Four Revised Early Concept


  • First Page: 

There could be pre-sowed seeds in fibers which used in soilless agriculture. User only put Seed-Syphere to the nest and take it back there easly after growth. In this way, sepiration of germinating and growth cycles can control easily.

  • Second Page:

Corners of the kitchens usually dead areas. We can use those areas with automated shelf systems. Because the area is restricted maybe this idea can adapted to micro food idea.

  • Third Page:

What could gonna happen to my harvest if I am not home like a month? It can be cold storage system with auto harvest mechanism which work likes cnc machines. In this idea user get interact with storage part, so growth part could be on the ceiling.

  • Fourth Page:

In fourth idea secondary windows or stairwell can be used. Yet, with windows closed systems can not be obtained. And I also enjoy the stairwell idea, accessibility is important. So on, product can place nearby the cooking area.

In Those Placement Concepts:

  1. Paravan (modular, paravan building system)
  2. Storage (oto harvest system with storage unit)
  3. Corner (as I said before I can use corners of the kitchens)
  4. Fridge (modern fridges getting smaller, and this product take some of its load. maybe extra space from smaller fridges can used for it)

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