanmaz, A.M., and Kentel, E. (2014) “A comparative study on energy income estimation: A case study in Turkey,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 38, 700-705.
- Sanin, F.D., Filibeli, A., Erdincler, A., Cokgor, E., Kentel, E., Ayol, A., Alagoz, A., Pehlivanoglu-Mantas, E., Sener, G., and Saygili, G. (2014) “Regulatory Framework in Sludge Management: Examples from Around the World,” Journal of Residual Science and Technology, 11(2), 49-54.
- Kendir, E., Kentel, E., and Sanin, F.D. (2015) “Evaluation of Heavy Metals and Associated Health Hazards in a Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant’s Sludge for Its Land Application,” Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, DOI:10.1080/10807039.2014.966590.
- Ergen, K. and Kentel, E. (2015) “An Integrated Map Correlation Method and Multi-Source Sites Drainage Area-Ratio Method for Estimating Streamflows at Ungauged Catchments: A Case Study of the Western Black Sea Regio, Turkey,” Journal of Environmental Management, 166, 309-320.
- Ozcan, Z., Kentel, E., and Alp, E. (2016) “Determination of unit nutrient loads for different land uses in wet periods through modelling and optimization for a semi-arid region,” Journal of Hydrology, 540, 40-49.
- Ak, M., Kentel, E., and Kucukali, S. (2016) “A fuzzy logic tool to evaluate low-head hydropower technologies at the outlet of wastewater treatment plants,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68, 727-737.
- Ak, M., Kentel, E., and Savasaneril, S. (2017) “Operating policies for energy generation and revenue management in single-reservoir hydropower systems,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 1253-1261.
- Ozcan, Z., Baskan, O., Duzgun, S., Kentel, E., and Alp, E. (2017) “A Pollution fate and transport model application in a semi-arid region: Is some number better than no number?” Science of the Total Environment, 595, 425-440.
- Calamak, M., Yanmaz, A.M., and Kentel, E. (2017) “Probabilistic evaluation of the effect of uncertainty in Transient Seepage Parameters,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143(9), 06017009 .
- Ozcan, Z., Kentel, E., and Alp, E. (2017) “Evaluation of the best management practices in a semi-arid region with high agricultural activity”, Agricultural Water Management, 194, 160-171.
- Ak, M., Kentel, E., and Savasaneril, S. (2019) “Quantifying the revenue gain of operating a cascade hydropower plant system as a pumped-storage hydropower system”, Renewable Energy, 139, 739-752.
- Mesta, B., Kargi, P.G., Tezyapar, I., Ayvaz, T.M., Goktas, R.K., Kentel, E., and Tezel, U. (2019) “Determination of Rainfall-Runoff Relationship in Yenicegoruce Basin with HEC-HMS Hydrologic Model (Yenicegörüce Havzası’ndaki Yağış-Akış İlişkisinin HEC-HMS Hidrolojik Modeli ile Belirlenmesi)”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(8), 949-955.
- Mohsenizadeh, M., Tural, M.K., and Kentel, E. (2020) “Municipal Solid Waste Management with Cost Minimization and Emissions Control Objectives: A Case Study of Ankara”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 52, 101807.
- Yavuz, C., Kentel, E., and Aral. M.M. (2020) ”Tsunami risk assessment: economic, environmental and social dimensions”, Natural Hazards 104 (2), 1413-1442.
- Yavuz, C., Kentel, E., and Aral, M.M. (2020) ”Climate change risk evaluation of Tsunami hazards in the Eastern Mediterranean sea”, Water 12 (10), 2881.
- Mesta, B., Akgun, O.B., and Kentel, E. (2021) ”Alternative solutions for long missing streamflow data for sustainable water resources management”, International Journal of Water Resources Development 37 (5), 882-905.
- Mesta, B., Sasaki, H., Nakaegawa, T., and Kentel, E. (2022) ”Changes in precipitation climatology for the Eastern Mediterranean using CORDEX RCMs, NHRCM and MRI-AGCM”, Atmospheric Research 272, 106140.
- Ercan, E. and Kentel, E. (2022) ”Optimum daily operation of a wind-hydro hybrid system”, Journal of Energy Storage 50, 104540.
- Mesta, B. and Kentel, E. (2022) ”Superensembles of raw and bias‐adjusted regional climate models for Mediterranean region, Turkey”, International Journal of Climatology 42 (4), 2566-2585.
- Yavuz, C. and Kentel, E. (2022) “Doğu Akdeniz’deki Tsunamijenik Depremlerin Sosyal Risklerinin Monte Carlo Yöntemi Değerlendirmesi”, Teknik Dergi, 12741-12760, Yazı 703 (in Turkish).
- Yavuz, C. and Kentel, E. (2022) “Social Risk Evaluation of Tsunamigenic Earthquakes using Monte Carlo Simulations in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea”, Teknik Dergi, 33(6), 12741-12760.
- Temel, P., Kentel, E., and Alp, E. (2022) “Development of a site selection methodology for run-of-river hydroelectric power plants within the water-energy-ecosystem nexus”, Science of the Total Environment, 159152.
- Mesta, B., Akgun, O.B., and Kentel, E. (2024) “Improving precipitation estimates for Turkey with multimodel ensemble: a comparison of nonlinear artificial neural network methods with linear methods”, Neural Computing and Applications, 36, 10219-10238.
- Ruso, M., Akıntuğ, B., and Kentel, E. (2024) “Rainwater Harvesting System Analysis for Semi-Arid Climate: A Daily Linear Programming Model”, Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, 35(5), 1-28.
- Yegin, M., Karakaya, G. and Kentel, E. (under review) “Nonstationary Frequency Analysis of Annual Maximum Flow Series: Climate Change versus Land Use/Land Cover Change” Water Resources Management.
- Yegin, M., Nabinejad, S., Karakaya, G., Schüttrumpf, H. and Kentel E. (under review) “Integration of climate change impacts and agent-based modeling to flood risk assessment in an urbanized area” Risk Analysis.
Publications in Conference Proceedings and Poster Sessions:
- Kentel, E. and Aral, M. (2003) “Fuzzy Set Theory Application in Capture Zone Analysis: Probabilistic and Possibilistic Capture Zone Delineation,” AEES Annual Symposium, Atlanta. 2003 (Poster presentation).
- Kentel, E. and Aral, M. (2004) “Optimization of Removal Rates of Target Contaminants from Water Supply Wells,” Sixth International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey. October 6-8, 2004.
- Kentel, E. and Aral, M. (2005) “Uncertainty Modeling Using Fuzzy and Probability Approaches for One Dimensional Solute Transport Problem,” Quad Conference, Atlanta. 2005 (Poster presentation).
- Kentel, E. and Aral, M. (2005) “Effect of Fuzzy Aggregation Operators in Selecting Best Groundwater Management Strategies,” EWRA 2005, 6th International Conference, Menton, France. September 7-10, 2005.
- Kentel, E. and Aral, M. (2006) “Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Availability for Various Pumping Scenarios in Savannah Region,” ASCE World Environment and Water Resources Conference (EWRI), Nebraska, Omaha, 2006.
- Kentel, E. and Aral, M. (2007) “Groundwater Flow Modeling with Imprecise Parameters,” 5th National Hydrology Conference, Ankara, Turkey. September 5-7, 2007 (in Turkish).
- Kentel, E. and Yanmaz, M. (2007) “Evaluation of Problems Related with Operation of Wastewater Collection Systems,” 5th Urban Infrastructure Conference, Antakya/Hatay, Turkey. November 1-2, 2007 (in Turkish).
- Kentel, E. and Yanmaz, M. (2008) “Impact of Hydrologic Uncertainties in Reservoir Routing,” BALWOIS 2008 Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia, May 27-31 2008.
- Yanmaz, M., Gunindi, E., and Kentel, E. (2008) “Interpretation of New Trends in Flood Frequency Analysis: A Case Study,” BALWOIS 2008 Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia, May 27-31 2008.
- Kentel, E. and Yanmaz, M. (2008) “Evaluation of Uncertainties for a Flood Detention Dam Proposed for Fol Creek,” Flood, Landslide and Mitigation of River Beds Conference, Trabzon, Turkey. August 7-8, 2008 (in Turkish).
- Kentel, E. (2009) “Future River Flow Estimations of Gerede-Ulusu River, Ankara, Turkey,” 2009 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA. 14-18 December (Poster presentation).
- Kentel, E. (2010) “Estimation of Gerede-Ulusu River Flows using a Fuzzy Inference System Model”, 6th National Hydrology Conference, PamukkaleUniversity, Denizli, Turkey. September 22-24 (in Turkish).
- Kentel, E. (2011) “Development of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources in Turkey,” 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA. 5-9 December (Poster presentation).
- Kentel, E., Onder, H., and Taskan, C. (2012) “Estimation of Aquifer Parameters in Groundwater Management Using Optimization as an Inverse Problem,” 25th European Conference on Operations Research, Vilnius, Lithuania. 8-11 July, 2012.
- Ak, M., Yanmaz, M., and Kentel, E. (2012) “Electricity market in Turkey – 2011,” 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara, Turkey. 17-19 October 2012.
- Calamak, M., Kentel, E., and Yanmaz, M. (2012) “Seepage Analysis through Earth-fill Dams Having Random Fields,” 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara, Turkey. 17-19 October 2012.
- Kendir, E., Sanin, F.D., and Kentel, E. (2012) “Health Risk Assessment for Land Application of Biosolids in Ankara, Turkey,” 17th European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference and Exhibition, Leeds, UK. 19-21 November 2012.
- Ergen, K. and Kentel, E. (2013) “Selection of the Reference Streamgages using the Map Correlation Method in the Western Black Sea Basin, Turkey,” 6th International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment, Izmir, Turkey. 7-9 January 2013.
- Kentel, E. and Onder, H. (2013) Identification of best installed capacities for the turbines for hydropower plants. Euro/Informs 26th European Conference on Operations Research, Rome, Italy. 1-4 July, 2013.
- Kentel, E. and Cetinkaya, M.A. (2013) Impact of Different Time Series Streamflow Data on Energy Generation of a Run-of-River Hydropower Plant. 2013 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA. 9-13 December (Poster presentation).
- Ozunlu, B. and Kentel, E. (2014) Sustainability Assessment Of A Hydroelectric Power Plant: A Case From Turkey. World Water Congress and Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal. 21-26 September, 2014 (Poster presentation).
- Ak, M. and Kentel, E. (2014) Reservoir Operation. Stochastic Programming and Energy Applications, EURO Mini Conference, Paris, France. 24-26 September, 2014.
- Ozcan, Z. Hatipoglu, A., Baskan, O., Duzgun, S.H., Kentel, E., and Alp, E. (2015) “Integrated Watershed Management for Lake Mogan with the focus of Agricultural Diffuse Pollution,” WEFTEC 2015, The Water Quality Event, The Water Environment Federation, September 26 – 30, 2015, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Ozcan, Z., Kentel, E., and Alp, E. (2015) “Determination of nutrient loads in Mogan watershed through modelling approach,” 17th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, 13–18 September, Berlin, Germany.
- Topal, G.G., Duzgun, H.S., Erdogan, S.T., Kentel, E., and Alp, E. (2015) “Sustainable Stormwater Management on METU Campus, Ankara, Turkey,” Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference, March 30-31, 2015, University of Maryland, Baltimore USA.
- Dogulu, N., and Kentel, E. (2015) “Estimation of Flow Duration Curve for Ungauged Catchments using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and Map Correlation Method: A Case Study from Turkey,” 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA. 14-18 December (Poster presentation).
- Dogulu, N., and Kentel, E. (2015) “Prioritization and Selection of Climate Change Adaptation Measures: A Review of the Literature,” 36th IAHR World Congress, the Hague, the Netherlands. 28 June – 3 July (Poster presentation).
- Gok, E., and Kentel, E. (2015) “Hydropower versus Other Renewable Energy Sources,” World Water Congress XV, International Water Resources Association (IWRA), Edinburgh, Scotland. 25-29 May.
- Yavuz, C., and Kentel, E. (2016) “Coastal Tsunami-Hazard Mapping,” Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change – Erpicum et al. (Eds.), 2016 Taylor and Francis Group, London, ISBN: 978-1-138-02977-4. 4th European Congress of the International Association for Hydro-environment engineering and Research (IAHR).
- Yegin, M., and Kentel, E. (2016) “Flood Risk Mapping Using Economic, Environmental and Social Dimensions,” 12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE), 21-23 September, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Ak, M., Kentel, E., and Savasaneril, S. (2016) “Integrated River Basin Management to Maximize the Combined Benefit from Cascade Hydropower Plants,” 12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE), 21-23 September, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Dogulu, N. and Kentel, E. (2016) “Exploring the added value of machine learning methods in predicting flow duration curves: a comparative analysis for ungaguged catchments,” 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA. 12-16 December (Poster presentation).
- Ayvaz, T. and Kentel, E. (2016) “Su Dağıtım Sistemleri için En İyi Ek Klorlama İstasyon Ağının Simulasyon-Optimizasyon ve Çok Amaçlı Bulanık Karar Verme Modelleri Kullanılarak Belirlenmesi,” International Symposium of Water and Wastewater Management, Malatya, Turkey. October 26-28, 2016.
- Dogulu, N. and Kentel, E. (2017) “Clustering of hydrologic data: a review of methods for runoff predictions in ungaguged basins,” 2017 EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 April (Poster presentation).
- Demir, G., Akyurek, Z., Binley, A., Yucel, I., Kentel, E., Merzi, N., and Yanmaz, M.A. (2017) “Establishing a critical zone observatory site in Turkey,” 2017 EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 April (Poster presentation).
- Ocal, D. and Kentel, E. (2017) “A GIS tool to estimate flow at ungaged basins using the map correlation method”, Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017: 17th International Conference, Trieste, Italy, July 3-6 2017, Proceedings, part IV (pp377-391), doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-62401-3_28.
- Yavuz, C. and Kentel, E. (2017) “Coastal Tsunami and Risk Assessment for Eastern Mediterranean Countries”, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 11-15 December 2017.
- Goktas, R.K., Tezel, U. Kargi, P.G., Ayvaz, T., Tezyapar, I., Mesta, B., and Kentel, E. (2017) “Effect of Using Extreme Years in Hydrologic Model Calibration Performance”, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 11-15 December 2017 (Poster presentation).
- Mohsenizadeh, M., Kentel, E., and Tural, M.K. (2017) “Municipal solid waste management with cost minimization and emission control objectives”, 5th International Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Ankara, Turkey. October 2017.
- Ayvaz, T., Tezel, U., Kentel, E. and Goktas, R.K. (2018) “Weekly flow prediction of Ergene River using an artificial neural network based solution approach”, 13th International Hydroinformatics Conference (HIC2018), Palermo, Italy. 1-6 July 2018.
- Goktas, R.K., Ayvaz, T., Kargi, P.G., Kentel, E., Mesta, B., Tezyapar, I., and Tezel, U. (2018) “Effect of Land Surface Elevation Data Availability on River Hydraulic Model Output”, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. 8-13 April 2018 (Poster presentation).
- Tezyapar, I., Kargı, P.G., Mesta, B., Ayvaz, M.T., Goktas, R.K., Kentel, E. and Tezel, U. (2018) “Investigation of River Water Quality Observation Data Using Hydraulic and Transport Models”, UKSAY International Symposium on Urban Water and Wastewater Management, Denizli, Turkey. 25-27 October 2018. (in Turkish).
- Mesta, B., Kargı, P.G., Tezyapar, I., Ayvaz, M.T., Goktas, R.K., Kentel, E. and Tezel, U. (2018) “Rainfall-runoff modeling at Yenigoruce Basin using HEC-HMS Hydrologic Model”, UKSAY International Symposium on Urban Water and Wastewater Management, Denizli, Turkey. 25-27 October 2018. (in Turkish).
- Akgun, B. and Kentel, E. (2018) “Estimation of Streamflow Using Takagi-Sugeno Rule-Based Model”, in Goffredo La Loggia, Gabriele Freni, Valeria Puleoand Mauro De Marchis (editors). HIC 2018. 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Vol. 3, 18-25.
- Ocal, D. and Kentel, E (2018) “Impact of the Period of Record on Performance of the Map Correlation Method”, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE), İzmir, Turkey. 12-14 September, 2018.
- Yavuz, C. and Kentel, E. (2018) “Probabilistic Tsunami Risk Assessment using Monte Carlo Simulations”, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE), İzmir, Turkey. 12-14 September, 2018.
- Akgun, O.B. and Kentel, E. (2021) ”Ensemble Precipitation Estimation Using a Fuzzy Rule-Based Model”, Engineering Proceedings 5 (1), 48.
- Yegin, M., Mesta B. and Kentel, E. (2023) “Impact of climate change on flood inundation at Silifke, Goksu River Basin, Turkey”, Regional Symposium on Geospatial Information Exchange and Research (GIER), Muscat, Oman, 7-8 March 2023.