Continuing Form Explorations

I search for more forms according to the critics I got. Although I could not emphasize, I tried to create a hierarchy between the chessmen by adding more edges for the left ones or making more curves for the right ones. I tried to ignore the capability of materials and make more forms like very organic and sharp ones above. I will decide which forms I am going to continue with, then I will decide which material suits best for them. I should also do some mock-ups to see how they look.

2 thoughts on “Continuing Form Explorations

  1. Güzin Şen says:

    Hi Pınar,

    I think both ideas (left and right) have potentials for the project.

    What I like about the right one, the organic forms, they all have similar bases but they don’t only act as base but become part of the overall form. You can apply this to the forms of other figures. The asymmetrical extension of the top of the rook is a nice form exploration. I am not sure about the knight, maybe you can extend the “head” part even more downwards to make it identifiable as a knight.

    For the left one, building your figures/form by using layers is interesting. What you can do to improve them is making these “layers” more 3D by making them non-flat. For example, in pawn, your exploration creates a nice relief effect, however in knight, it’s like just two slices…

    For both pawns, they can be even more simpler considering their importance at the game.

    As you already wrote, try building mock-ups until Tuesday.

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